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GFY 64 - NOT Carl Weathers PBP Commentary

197 cm
20 yrs
175 lbs

168 cm
48 yrs
152 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the super heavyweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of Las Vegas, with a TWGC record of 24 wins and 18 losses; Trip Fontaine! And in the blue corner, fighting out of Las Vegas, with a TWGC record of 10 wins and 39 losses; Mono Loco!
The judges for this bout are Daniel Franklin, Chris Downing and George Francis.

The official calls the fighters to the middle and the contest is under way.
Loco dives in for a single leg takedown but Fontaine sprawls and the fighters end up clinched against the ropes.

Fontaine manages to get an easy takedown there - catching Loco on his heels. He'll look to pass Loco's guard now, I'm sure.
Score +2 for takedown into guard / half guard: Fontaine (2) vs (0) Loco

Fontaine drops back looking for a leg! Loco is in trouble here! The fighters roll with the hold and Loco manages to kick Fontaine off! Fontaine jumps back into Loco's guard.
Loco can't do much from the bottom at the moment, as Fontaine controls the pace.
Fontaine has controlled the position for a good 20 seconds, which will no doubt be starting to frustrate his opponent.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Fontaine stands up and looks to throw the legs aside to pass to side control. Loco swivels though and keeps the full guard.

Loco isolates an arm and boxes in a triangle. Fontaine stacks Loco on his neck as he steps over and passes to the side. He's now in a much more dominant position where he can look to do some serious damage. Nice move by Fontaine!
Score +3 for passing guard: Fontaine (5) vs (0) Loco

Fontaine wants to work for a kimura but he's foiled early by Loco, who protects the arm well.
Fontaine moves into full mount!
Score +2 for reaching mount: Fontaine (7) vs (0) Loco
Fontaine will need to keep those long limbs tucked in whilst he's on the ground, to prevent any submissions.
Loco tries to reverse the position but Fontaine maintains control.

Loco tries to improve his position but Fontaine has taken his back! Fontaine has a choke - it's sunk in pretty tight... Will Loco tap? No... maybe... yes! He's tapped! Fontaine pushes Loco away and gets up to celebrate with his corner!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:55 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (RNC). Trip Fontaine!
Trip Fontaine gave a mention to The Huntington New Age Wellness Community in his post fight interview. That will please them (and hopefully generate some sales).
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