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Richard Cranium (115938) - VIP Manager

Recent Events

23 Apr, 2024 Tuesday - Alistair Fallas celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Apr, 2024 Monday - Reggie Charles celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
31 Mar, 2024 Sunday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
27 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Jim Rhat celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
21 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Vasil Dankovich celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
21 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
24 Feb, 2024 Saturday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
13 Feb, 2024 Tuesday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
29 Jan, 2024 Monday - Alistair Fallas celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
23 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Alexander Borgia
14 Jan, 2024 Sunday - Reggie Charles celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
06 Jan, 2024 Saturday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
02 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Jim Rhat celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
27 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Vasil Dankovich celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
27 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
01 Dec, 2023 Friday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
21 Nov, 2023 Tuesday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
20 Nov, 2023 Monday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Nov, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Hero Complex
19 Nov, 2023 Sunday - Picked up Vasil Dankovich from the free agents list
05 Nov, 2023 Sunday - Alistair Fallas celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
29 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Tom Roberts
21 Oct, 2023 Saturday - Reggie Charles celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
13 Oct, 2023 Friday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
10 Oct, 2023 Tuesday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
09 Oct, 2023 Monday - Jim Rhat celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 Oct, 2023 Tuesday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
26 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Picked up Reggie Charles from the free agents list
25 Sep, 2023 Monday - Picked up Alistair Fallas from the free agents list
25 Sep, 2023 Monday - Picked up Jim Rhat from the free agents list
08 Sep, 2023 Friday - Hero Complex celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
07 Sep, 2023 Thursday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Sep, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Harold Tyler
28 Aug, 2023 Monday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
27 Aug, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Terence Erenberg
27 Aug, 2023 Sunday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
20 Aug, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Slick Rick
19 Aug, 2023 Saturday - Terence Erenberg celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
20 Jul, 2023 Thursday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
17 Jul, 2023 Monday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
17 Jul, 2023 Monday - Picked up Hero Complex from the free agents list
16 Jul, 2023 Sunday - Picked up Slick Rick from the free agents list
15 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Harold Tyler
15 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - Leonidas Dominguez
10 Jul, 2023 Monday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
08 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - Barry Carter
25 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Coyote Wolf
17 Jun, 2023 Saturday - Barry Carter celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
14 Jun, 2023 Wednesday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
14 Jun, 2023 Wednesday - Leonidas Dominguez celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
04 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
03 Jun, 2023 Saturday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
26 May, 2023 Friday - Terence Erenberg celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
17 May, 2023 Wednesday - Coyote Wolf celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
26 Apr, 2023 Wednesday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
23 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
16 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
24 Mar, 2023 Friday - Barry Carter celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
21 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
21 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Leonidas Dominguez celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
11 Mar, 2023 Saturday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
10 Mar, 2023 Friday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
02 Mar, 2023 Thursday - Terence Erenberg celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
21 Feb, 2023 Tuesday - Coyote Wolf celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
31 Jan, 2023 Tuesday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
28 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
20 Jan, 2023 Friday - Picked up Coyote Wolf from the free agents list
17 Jan, 2023 Tuesday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
17 Jan, 2023 Tuesday - Won 100 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
17 Jan, 2023 Tuesday - Won $21,960 on Spin and Win!
11 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Picked up Leonidas Dominguez from the free agents list
11 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Picked up Terence Erenberg from the free agents list
08 Jan, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Ultimate Warrior
05 Jan, 2023 Thursday - Released the fighter - Malcom Farquharson
29 Dec, 2022 Thursday - Barry Carter celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
26 Dec, 2022 Monday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
16 Dec, 2022 Friday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
15 Dec, 2022 Thursday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
29 Nov, 2022 Tuesday - Ultimate Warrior celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
21 Nov, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Wilbur Ratt
07 Nov, 2022 Monday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
04 Nov, 2022 Friday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
04 Nov, 2022 Friday - Malcom Farquharson celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
28 Oct, 2022 Friday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
05 Oct, 2022 Wednesday - Barry Carter celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
02 Oct, 2022 Sunday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
26 Sep, 2022 Monday - Picked up Malcom Farquharson from the free agents list
25 Sep, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Guy Bernier
22 Sep, 2022 Thursday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
21 Sep, 2022 Wednesday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
21 Sep, 2022 Wednesday - Wilbur Ratt celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
05 Sep, 2022 Monday - Ultimate Warrior celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
15 Aug, 2022 Monday - Guy Bernier celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
14 Aug, 2022 Sunday - Damian Tonon celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
13 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Damian Tonon from the free agents list
13 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Guy Bernier from the free agents list
11 Aug, 2022 Thursday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
07 Aug, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Karl Skarsgard
04 Aug, 2022 Thursday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Barry Carter
12 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Kevin Lassiter
12 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Riyu Mendes
11 Jul, 2022 Monday - Released a fighter - Damon Petrers
09 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
29 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
28 Jun, 2022 Tuesday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
28 Jun, 2022 Tuesday - Wilbur Ratt celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
12 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Ultimate Warrior celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
01 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Karl Skarsgard celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
19 May, 2022 Thursday - Damon Petrers celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
18 May, 2022 Wednesday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
11 May, 2022 Wednesday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
06 May, 2022 Friday - Riyu Mendes celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
22 Apr, 2022 Friday - Kevin Lassiter celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
15 Apr, 2022 Friday - Nino Babel celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
14 Apr, 2022 Thursday - Picked up Riyu Mendes from the free agents list
05 Apr, 2022 Tuesday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
04 Apr, 2022 Monday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
04 Apr, 2022 Monday - Wilbur Ratt celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
25 Mar, 2022 Friday - Picked up Nino Babel from the free agents list
19 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Ultimate Warrior celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
08 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Karl Skarsgard celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
23 Feb, 2022 Wednesday - Damon Petrers celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
22 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Tom Roberts celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
27 Jan, 2022 Thursday - Kevin Lassiter celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
17 Jan, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Victor Veidt
10 Jan, 2022 Monday - Alexander Borgia celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
09 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
09 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Wilbur Ratt celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
04 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Picked up Ultimate Warrior from the free agents list
03 Jan, 2022 Monday - Picked up Alexander Borgia from the free agents list
02 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Travis Scotty
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Victor Veidt celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
13 Dec, 2021 Monday - Karl Skarsgard celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
09 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Picked up Victor Veidt from the free agents list
02 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Picked up Karl Skarsgard from the free agents list
30 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Damon Petrers celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
29 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Tom Roberts
28 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Saul Goodman
22 Nov, 2021 Monday - Danny Davis celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
14 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Trage Tragedy
03 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Kevin Lassiter celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
31 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - William Lindy
28 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Trage Tragedy celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
24 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Travis Scotty celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
16 Oct, 2021 Saturday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
16 Oct, 2021 Saturday - Wilbur Ratt celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
17 Sep, 2021 Friday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
06 Sep, 2021 Monday - Damon Petrers celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
05 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Anton Gardner
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Danny Davis
28 Aug, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - James Beam
15 Aug, 2021 Sunday - William Lindy celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
10 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Kevin Lassiter celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Anton Gardner celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Trage Tragedy celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
31 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Travis Scotty celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
23 Jul, 2021 Friday - Ian Stronk celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
23 Jul, 2021 Friday - Wilbur Ratt celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
24 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
13 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - James Beam
13 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Billy Blade
13 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Damon Petrers celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
07 Jun, 2021 Monday - Won $284 on Spin and Win!
22 May, 2021 Saturday - William Lindy celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
17 May, 2021 Monday - Kevin Lassiter celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Anton Gardner celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Trage Tragedy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 May, 2021 Friday - Travis Scotty celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Wilbur Ratt
29 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Ian Stronk
24 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Darrel Lacey
21 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Billy Blade celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
17 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Marvin Martin
31 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
27 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - John Makres
20 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Damon Petrers celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
03 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Picked up Trage Tragedy from the free agents list
27 Feb, 2021 Saturday - Picked up John Makres from the free agents list
26 Feb, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - William Lindy
26 Feb, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Paul Whittaker
22 Feb, 2021 Monday - Darrel Lacey celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
21 Feb, 2021 Sunday - Kevin Lassiter celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
19 Feb, 2021 Friday - Anton Gardner celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
16 Feb, 2021 Tuesday - Marvin Martin celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
11 Feb, 2021 Thursday - Beam Scotty celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
06 Feb, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Jaxon Riley
26 Jan, 2021 Tuesday - Billy Blade celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
16 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Jaxon Riley celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
14 Jan, 2021 Thursday - Paul Whittaker celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
05 Jan, 2021 Tuesday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
25 Dec, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Damon Petrers
21 Dec, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Fernando Martinez
29 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Darrel Lacey
29 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Bobby Bryant
28 Nov, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Kevin Lassiter
28 Nov, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Joey Hernandez
26 Nov, 2020 Thursday - Anton Gardner celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
23 Nov, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Marvin Martin
20 Nov, 2020 Friday - Fernando Martinez celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
18 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - Beam Scotty celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
02 Nov, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Billy Blade
28 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Bobby Bryant celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
26 Oct, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Peter Parker
24 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Started a new company - My Clothes Company
23 Oct, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Jaxon Riley
22 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Jorginho Marcelo
21 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Paul Whittaker
18 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Joey Hernandez celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
14 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - NoBrain Mentally
12 Oct, 2020 Monday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
08 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Peter Parker celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
06 Oct, 2020 Tuesday - NoBrain Mentally celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
30 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Igor Shevchenko
17 Sep, 2020 Thursday - Igor Shevchenko celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Jorginho Marcelo celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
02 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Anton Gardner celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Aug, 2020 Thursday - Fernando Martinez celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
25 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Beam Scotty celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
04 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Bobby Bryant celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
25 Jul, 2020 Saturday - Joey Hernandez celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
19 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
15 Jul, 2020 Wednesday - Peter Parker celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
13 Jul, 2020 Monday - NoBrain Mentally celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
24 Jun, 2020 Wednesday - Igor Shevchenko celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
22 Jun, 2020 Monday - Jorginho Marcelo celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
09 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Anton Gardner celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
06 Jun, 2020 Saturday - Picked up Igor Shevchenko from the free agents list
03 Jun, 2020 Wednesday - Fernando Martinez celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
01 Jun, 2020 Monday - Beam Scotty celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
25 May, 2020 Monday - Picked up Anton Gardner from the free agents list
24 May, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Perry Cox
18 May, 2020 Monday - Picked up NoBrain Mentally from the free agents list
17 May, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Bobby Bryant from the free agents list
01 May, 2020 Friday - Joey Hernandez celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
21 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Peter Parker celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
14 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Perry Cox celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Tyrion Lannister
10 Apr, 2020 Friday - Tyrion Lannister celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Rowan Atkinson
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Vinnie Fightman
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Vinnie Fightman celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Jorginho Marcelo celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
10 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Fernando Martinez celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
08 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Beam Scotty celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
08 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Joey Hernandez from the free agents list
08 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Rowan Atkinson from the free agents list
05 Mar, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Magomed Magomedov
01 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Joe Sixpack
31 Jan, 2020 Friday - Saul Goodman celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Peter Parker celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
20 Jan, 2020 Monday - Perry Cox celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
17 Jan, 2020 Friday - Picked up Magomed Magomedov from the free agents list
16 Jan, 2020 Thursday - Tyrion Lannister celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
11 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Fred Smith
04 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Vinnie Fightman celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
04 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Jorginho Marcelo celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
31 Dec, 2019 Tuesday - Joe Sixpack celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Saul Goodman moved base to - Las Vegas
21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Perry Cox moved base to - Las Vegas
21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Tyrion Lannister moved base to - Las Vegas
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Picked up Tyrion Lannister from the free agents list
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Picked up Perry Cox from the free agents list
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Picked up Saul Goodman from the free agents list
16 Dec, 2019 Monday - Fernando Martinez celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
14 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Beam Scotty celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
06 Dec, 2019 Friday - Fred Smith celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
04 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Fighter: Jorginho Marcelo moved location to - Las Vegas
24 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Jorginho Marcelo moved location to - New York
21 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Fighter: Jorginho Marcelo moved location to - Las Vegas
10 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Daniel Booningham
10 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Jorginho Marcelo moved location to - Montreal
03 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Peter Parker celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
27 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Jorginho Marcelo moved location to - Las Vegas
11 Oct, 2019 Friday - Vinnie Fightman celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
11 Oct, 2019 Friday - Jorginho Marcelo celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
09 Oct, 2019 Wednesday - Daniel Booningham celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
07 Oct, 2019 Monday - Joe Sixpack celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
06 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Jorginho Marcelo moved location to - Montreal

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