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Coming up we have a bantamweight MMA rules bout between Shahram Sheikhan (ranked 2538 p4p, 3781 weight class) and Joash Ng (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Over to our ring announcer for the fighter introductions!

170 cm
7 - 6 - 0
179 cm
5 - 4 - 0
Abu Dhabi Champ
World class boxer
BJJ Blue Belt
Basic striking
Granite chin

FREECH! (free speech clothing inc with REFUNDS!


Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the bantamweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 7 - 6 - 0, fighting out of St Petersburg, Shahram Sheikhan!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 5 - 4 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Joash Ng!
The judges for this bout are Dmitry Maklakov, Konstantin Menshow and Aleksei Zolotukhin.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Ng throws a right hand that Sheikhan ducks under and follows up with a left that Sheikhan also avoids with ease.
Ng throws a half hearted mid kick.
A head kick from Sheikhan lands but Ng takes it in his stride.
Sheikhan lands a body shot.
Sheikhan moves away from the strike by Ng.
Sheikhan turns his hip over beautifully as he lands a nice leg kick.
Ng walks forward and throws out a flicking leg kick. Sheikhan checks it nicely though, as he moves to the side.
Sheikhan lands a leg kick that knocks Ng off balance momentarily.
Ng fails in his attempt to clinch.
Shahram Sheikhan seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Ng throws a left and a right that both miss

and Sheikhan moves into the clinch.
Sheikhan is pressed up against the cage. Ng has hold of a leg and is looking to drag Sheikhan down to the mat. Sheikhan avoids the attempt though and has circled away. We're back to striking at a distance.
Ng misses with an attempted mid kick.
Ng gets cracked with a nice right hand there by Sheikhan.
Ng throws a combination but comes up with nothing but fresh air.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Ng misses with a kick to the body.
Sheikhan blocks the body kick.
Ng pulls out of a head kick attempt.
Ng lands a jab followed by a nice looking cross.
Nice shot lands for Sheikhan.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Sheikhan cracks a nice hook into Ng's ribs.
Sheikhan throws a couple of head shots and lands with the final one - a decent hook, which struck Ng on the side of the head.
Ng tries to close the distance and clinch but Sheikhan swats him to one side with an open hand palm strike and circles away.
Sheikhan moves out of range of the body kick from Ng.
Ng throws a sloppy head kick and Sheikhan moves out of range easily.
Sheikhan feinted with a counter takedown.
Ng looks to throw the jab but Sheikhan is out of range.
Ng looks for the body kick but Sheikhan saw that one coming.
Ng misses with the combination.
Sheikhan connects with a lovely right hand, straight down the pipe.
Shahram Sheikhan is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Ng lunges in with swinging rights and lefts but Sheikhan circles away quickly and effectively.
Ng is looking to clinch.
No joy there for Sheikhan, who threw a few shots but didn't land.
Sheikhan lands a jab to Ng's midsection.
Sheikhan moves out of range of the body kick.
No joy there for Ng, who threw a few shots but didn't land.
Sheikhan avoids the clinch attempt nicely.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
A right-left combo lands from Sheikhan.

Sheikhan forces Ng back against the cage and clinches.
Sheikhan is defending well against a takedown attempt.
Ng misses with a shot to the kidneys.
Sheikhan stalling the fight.
Sheikhan's corner are urging him to control the action in the clinch for a moment, rather than mount any serious offense. I'm sure the crowd appreciate those instructions... not.
Sheikhan misses with a knee strike.
Sheikhan is defending well against a takedown attempt.
Shahram Sheikhan has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Joash Ng.
Ng goes for a takedown in the clinch but Sheikhan prevents it.
Sheikhan connects with a knee to the head.
Sheikhan taking a breather.
Sheikhan scores with a hook to the body.
Ng tries to land knees in the clinch but Sheikhan avoids the damage to the body.
A short right from Sheikhan.
Ng drops down looking for an ankle pick but Sheikhan pulls his leg out and moves away.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Sheikhan throws a push kick but Ng slaps the foot to one side.
Ng fails to land with the punch combination there - jab, cross, hook, miss, miss, miss.
A slapping leg kick lands for Sheikhan.
Ng is a painfully thin specimen of a man. You do wonder whether a good body kick would snap him clean in two.
Sheikhan lands a jab.
Nice straight punches there by Sheikhan. You know Roy Jones Jr respects the hands of Sheikhan.
Sheikhan throws a body punch but Ng moves out of range.
Sheikhan avoids a kick to the body.
Ng moves his head to the side to avoid a jab but walks straight into a cross.
Sheikhan misses with a body shot. Nice footwork from Ng.
Ng tries to counter by closing the distance.
Sheikhan jabs at Ng's body.
Ng walks straight into an uppercut. Luckily it didn't land flush.
Ng walks into a straight right hand from Sheikhan.
We've been informed that Ng has been working hard on his conditioning in the buildup to the fight.
Sheikhan lunges at Ng with a hook that half lands and is half blocked by Ng's hand.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Sheikhan thuds his right hand into Ng's forehead from close range. That could be painful for both fighters.
Ng goes for a spinning back kick but it misses.
Ng throws a wild body kick that Sheikhan sees coming a mile off.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Sheikhan scores with a hook to the body. Ng takes a step back and tries to catch his breath.
Sheikhan lands a leg kick and bounces back out of range.
Sheikhan bobs and weaves and unloads with a good uppercut.
Ng is looking to clinch.
Ng fails to land with a series of punches.
Ng fails with a takedown attempt.
Sheikhan comes forward and lands a shot to the body, then darts back out of range.
Ng throws a body kick but he wasn't in range.
Sheikhan lands an overhand right.
Ng is looking to clinch.
The crowd applaud the fighters' efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Ng looks for the body kick but Sheikhan saw that one coming.
Sheikhan lands with a nice combination. Ng backs away looking to recover.
Sheikhan moves out of range of the body kick.
Sheikhan throws a nice inside leg kick.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Shahram Sheikhan dominated that round.
That's time! Back to the action!

Ng goes for a spinning back kick but it misses.
Sheikhan throws a series of punches but Ng avoids them all with ease.

Ng tries to keep at a distance but Sheikhan has taken the fight into the clinch.
Ng tries to pull guard but Sheikhan forces him back to his feet, against the cage.
Ng drops down looking for an ankle pick but Sheikhan pulls his leg out and moves away.
Sheikhan showing good head movement there, avoiding the strikes from Ng.
Ng takes a nice looking leg kick right on the meat of his thigh there.
Ng throws a wild body kick that Sheikhan sees coming a mile off.
Sheikhan scores with a body shot.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Ng throws a head kick that misses and slips in the process. He scrambles back to his feet and the fighters circle.
Ng takes one on the chin but seems OK.
Ng looks to land a body kick but Sheikhan moved away.
Sheikhan appeared to be looking to counter that last move with a leg kick.
Sheikhan throws a body kick that sends a sickening thudding noise reverberating around the arena.
Ng throws a series of punches but Sheikhan moves out of range.
Ng throws a jab, cross combination which is slipped
enabling Sheikhan to counter with a crisp jab.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Ng sees a low kick coming and goes to check it, but it's actually a body kick and it thuds into his unprotected ribs.
Ng throws a right and a left that both miss.
Sheikhan throws a hook to the body but it doesn't connect.
Ng on the receiving end of a decent leg kick there by Sheikhan. Sheikhan obviously looking to wear him down.
A thudding body kick lands there by Sheikhan!
Sheikhan with a body punch. A glancing blow.

Sheikhan clinches.
Sheikhan lands a body shot in the clinch.
A nice left hand lands by Sheikhan.
Sheikhan lands a right hand.
Ng drops to a knee looking for a takedown but Sheikhan gets the underhooks and prevents it.
Shahram Sheikhan has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Joash Ng.
Ng drops down for a takedown but doesn't get it.
Ng is breathing heavily.
Sheikhan scores with a shot to the side of Ng's head.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.

The fighters are starting to perspire pretty heavily.
Ng drags the fight down to the ground.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Sheikhan won't allow Ng to sweep him here.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.

Ng has his foot on Sheikhan's thigh. He's trying to push off and get in position for a triangle, I think. Sheikhan works his way back into a safe position though.
Sheikhan engaging in some classic timewasting tactics.

Sheikhan stands and steps away. Ng gets to his feet too and we're back to the striking game.
Sheikhan lands a nice shot that snaps Ng's head back.
Sheikhan bobs and weaves and then throws a good body kick.
Sheikhan lands a nice looking body kick.
Sheikhan connects with a hook to the side of his opponent's head.
Sheikhan is really dominating this fight. Is there anything that Ng can do to turn this around?
Ng looks to land a body kick but Sheikhan moved away.
Ng misses with a wild combination.
A combination from Ng does no damage.
Sheikhan's corner calls for a 1-2. Sheikhan obliges with the 1 part as he scores the single shot and moves back out of range.
Ng pulls out of a head kick attempt.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Sheikhan scores with a reasonable looking shot to the body. Ng doesn't seem bothered though.
Sheikhan fakes a jab and then connects with a hook.
Sheikhan throws a nice hook to the body that draws an oooh from the crowd.
Sheikhan lands a jab followed by a nice looking cross.
Sheikhan fakes and then throws a beautiful body shot. Ng looks a bit winded and takes a step backwards to take a breath.
Sheikhan with a nice calf kick.

Ng gets tackled into the cage by Sheikhan. Sheikhan maintains the clinch.
Sheikhan lands a good knee to the midsection. Ng won't want to take too many of those.
Sheikhan landing knees to the body.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Ng being controlled against the cage.
Sheikhan lands a body punch.
Ng is working for takedown but Sheikhan is calmly controlling the position for now.
Sheikhan stalling here - the referee won't stand for too much of that.
A knee to the head by Sheikhan.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Sheikhan lands punches inside but they're not really causing much damage.
Ng tries to pull guard but can't drag his opponent to the mat. Sheikhan just stands there and leans against the cage.
Sheikhan lands a knee to the head.
Sheikhan lands a body punch - he's looking to wear down Ng.
Shahram Sheikhan has scored more points in the clinch so far.
Sheikhan lands a body punch - he's looking to wear down Ng.
A short right from Sheikhan.
Sheikhan makes some space for himself and lands an uppercut.
Ng is looking for a takedown up against the cage. Sheikhan gets underhooks though and prevents the takedown attempt.
Sheikhan presses Ng against the cage and delivers a mid-strength body shot.
Nice body punch from Sheikhan - that landed with a thud.
Sheikhan scores a nice knee to the body.
Sheikhan landing knees to the head.
Sheikhan with a knee to the head.
Sheikhan lands a nice uppercut.
The crowd applaud the fighters' efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Sheikhan leaning his opponent against the cage.
Sheikhan utilising his Muay Thai to score with a knee to the body.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Shahram Sheikhan dominated that second round.
That's time! Back to the action! Let's get this one finished - here comes the final round!

Sheikhan scores with a shot to the body.
Sheikhan digs a good body shot into Ng's ribs.
Sheikhan misses the shot to the body.
Sheikhan wings a very wild body shot but it does the job and lands to the midsection.
Ng gets cracked there but stands up to it.
Sheikhan throws a quick head kick that skims the top of Ng's head.
Sheikhan tests Ng's chin there with a solid looking shot.
Ng throws a body kick that misses
and Sheikhan counters with a straight right hand.
Ng fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
Sheikhan connects with a nice looking jab.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Sheikhan scores with a body shot.
Joash Ng is looking to throw some combinations by the looks of things.
Ng on the wrong end of a nice jab.
Sheikhan pulls out of a head kick attempt.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Sheikhan throws a quick inside leg kick.
Well, he's not going to score with shots like that. A lazy body kick attempt from Ng.
Sheikhan is looking to counter with head kicks.
Ng throws a head kick but Sheikhan moves out of range.
Sheikhan lands with a nice combination. Ng backs away looking to recover.
Ng is looking to take this fight into the clinch.
Ng on the wrong end of a vicious looking body shot.
Sheikhan is looking to land body kicks.
Sheikhan dips down and scores with a jab to the body.
Sheikhan connects with a jab.
Sheikhan blocks a head kick by Ng.
A solid leg kick lands there for Sheikhan.
Sheikhan scores with the left hand. Ng knows he should have avoided that one.

Sheikhan rushes Ng and pushes him back against the cage in a clinch.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Sheikhan scores with a knee to the head.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Sheikhan lands a shoulder strike that jolts his opponent's head backwards.
Ng missing with knees to the body.
Sheikhan lands a nice shot to the body.
Ng takes a big intake of breath there - he's definitely tired.
A nice left hand lands by Sheikhan.
Sheikhan scores a nice knee to the body.
Sheikhan lands with a right to the head.
Sheikhan with a knee to the head.
Sheikhan slows down the pace here.
The pace slowing considerably in the clinch, as Sheikhan takes a break from that fighting nonsense to think about the finer things in life.
Sheikhan landing some nice looking knees to the body.
Sheikhan lands a knee to the head.
Ng is trying to work for a single leg takedown but Sheikhan pulls him back up using the underhooks.
Sheikhan with a knee to the head.
Sheikhan's Muay Thai looks sharper than normal. He has obviously been working on it in the gym.
Nice body punch from Sheikhan - that landed with a thud.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
A knee to the head by Sheikhan.
Ng is trying to pull guard but Sheikhan has him pressed against the cage.
Shahram Sheikhan has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Joash Ng.
Ng is working on a leg, looking for a takedown but Sheikhan is defending well.
Ng tries to take the fight to the ground by pulling guard but can't manage it.
Sheikhan working Ng over with knees to the body.
Ng's head jolts backwards as he takes an uppercut right on the button!
Sheikhan lands with a light punch inside.
Sheikhan lands a knee to the head.
Ng takes a knee to the side of the body.
Sheikhan avoiding damage.
Sheikhan utilising his Muay Thai to score with a knee to the body.
Sheikhan stalling here - the referee won't stand for too much of that.
Ng goes for a takedown attempt but Sheikhan pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance.

Sheikhan clinches with his opponent.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Ng takes a knee to the side of the body.
Sheikhan using the Thai clinch to land knees to the body.
Ng goes for a takedown attempt but Sheikhan pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance.
Ng takes an uppercut right on the jaw but it doesn't phase him.
Sheikhan scores with a body shot.
Ng chopped to the floor by a nice leg kick but he springs right back up before Sheikhan can pounce on him.
Ng on the wrong end of a nice jab.
Sheikhan lands with a right hand.
The crowd applaud the fighters' efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Ng wants to clinch up but Sheikhan keeps it at a distance.
Ng misses with a series of wild punches.

And that's the end of the fight!
Shahram Sheikhan showed his dominance in that final round.
Well I reckon that's a shut out for Sheikhan, winning every round. Will the judges agree? They are the ones who matter, even if they are often depressingly incompetent. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Dmitry Maklakov scores the fight 30:26
Judge Konstantin Menshow scores the fight 30:26
Judge Aleksei Zolotukhin scores the fight 30:26

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Shahram Sheikhan!
G S C G energy
A | B
A | B
A | B
A | B
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