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VFC on the Block

Vandal Fighting Club, Fight Organization, Las Vegas
Company profile by Thomas Forrester

Amazing Fight Organization with Island history that is contantly rated in the Top 15 Fight Orgs in the World is up for sale. Because of real life the current owner can't run the Org the way he wants and is stepping back. What you get with this amazing organization besides a established Fight Organization, are committed managers and fighters that are true tested warriors.

Reasons to Buy:

1) The Vandal Fight Club creates legends Roger Penrose, Old Leg Tartakov, Stevo Caruga, Karl Schwarzschild, Jack Dye, Lesley Dancer, adn Kodiyak Redd. Not to forget previous fighters whose foundation it helped build like Richard Hall, Rafael Soto, and Karockas Thibodeaux

2) There are already three fights cards booked, each fight has a total income of between $435k to $525K with a average profit of about $250K. 

3) Has 101 fighters with active managers already on the rosters with all but 11 fighters have multiple fight still left on their contract.

4) It is constantly the #2 Fight Org in Vegas and the #12 in the World

5) The fighters deserve a active manager


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