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Cage Fights Australia

CFA - Cage Fights Australia, Fight Organization, Sydney
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Rising from the ashes to claim a spot back in the ranking of the Sydney based fighting organisations CFA ( Combat Fights Australia )has again been established with the Owner Wessamine Bogonhead coming out of retirement as an owner and making inroads to again establish an organisation that is looking to create a base for new fighters, new managers and an enviroment that wants to hear your questions and is more than happy to help all !

Being open just over a week and having already lauched the first CFA event and having 125 fighters on the books it has been not small task to get a long list of events and fights as fair as possible under way.

So.......if your looking for a contract that will grow as your fighter does, a place that you know is activiely looking to get you fights even outsourcing opponents for 1 fight deals if need be then we welcome you.

Just drop Mad Raefon or Wessamine Bogonhead a line and we are happy to get you signed and on the way to having your figher listed in one of our events.



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