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Sucker Punch Pro Series - SPPS 196 Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 196
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2022-10-21, London, Wombley Arena
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hey folks, Hare Rumpler here back along with my pal Donkey “Dan”, and we’re ready to do a sprint through SPPS 196 which takes place a mere few hours from now over in London!  I’m also doing that side hustle thing I do for a RL living, so truly this will have to be a sprint through as opposed to when I SAY that, but it’s really not, haha! 

Tonight our fun will be capped off by the Light Heavyweight Championship battle between challenger Nig Nig and current, defending Champ, Jeremy Jones!  That should be a great one that I’m sure a large portion of our audience will be tuning in for on the 3 Hour PPV! 

But this card is jam packed with cheap shot goodness, let me tell you! When you have the likes of Trounvouche and Baptiste closing out your Undercard with a Featherweight battle, damn, you know the card is stacked!!! 

All the action this evening will be kicked off by our Welterweights though, with Shutes and Swanson squaring off and HOPEFULLY prepared to give our fans something to get feisty about bright and early!  As for the rest, well, we’ll get to them in more detail below, but…

…let’s get a quick word from our merchandise partner and sponsor and get into each fight in more detail!

Our fantastic and respected sponsor is Shadow Warrior Nutrition now brings you not only their amazing energy loss reduction supplements…now renamed to “Marvin Hagler Marvelous Energy Injections”, but also two new fantastic products!  For those of you out there looking to give the newest members of your stables a leg up in their conditioning and strength so they can truly get the most from their training and take less days off…well, Shadow Warrior also now has “ Sugar Ray Robinson Stamina Pills” and “Jack Johnson Muscle Bulk Powder”!  Truly Shadow Warrior Nutrition is your one-stop shop for all your high end training supplements!  Stop by today!

Now, let's get to it!  The full preview is now up, enjoy all!



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