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SSG 248 Ozymandias vs Banner PBP Commentary

182 cm
25 yrs
155 lbs

175 cm
30 yrs
145 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the middleweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of London, with a TWGC record of 0 wins and 1 losses; CC Chai! And in the blue corner, fighting out of New York, with a TWGC record of 22 wins and 11 losses; Dreynos Elvul!
The judges for this bout are Frank Antenori, Percy O'Donnell and Jack Bonds.

The fighters bow as they face eachother in the middle of the mat and we are under way.

Chai closes the distance and pushes Elvul back into the cage.

Chai ties up his opponent against the cage and manages to drag the fight down to the ground. Chai no doubt will be looking to work submissions from his guard.
Chai is looking to sweep but instead, Elvul has passed into half guard.
Elvul is keen to just control but Chai is a slippery customer.
Chai moves his hips nicely and gets into full guard.
Chai is doing well to control the posture of his opponent and prevent any damage.
Elvul preventing the sweep.
Elvul stands up and looks to throw the legs aside to pass to side control. Chai swivels though and keeps the full guard.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Chai wants to improve his position but instead Elvul has moved into half guard.
Chai is looking to improve his position.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Chai is trying to control but can't.
Elvul wants to lay and pray for a moment but Chai keeps working.
Chai tries to get to full guard but Elvul has control of the leg.
Chai is trying to maintain the position but Elvul is very close to passing his half guard.
Chai is trying is best to control the position here.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Chai tries to regain full guard. Instead though, Elvul has advanced to mount. Uh oh.
Score +3 for passing guard: Chai (0) vs (3) Elvul
Chai slips a leg in and gets back to half guard.
Elvul takes a deep breath and rests his weight momentarily on top of his opponent, to control the position.
Elvul prevents Chai from improving his position.
Chai is holding on to half guard well.
Chai tries to get to full guard but Elvul has control of the leg.
Elvul tries to pass the half guard into mount. Chai knows what he's doing though and prevents the attempt.
Chai has no desire to be mounted, so is trying to control. Elvul is working away from the top position though.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Elvul frees up his trapped foot and advances to mount.
Score +3 for passing guard: Chai (0) vs (6) Elvul
Chai is looking to get to half guard.
Chai wants to improve position but instead he's given up his back.
Score +3 for taking back: Chai (0) vs (9) Elvul
Chai is keeping busy.
Chai can't escape the position.
Well, with Elvul on his back, surely it's only a matter of time before Chai is tapping out... Can he escape the position?
Our spies down at at Oblivion Gate inform us that Elvul has really been working on his submissions in the buildup to this fight. Will it pay off?
Chai is very frustrated here, being controlled quite effectively by Elvul.
Chai is trying to break free.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Chai trying to control but he's just got himself in more trouble.
Chai tries to break free.
Elvul has good solid back control here.
Elvul keeps control of the position as Chai tries to break free.

Chai is looking to escape here. Oh dear - Elvul has locked on a rear naked choke here! Chai is tapping out! The fight is over!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 4:52 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (RNC). Dreynos Elvul!
A victorious Dreynos Elvul thanked his army of followers in his post fight interview, telling people to make sure they follow him on Twitter.
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