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Coming up we have a welterweight MMA rules bout between Tim Bird (ranked 193 p4p, 438 weight class) and Olivier Dujardin (ranked 29 p4p, 57 weight class). Bird comes to the cage accompanied by Dragula - Rob Zombie. Dujardin has chosen Sosa by Leto & Guy2bezbar as his entrance music. Well, the cameraman is lingering on a pretty young lady for a bit too long there. Keep your eyes on the prize buddy or you'll miss the fighter intros!

183 cm
8 - 4 - 0
179 cm
12 - 4 - 0
Good wrestling
World class boxer
Cardio machine
Good wrestler
Excellent MT
Granite chin

30th Century Beer Store
Silverguard Outfitters 🛡

Bondi MMA 🏝️
Hoarse Pills

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 5 rounds, for the welterweight championship of the world!
Introducing the champion to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 8 - 4 - 0, fighting out of London, Tim Bird!
And introducing the challenger to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 12 - 4 - 0, fighting out of Tokyo, Olivier Dujardin!
The judges for this bout are Jorge Garcia, David Schapiro and Lou da Vinci.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Dujardin tries to clinch but Bird moves out of range.
Dujardin darts in and out, connecting with a jab.
Dujardin is looking to clinch but Bird is avoiding it.
Bird ducks under an overhand right and circles away with a smile on his face.
Dujardin misses the shot to the body.
Bird scores with a nice one two combo and darts back out of range to avoid anything coming in the opposite direction.

It looks like Olivier Dujardin has been cut.
Bird missing with a left hand there. Dujardin was out of range so wasted energy throwing that one.
Bird throws a hook to the side of Dujardin's head but Dujardin sees it coming and ducks under it beautifully.

Dujardin drops Bird with a left right combo! Dujardin follows him down to the ground into side control.
This is a great period of action - very entertaining stuff!
You can see the frustration on Bird's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
Bird sneaks a leg under to get back to half guard.
Bird is trying to get back to full guard.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Dujardin stalling.
Dujardin missing with the ground and pound from half guard.
Bird is looking to regain full guard. Not this time though.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
My god... these two guys really need to pick up the pace or everyone will leave to go get a beer.
Bird is working hard here to advance position.
Dujardin winds up and cracks Bird with a swinging punch to the side of the head.
Bird is trying to control but can't.
Dujardin throwing punches and elbows but they're not doing any damage.
Bird pushes Dujardin off looking to stand but Dujardin dives back in and keeps control.
We may be looking at a referee standup if the pace doesn't pick up soon.
Bird regains full guard. Nicely done.
Bird is pulling down on Dujardin's head. It's preventing any offense from Dujardin, at least for the moment.
Dujardin showing good wrestling skills to control the position.

The ref stands the fighters back up due to a lack of activity.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Dujardin misses with a looping left.
Dujardin throws a jab when Bird was well out of range.
Bird misses the jab.
A slow jab from Bird misses its intended target.
Bird misses with a body shot.
Dujardin thows a left - swing and a miss!
Dujardin moves in looking to clinch but Bird pushes him off.
Bird scores with a spinning back kick!
Dujardin lands three nice shots there - that looked like it hurt!
Bird with a jab.
Jab by Bird.
Bird misses with a straight left.
And Dujardin tries to counter it with a takedown but Bird pushes his down on his head and steps out.
Tim Bird is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Bird scores with a punch to the gut of his opponent.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Dujardin scores with a punch to the head.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Dujardin rushes in with a sloppy looking punch
and Bird counters with a two punch combo.
Dujardin avoids a lazy jab quite easily.
Bird takes one on the button.
A slow jab from Dujardin misses its intended target.
Bird throws a front kick that sends Dujardin stumbling back into the cage.
Dujardin shoots in looking for a double leg takedown. Bird defends it nicely.
It looked like Bird wanted to counter with a hook but didn't fully commit.

Dujardin fakes an overhand right and shoots for a takedown. Bird sprawls well initially but Dujardin persists and gets the takedown into half guard.
Dujardin stalling.
Bird is doing well to avoid being mounted. He's controlling the position at the moment.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

A close round but Olivier Dujardin will probably get the nod.
The cut man is working on Olivier Dujardin's cut.
That's time! Back to the action!

Bird rushes in with a sloppy looking punch

and Dujardin counters with a driving takedown into guard. Nice work there by Dujardin.
Dujardin postures up in Bird's guard and throws a big left but Bird blocks it.
Bird looking to hit a scissor sweep but Dujardin is one step ahead there.
Bird lands a beautiful sweep and he's now moved into his opponent's guard.

Dujardin being controlled here, momentarily.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Dujardin looking for a sweep. Not yet Dujardin, not yet.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Bird trying to control the position from guard on top but Dujardin is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Bird sitting in guard here, content to control.
Bird trying to control the position from guard on top but Dujardin is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Bird sitting in guard, not really doing much.
We've had a lack of effective grappling in the last minute or so, which could well see a referee standup.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
My god... these two guys really need to pick up the pace or everyone will leave to go get a beer.
Dujardin lands a beautiful sweep and he's now moved into his opponent's guard.

Dujardin is working Bird over from the guard. He should look to pass the guard and do a little more damage with these strikes.
Dujardin seems content to control from guard here. He's going to have to remain active though if he doesn't want to get stood back up.
Bird has Dujardin pulled in close to control his posture.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Dujardin working some ground and pound from guard but it's not doing any damage.
Bird tries to land a sweep but no joy.
Bird working a defensive guard here.

The referee has decided to stand the fighters back up, so we'll restart on the feet.
Dujardin fails in his attempt to clinch.
Bird loads up on a big right hand but Dujardin slips the punch.
Tim Bird is winning the standup battle so far.
Dujardin connects with a right hand. Bird shakes it off.
Dujardin scores with a nice strike.
Dujardin tries to clinch but is not successful on this occasion.
Dujardin shoots in looking for a takedown but Bird manages to keep the fight standing, pushing Dujardin's face into the canvas for good measure before circling away.
Bird swung with a counter right hand that didn't connect.
Dujardin lands an overhand right.

Dujardin throws the overhand right but ducks down into a quick takedown attempt. Bird was covering up waiting for the punch and Dujardin finishes the takedown easily into guard.
Bird is working the butterfly guard. He manages to land a nice scissor sweep and is now in half guard on the top. Nice move.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Bird seems content to maintain position for now, rather than mounting any offense.
Bird continues to stall.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Dujardin wants to sweep but Bird has passed to side control!
Dujardin is not content to let Bird control the position.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Olivier Dujardin showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The cut man is working on Olivier Dujardin's cut.
OK. That's time! The bell goes and we're back to the action.

Bird throws a body shot but no joy.
Dujardin misses with a straight left.
Bird thows a left - swing and a miss!
Dujardin thuds his right hand into Bird's forehead from close range. That could be painful for both fighters.
Dujardin throws a series of punches but Bird avoids them all with ease.
Bird walks into a left hand.
A cross from Bird lands.
Dujardin shoots in for a takedown but Bird shows good takedown defense there and keeps this one on the feet.
Dujardin throws a shot from downtown. Bird moves away and avoids it.
Bird throws a sloppy head kick and Dujardin moves out of range easily.
Dujardin scores with a nice head shot.
Bird throws a head kick that misses and slips in the process. He scrambles back to his feet and the fighters circle.
Bird scores with a decent looking hook.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Bird looks to score with a jab to the body but Dujardin is just out of range.
Dujardin swings away with a counter right hand but no contact made.
Dujardin's jab looks to have found its range, popping Bird under the eye.
Dujardin fails with a takedown attempt from distance.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Bird is the aggressor but that punch slipped nicely by Dujardin.
Bird uses good footwork to get in and out and land a nice right hand before Dujardin has time to react.
Bird moves out of range as Dujardin strikes.
Bird was looking to counter that move with a punch but didn't quite pull the trigger.
Bird buckles his opponent's knee momentarily with a nice leg kick.

Dujardin drives through and clinches with Bird against the cage.
Bird lands a short shot on the inside that snaps the head of Dujardin backwards.
Bird trying to land knees to the body.
Dujardin fails to land with a short punch on the inside.
Dujardin misses with a hook from the clinch.
Dujardin swings away with an uppercut that misses.
Dujardin tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Bird's elbow.
Our sources have told us that Bird has been working on his knees in the buildup to the fight.
Dujardin misses with a shot to the kidneys.
Dujardin goes for a body shot but it's blocked.
Dujardin throws a head punch that misses.
Dujardin lands a nice uppercut.
Dujardin gets through Bird's defenses to land a nice punch to the side of the head.
Bird lands a short shot on the inside that snaps the head of Dujardin backwards.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
This has been an exciting period of action!
Dujardin tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Bird's elbow.
Bird looks to throw an elbow but misses.
Bird throws a knee to the head but misses.
Dujardin has been looking to improve his clinch game in recent weeks. Bird seems to have the measure of him in the clinch so far, so let's see if Dujardin can turn it around.
Dujardin fails to land with a short punch on the inside.
Dujardin tries to throw a body punch but Bird avoids it by throwing Dujardin back against the cage.
Dujardin misses with a hook to the ribs.
Bird unloads a knee to the mid-section.
Dujardin takes a big intake of breath there - he's definitely tired.
Bird misses with a body punch.
Bird misses with an elbow over the top.
Bird tries to land a knee to the head but Dujardin blocks with his arms.
Bird can't find room to land a body shot as Dujardin controls the action.
Dujardin has a couple of punches blocked by Bird.
Dujardin blocks a knee to the body. He'll have a nicely bruised forearm in the morning.
Bird blocking some punches.
Dujardin tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Bird's elbow.
A nice right hand lands inside from Bird.
Dujardin blocks a body shot from Bird.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
A right hand to the body from Bird.
Dujardin misses with a hook from the clinch.
A shot in the inside from Bird.
Dujardin lands a nice shot to the body.
Bird connects with a nasty looking knee right to Dujardin's face.
Dujardin lands with a good tight uppercut to the head.
Dujardin blocks a couple of punches on the inside.
Dujardin swings away with an uppercut that misses.
Bird lands a nice elbow.
Tim Bird has scored more points in the clinch so far.
Dujardin blocks a couple of punches on the inside.
Dujardin fails to land with a short punch on the inside.
Bird misses with the head strike.
Bird throws an elbow but it misses.
Bird has a couple of punches blocked by Dujardin.
An uppercut on the inside fails to land for Dujardin.
Bird gets double underhooks to prevent a takedown attempt from Dujardin.
Tim Bird has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Olivier Dujardin.
Dujardin fails to land with a short punch on the inside.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Bird gets through Dujardin's defenses to land a nice punch to the side of the head.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Bird's head jolts backwards as he takes an uppercut right on the button!
Bird lands a left hand.
Bird comes over the top with an elbow. That landed flush.
Bird pushes Dujardin back against the cage and lands a hook to the side of the head.
Dujardin tries a shoulder strike but it doesn't do any damage.
Bird blocking some punches.
A nice glancing elbow lands by Bird.
Dujardin lands a shoulder strike.
The referee calls for Dujardin to work.
Bird lands with a short punch from the clinch.
Bird misses with a short punch on the inside.
A right hook to the body lands for Dujardin.
Dujardin blocks an uppercut.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Tim Bird clearly takes that round.
The cut man is working on Olivier Dujardin's cut.
That's the end of the interval. I'm sure that seemed a lot quicker than a minute for our two fighters! Back to the action.

Bird misses with a looping left.
A jab from Dujardin does it's job there.
Dujardin lands an overhand left. A wild punch that just about connected.
Bird keeps the fight on the outside.
Bird comes forward and lands a shot to the body, then darts back out of range.
Dujardin shoots in and drives through. Bird sprawls well.
Bird throws a right hand that Dujardin ducks under and follows up with a left that Dujardin also avoids with ease.
It seemed like Dujardin was going to counter with the hook but didn't fully commit to it.
A slow jab from Dujardin misses its intended target.
Bird went nuts there looking for a big combo counter but none of the flurry connected.
Bird scores with a decent looking hook.
Bird fakes and then throws a beautiful body shot. Dujardin looks a bit winded and takes a step backwards to take a breath.
Bird throws a sloppy head kick and Dujardin moves out of range easily.
Bird ducks under a wild hook from Dujardin.
Dujardin lands a jab to the nose.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Dujardin tries for a takedown but Bird circles away easily
and Bird counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Dujardin is absolutely dripping with sweat - he looks exhausted.
Bird tries to bum rush Dujardin with a series of wild strikes but Dujardin uses good footwork to avoid the assault.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Bird lands with a good body shot.
Bird lands with a cross to side of his opponent's head.
Bird throws a head kick that misses.
Dujardin throws out a loose jab but Bird uses good head movement to avoid it.
Bird swings wildly with a right hand that was never going to find it's target.
A big right from Bird misses.
Bird throws a jab to the body, straight down the pipe. Boom. That sent Dujardin stumbling backwards but he manages to regain his composure quickly.
Bird slips a jab from Dujardin.
Dujardin changes levels and looks for a double leg takedown. Bird tries to avoid it but Dujardin manages to keep hold of a leg and drag Bird to the ground. Bird escapes though and pops straight back up to his feet.
Bird seemed to be looking to counter by closing the distance.
Tim Bird has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Olivier Dujardin.
Dujardin has a takedown stuffed.
Bird lands a really nice looking cross but Dujardin seems unphased.
Dujardin doesn't react quick enough there as he takes a shot to the body.
Dujardin might want to mix his strikes up a bit more. He's just going for head shots at the moment and that can become a bit predictable.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Bird misses with the combination.
Dujardin looks shocked there as he takes a right hand to the temple.

That has opened up Olivier Dujardin's cut even more.
This has been an exciting period of action!
Bird keeps the fight on the outside.
Bird defending well as Dujardin loads up on a big left hand.
Dujardin lands a beauty of a right hand that gets the crowd cheering.
Dujardin is looking to take this fight into the clinch.
Bird appears to be looking for a counter punch to the body.
Bird cracks Dujardin with a good shot that sees him stumbling back into the cage.
Dujardin tries to clinch up against the cage, rushing in to close the distance. Bird manages to break the clinch and circles back to the middle of the mat.
Bird bobs and weaves well there to avoid the strikes.
Bird goes to the watering hole and comes back with a big thumbs up from the judges as he scores a three punch combo.

Dujardin is rocked!
Ohhhhh! A huge head kick from Bird! Dujardin is out on his feet! Bird rushes in and throws more strikes. The ref is looking closely - Dujardin is covering up but the punishment is just too much and the ref steps in to stop the fight! Dujardin is staring into space, just thankful that the beatdown has ended. Brutal finish.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3:55 of round 4, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Tim Bird!
Tim Bird retains his welterweight title!
A very excited looking Tim Bird made sure he remembered to thank all the fans both in the arena and on the internet. He said all the coolest people spend all day on MMA websites, which got a big reaction.
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