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Coming up we have a heavyweight MMA rules bout between Max Power (ranked 3969 p4p, 4500 weight class) and Jose Jimenez (ranked 438 p4p, 463 weight class). Max Power has the better chin. Will he look to stand and bang today?

185 cm
1 - 1 - 0
185 cm
1 - 1 - 0
Good wrestling
Very strong
Good wrestler
Counter fighter
Very confident


Tokzik Dope L.A.

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 1 - 1 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Max Power!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 1 - 1 - 0, fighting out of Las Vegas, Jose Jimenez!
The judges for this bout are Don Winkell, Percy O'Donnell and Frank Antenori.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Power fails with a takedown attempt from distance.
Power misses with a takedown attempt
and Power takes a counter punch right on the button for his troubles.
Jimenez is looking to clinch.
Power shoots in for a takedown. "Ole!" shouts Jimenez as he jumps to the side.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Max Power. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Power throws a body shot but no joy.
Max Power seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Power with a lazy takedown attempt
and Jimenez counters with a stiff right hand.
Jimenez fakes a head shot and lands one to the body.
Power misses with a takedown attempt. He shot from a bit too far out.
A countering left hand to the body from Jimenez misses.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Power doesn't succeed with the takedown
enabling Jimenez to counter with a crisp jab.
Power shoots in but doesn't get the takedown
and Jimenez counters with a nice body shot.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Power shoots in for a takedown but Jimenez shows good takedown defense there and keeps this one on the feet.
Jimenez wants to counter the offense by Power and move into the clinch position.
Power darts in looking for a takedown but Jimenez gets double underhooks and turns Power into the cage.
Jimenez shapes to counter with a head kick.
Jimenez stalling here - the referee won't stand for too much of that.

Jimenez pushes off and circles away, back to the middle of the mat.

Jimenez is looking for a takedown here. He's shot in and has managed to get it, finishing up in Power's half guard.
Power is looking to get back to is feet but Jimenez passes into side control.
Power looks to be in better condition than last time we saw him fight. Obviously he's been working hard on his cardio.
Jimenez advances to full mount.
Power on his back here. We all know that wrestlers don't like being on their back so let's see if Power tries to get out of the position.
Jimenez lands a shot to the body, followed up by a shot to the exposed head of his trapped opponent.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Power wriggling around on the bottom manages to avoid the strikes thrown by Jimenez.
Jimenez thowing shots but they're missing.
Jimenez content just to control the position here.
Jimenez working away from the top, dropping strikes.
Jimenez has the superior BJJ but he's also working some ground strikes into his gameplan.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Jimenez with shots to the head and body - Power looks very uncomfortable down there.

It looks like Max Power has been cut.
Jimenez unloading with bombs!
Jimenez wants to control the pace but Power is squirming around nicely.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Jimenez looking to finish with strikes here!

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Power tries to get back to half guard but can't.
Jimenez won't let Power get back to his feet... He wants to keep the fight where it is for now.
Jimenez looking to control and managing it successfully.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Jimenez with the ground and pound from mount.
Power is trying desperately to improve position.
Power holding onto his opponent's waist for dear life, as Jimenez tries to land some strikes to get him to release his grip.
Jimenez landing strikes from the mount.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Power is desperately trying to get back to half guard.
Jimenez content just to control the position here.
Jimenez lands a shot to the body, followed up by a shot to the exposed head of his trapped opponent.
Jimenez throws an elbow from mount that misses. Lucky escape for Power because Jimenez loaded up on that one.
Power blocking the ground and pound.
Jimenez putting on the heat here with some good ground and pound!
Power tries to get back to half guard but can't.
Power is working hard here to advance position.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jose Jimenez dominated that round.
The cut man is working on Max Power's cut.
That's the end of the round. The referee orders the cornermen out of the cage so we can get back down to business.

Jimenez looking to score a takedown here. Power is defending well but Jimenez drives through and ends up in Power's guard.
Jimenez slows down the pace of the fight for a moment. He'll need to remain active if he doesn't want to see the fight stood back up.
Jimenez has been the more effective fighter overall so far.
Jimenez postures up in Power's guard and throws a big left but Power blocks it.
Power keeping moving, preventing Jimenez from controlling successfully.
Jimenez missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Jimenez slows down the pace of the fight for a moment. He'll need to remain active if he doesn't want to see the fight stood back up.
Power has a closed guard, preventing anything of note from happening. Perhaps he's looking to stall.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Jimenez with a couple of shots to the head there. Not particularly brutal.
Jimenez wants to control from the top but Power keeps moving.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.
Power misses with a takedown
and Jimenez counters with a straight right hand.

Max Power's cut is getting worse.
Power misses with a takedown attempt - Jimenez sprawls well and throws a nice strike on the way out which just misses.
Power shoots in but doesn't get the takedown
and Jimenez counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Max Power. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Power on the wrong end of a nice hook.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Power looks frustrated there after his takedown attempt is stuffed easily.

Power gets the takedown into side control.

Jimenez sneaks out the side door and pushes Power away - he's back to his feet. The crowd show their appreciation for the escape.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Power misses with a wild combination.
Jimenez lets it all go there with a big combo counter but none of the punches connected.
Power looks for a takedown but Jimenez sprawls well.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.
Power will have to do better than that with his takedown attempts.
Jimenez is definitely looking for the counter takedowns here.
Power shoots in for a double leg but Jimenez sprawls well. That's going to sap some energy.
Jimenez unleashes a big counter combination but Power bobs and weaves and avoids any damage.

Jimenez gets the takedown into side control.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Jimenez in side control, throwing shots but Power defends.
Jimenez scores with a couple of nice shots to the head there. The referee takes a look at Power to see if he's OK.
Jimenez working the body and head with strikes.
Jimenez slows the pace down.
Jimenez working the ground and pound from side control.
Jimenez happy to just control the position for now.
Jose Jimenez has got the better of the ground game so far.
Jimenez lands a decent elbow from side control.
Power knows he needs to get back to his feet asap. He's simply no match for Jimenez on the ground.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Jimenez lands a knee to the body and a forearm to the face.
Jimenez working the ground and pound but he's contacting the mat, not the fighter.
Jimenez throwing strikes but missing, from side control.
Jimenez happy to just control the position for now.
Jimenez scoring with punches from side control.
Jimenez working the body and head with strikes.
Jimenez trying to control the action but Power is working from the bottom.
Power dodges the ground and pound from Jimenez.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jose Jimenez showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The cut man is working on Max Power's cut.
That's the end of the round. The referee orders the cornermen out of the cage so we can get back down to business. This is the final round!

Power clobbers Jimenez with an overhand right that has the crowd gasping. That made a horrendous noise.
Power lands a nice shot to the body.
Jimenez bobs and weaves well there to avoid the strikes.
Power fakes high and shoots in for a takedown but Jimenez avoids it really well and circles away.
And an attempted straight right on the counter from Jimenez! But no joy.
Power lands a straight punch to the body, keeping Jimenez at a distance.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.

Power looking to shoot here. He's gone for it and he's landed a takedown into side control! Oh, that's bad for Jimenez!
You can see the frustration on Jimenez's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Jimenez is trying to escape and get back to his feet.
Jimenez takes a big intake of breath there - he's definitely tired.
Jimenez tries to get back to half guard but can't.
Jimenez is trying to control Power's posture but Power avoids it.
Jimenez is trying to get back to half guard.
Power trying to control the position but Jimenez is working away.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
There's not a lot going on here and the crowd are letting the fighters know they're not willing to tolerate a lack of action.
Jimenez prevents Power from improving position.
Jimenez tries to work a leg under to get back to half guard but Power wriggles his own leg back out and remains in side control.
Jimenez stops Power from passing to mount.
The ground and pound from Power seems to be hitting the mat more than his opponent.
Jimenez is positioning himself to get back to half guard.
Jimenez can't do much from the bottom here.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Jimenez sneaks back into half guard.
Jimenez is looking to regain full guard. Not this time though.
Power wants to take a breather but Jimenez is having none of it.
Power is really struggling to control Jimenez but he's trying to hold on to the position.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.
Power shoots in and drives through. Jimenez sprawls well.

Power gets the takedown into side control.
Jimenez tries to bench press Power off him but Power keeps the position.
Jimenez takes a couple of big shots there - the referee warns him that he has to defend himself better.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Power working the head and body with strikes.
Jimenez is positioning himself to get back to half guard.
Power landing a few strikes.

Power is looking for a kimura. He might have it! No, Jimenez has escaped the position, nice work there.
Jimenez takes a nasty elbow to the side of the head.
Jimenez is trying to get back to half guard. He's pushing on Power's leg. He's managed it. Nice work.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Jimenez is not content to let Power control the position.
Max Power has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
Jose Jimenez is fighting for a decision - hopefully he's judged it right and he's actually winning the fight.

Power is trying to work for a kimura. This could be trouble! No, Jimenez has managed to free his arm - good work.

And that's the end of the fight!
Max Power showed his dominance in that final round.
Well Jimenez has outworked and out performed his opponent in all aspects of the game today. He was simply too good and the decision should be no more than a formality. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Don Winkell scores the fight 28:29
Judge Percy O'Donnell scores the fight 28:29
Judge Frank Antenori scores the fight 28:29

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Jose Jimenez!
G S C G energy
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