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TWGC 41 (265lbs, D4): Los Angeles Qualifier - Round 1 PBP Commentary

184 cm
26 yrs
195 lbs

187 cm
20 yrs
220 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the heavyweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of Montreal, with a TWGC record of 0 wins and 0 losses; FanDan Django! And in the blue corner, fighting out of Los Angeles, with a TWGC record of 0 wins and 0 losses; Harry Nile!
The judges for this bout are Timothy Bukovac, Frank Antenori and Jack Bonds.

The fighters bow as they face eachother in the middle of the mat and we are under way.
Nile displays good takedown defense there as he swats away a double leg from Django.

Nile moves into the clinch.
Nile is working for a takedown up against the cage. He can't get it on this occasion though.
Nile has a body lock and is looking for a takedown. Django is bouncing around trying to prevent the takedown and somehow he has indeed managed to stay on his feet.
Django is trying to work for a single leg takedown but Nile pulls him back up using the underhooks.
Django wants a takedown.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for FanDan Django. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Django gets double underhooks to prevent a takedown attempt from Nile.
Nile is pressed up against the cage. Django has hold of a leg and is looking to drag Nile down to the mat. Nile avoids the attempt though and has circled away. We're back to striking at a distance.
Django shoots in and drives through. Nile sprawls well.
Django fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
Django has been working on his boxing with his coaches at HELLCADEMY in the buildup to the fight.
Wow, both these guys are really going for it!
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.

Nile moves into the clinch.

Django tightens his grip and picks Nile up, before dumping him to the ground. Nile manages to land in guard.
Score +2 for takedown into guard / half guard: Django (2) vs (0) Nile
Nile trying to keep a closed guard but Django is proving a slippery customer.
Django knows he needs to get back to his feet asap. He's simply no match for Nile on the ground.

That's one minute gone in the round.

Nile working for a triangle but Django defends it easily.
Django not doing a lot at the moment. He'll have to show some more aggression or the fight will get stood up.

Django got a little sloppy there for a moment and Nile has worked his way into a loose triangle - can he finish it?! No, Django has managed to get both his arms back between Nile's legs - danger averted.
Django pressing down on his opponent's thigh, looking to pass guard. Nile is keeping the position for now.

Nile is active off his back here, looking for submissions.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Nile had isolated an arm as going for a kimura. Django defends it easily.

Nile is looking for a triangle but Django pushes his legs off easily.
Django wants to pass the guard but Nile is keeping the position.
Django is frustrating his opponent with some stalling tactics from top position.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Nile controlling Django's posture.

Nile pushes a forearm under Django's chin to create some space. He's escaped his hips and pivoted quickly for an armbar! Can he extend the arm? Yes, Django is tapping out! Damn, that was fast!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3:37 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Armbar). Harry Nile!
A relieved looking Harry Nile thanked the fans for their support and gave the usual line about them being amazing. They seemed to believe that he actually meant it.
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