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Coming up we have a super heavyweight MMA rules bout between Desi Kraag (ranked 1237 p4p, 2934 weight class) and Klaus Chugman (ranked 43 p4p, 77 weight class). There are an array of beautiful celebrities at ringside tonight! I wonder if any of them paid for their tickets.

193 cm
20 - 25 - 0
150 cm
27 - 22 - 0
Abu Dhabi Champ
World class boxer
Cardio machine
BJJ Red Belt
World class MT
Good gas tank

Voodoo Nutrition

© Trap House

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the super heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 20 - 25 - 0, fighting out of Las Vegas, Desi Kraag!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 27 - 22 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Klaus Chugman!
The judges for this bout are James Glass, William Gold and Donald Grub.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Kraag misses with a body shot.
Chugman wants to clinch.
Chugman slips a straight right by Kraag.
Kraag misses with a wild body shot.

Chugman instigates a clinch.
Kraag is trying to break the clinch but Chugman has him pressed against the cage.
We can't be sure of the tactics at this early stage but we have heard that Chugman has been working on his takedowns a lot in the buildup to the fight and we can only assume he's going to look to take this to the mat.
Chugman pressing his opponent against the cage.
Chugman keeps the fight in the clinch, despite Kraag's efforts to push away.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.

Kraag pushes off and circles away, back to the middle of the mat.
Kraag lands a lovely overhand right.
Chugman takes a step towards his opponent and connects with a left hand, before circling away.
The fighters circling - Kraag throws out the jab but it was never going to land.
Kraag swings for the body but Chugman moves out of range.

That's one minute gone in the round.

Chugman fakes a strike and closes the distance, dragging Kraag to the ground. Chugman is now in Kraag's guard.
A big thud reverberates around the arena there as Chugman accidentally thumps the mat. Hopefully he's not broken his hand.
Chugman trying to control the position from guard on top but Kraag is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Kraag is trying to keep Chugman in close.

Kraag looking for a guillotine here but Chugman defends easily.

Kraag throws his legs up looking to secure a triangle. Oh, that looks pretty tight, I gotta say! Chugman escapes and throws Kraag's legs to the side, diving into side control!
Chugman wants to control but Kraag is keeping him busy.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Kraag takes a big shot right to the temple there but he's taken it well.
Kraag can't do much from the bottom here.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Chugman is looking to take a break and control but Kraag is keeping him honest, looking to work from the bottom.

Chugman tries for a kimura. Not really close to a finish though.

Chugman tries for a kimura. Not really close to a finish though.
Kraag keeps Chugman under control for a moment.
Kraag is trying to get back to half guard. He's pushing on Chugman's leg. He's managed it. Nice work.
Kraag wants to control but Chugman is keeping busy.

Kraag looking for submissions off his back.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Chugman is looking to pass the guard... He's managed it - he's now in full mount!
Kraag gets back to half guard.
Chugman is trying to control. Kraag wants to improve his position but can't escape this time.
Kraag gets full guard.

Chugman got a little sloppy there for a moment and Kraag has worked his way into a loose triangle - can he finish it?! No, Chugman has managed to get both his arms back between Kraag's legs - danger averted.

Kraag is looking for a guillotine. You can't force these things though and Chugman defends well.
Chugman slips effortlessly into side control - very nice.
You can see the frustration on Kraag's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Kraag tries to work a leg under to get back to half guard but Chugman wriggles his own leg back out and remains in side control.
You can see the frustration on Kraag's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
Kraag is sneaking out the side here. He's bucked Chugman off and has taken his back!
Chugman is trying to break free.
Chugman is still trying to improve position.
Kraag throwing sloppy strikes.
Chugman wants to escape the position.
Kraag misses with a punch to the head.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!

Kraag is looking to finish the fight by rear naked choke. Chugman knows exactly what he's got planned though, so he's defending well. Maybe a few strikes would soften Chugman for a finish.

Chugman preventing the rear naked choke attempt from Kraag.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

That was a close round but I would say that Desi Kraag will probably get the nod.
The referee calls time. The cornermen exit stage left and we're back to business.

Chugman closes the distance and pushes Kraag back into the cage.
A frustrated look appears on Kraag's face as he tries to break the clinch.
Good anti-grappling being displayed by Kraag as Chugman tries to tie him up.

Kraag escapes the clinch and we're back to striking.
Kraag ducks down and throws a hook to the body.

Chugman feints and then dives in with a takedown. That was a long way out but the feint bought him enough time to close the distance and complete the takedown. Now we'll play guard for a bit and see who can get the better of that position.
Kraag wants to control the position but Chugman says "no thanks buddy" and passes to half guard.
Klaus Chugman has got the better of the ground game so far.
Chugman slows the pace down in half guard.
Kraag wants to get back to full guard.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Chugman seems very keen to just sit and control from half guard but Kraag does not like that idea so much and is remaining active off his back.

Kraag looking to work for a kimura from the bottom.
Kraag is looking to regain full guard. Not this time though.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Kraag taking some punishment here, with Chugman in his half guard.
The referee walks around the fighters to get a better view of the action. Chugman lands a nice short elbow.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.

Chugman is trying to work for a kimura but Kraag is defending well.
Kraag wants to control but Chugman passes into side.
Kraag tries to improve position but can't.
Chugman wants to control but Kraag is keeping him busy.
Kraag tries to bench press Chugman off him but Chugman keeps the position.
Kraag struggling a bit here.
Chugman trying to control the position but Kraag is working away.
Chugman working away.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Chugman is looking for a kimura. He might have it! No, Kraag has escaped the position, nice work there.

Chugman thinks about going for a far side armbar but bails out and retains the dominant position instead.
Kraag regains half guard.
Kraag trying to hold on to Chugman's head to control him but Chugman postures up.
Chugman prevents Kraag from improving his position.

Kraag looking to work for a kimura from the bottom.

Chugman is looking for a kimura. It's going to be difficult to finish that from half guard though and Kraag defends it well.
Kraag is trying to control but can't.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Kraag is not content to let Chugman control the position.

Kraag looking for submissions off his back.
Kraag tries to get to full guard but Chugman has control of the leg.

Kraag looking for submissions off his back.
Kraag works his way to full guard. Good work.
Kraag is working an open guard here, looking to improve his position. No doubt that will leave him open to counters but at least he's being more offensive.

Kraag working from the bottom, still in full guard. He's managed to get a loose triangle. Chugman doesn't seem to be doing much to defend here, obviously he feels comfortable in the position. Chugman manages to throw the legs off his shoulder and he's back into guard - no problem.
Chugman pressing down on his opponent's thigh, looking to pass guard. Kraag is keeping the position for now.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Neither fighter has done anything of merit for a good minute or two here and the crowd are not happy about it.
Chugman trying to control the position from guard on top but Kraag is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Kraag trying to control the position.
Chugman wants to control from the top but Kraag keeps moving.
There's a bit of a scramble here and now Kraag is on top in guard.

Kraag will need to keep those long limbs tucked in whilst he's on the ground, to prevent any submissions.

Chugman is working actively off his back, looking to secure an arm or perhaps work for a triangle.
Chugman utilising some decent striking defenses from the guard, preventing the ground and pound.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Kraag preventing the sweep.
Kraag trying to control the position from guard on top but Chugman is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.

Kraag drops back for a leg! It's a sloppy attempt though and Kraag jumps back into guard quickly, to retain the dominant position.
Kraag wants to control from the top but Chugman keeps moving.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Klaus Chugman showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action! This is the final round!

Chugman clinches up against the cage.
Chugman drops down looking for an ankle pick but Kraag pulls his leg out and moves away.

Chugman closes the distance and clinches.
Kraag jumps guard but Chugman turns him against the cage and keeps the fight standing.
The referee calls for Chugman to work.
Kraag has dropped down and is looking to force the takedown but it's defended by Chugman after a bit of a struggle.
Chugman prevents the takedown attempt.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Desi Kraag. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Chugman is working hard here but doesn't seem to be able to control effectively, up against the cage.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Kraag tries to pull guard but can't drag his opponent to the mat. Chugman just stands there and leans against the cage.
Chugman looking to slow down the pace here.
Kraag can't get the takedown.
Chugman is trying to slow down the pace of the fight but Kraag is keeping busy.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Chugman is trying to slow down the pace of the fight but Kraag is keeping busy.
Chugman gets double underhooks to prevent a takedown attempt from Kraag.
Kraag tries for a takedown. No joy.

Chugman manages to pull guard.
Chugman is working an open guard here, looking to improve his position. No doubt that will leave him open to counters but at least he's being more offensive.

Chugman working from the bottom, still in full guard. He's managed to get a loose triangle. Kraag doesn't seem to be doing much to defend here, obviously he feels comfortable in the position. Kraag manages to throw the legs off his shoulder and he's back into guard - no problem.
Kraag trying to control the position from guard on top but Chugman is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Kraag trying to pass the guard but can't manage it just yet.
Kraag working some ground and pound from guard but it's not doing any damage.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Chugman looking for submissions from the bottom here. Moving his hips around, possibly looking for an armbar.

Chugman has a loose triangle. He'll be looking to tighten that up but Kraag can see exactly what he's planning and manages to posture up and free himself.
Kraag's corner is telling him to maintain position.

Chugman escapes his hips to the side and looks to be working for an armbar. Kraag gives him a little smile and shakes his head. No chance.

Chugman working for a triangle but Kraag defends it easily.
Chugman takes a big intake of breath there - he's definitely tired.
Kraag tries to stand but Chugman is controlling from the bottom.
Chugman keeping moving, preventing Kraag from controlling successfully.

That's three minutes gone in the round.

Kraag drops back looking for a leg! Chugman is in trouble here! The fighters roll with the hold and Chugman manages to kick Kraag off! Kraag jumps back into Chugman's guard.
Chugman not looking particularly offensive just at the moment.
Kraag in full guard, throwing the ground and pound. No damage this time.
Kraag trying to control the position from guard on top but Chugman is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
The referee is pacing around the two fighters, thinking about a standup.
Chugman tries to land a sweep but no joy.

Chugman has his foot on Kraag's thigh. He's trying to push off and get in position for a triangle, I think. Kraag works his way back into a safe position though.
Kraag missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.
Kraag is looking to stand up but Chugman won't let him.
Kraag works a leg free and moves into half guard.

Kraag is working for a kimura but Chugman is defending it quite comfortably.

That's four minutes gone in the round.

Kraag is looking for a kimura but he's never going to get it from there.

Kraag is trying for a guillotine from the top but the pressure isn't in the right place so Chugman is just riding it out for now. Kraag eventually gives up the hold.

Kraag is looking for a kimura but he's never going to get it from there.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!

Chugman is defending against the submission attempts here by Kraag.
Kraag trying to control the action but Chugman is working from the bottom.

And that's the end of the fight!
Klaus Chugman comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
I think Chugman has won this one but let's see whether the judges agree with me. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge James Glass scores the fight 28:29
Judge William Gold scores the fight 27:30
Judge Donald Grub scores the fight 28:30

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Klaus Chugman!

After the big win, Klaus Chugman made sure to do all the important stuff like thanking his sponsors Brooklyn Apothecary and telling the interviewer how much he loves him.
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