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Coming up we have a heavyweight MMA rules bout between Jesse Kim (ranked 4772 p4p, 24326 weight class) and Hyu Head (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Head has chosen Eye of the tiger as his entrance music. Both fighters look fresh as a daisy as they make their way towards the cage.

185 cm
9 - 31 - 0
198 cm
9 - 32 - 1
Dangerous GnP
Very quick
BJJ Blue Belt
Basic striking
Solid chin

Conquest Nutritionâ„¢ (160Q) $97


Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 9 - 31 - 0, fighting out of Helsinki, Jesse Kim!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 9 - 32 - 1, fighting out of Las Vegas, Hyu Head!
The judges for this bout are Anni Minnemäki, Arvi Lind and Roosa Järviläinen.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!

Head shoots in for a takedown! He's got it and he's managed to land in side control! That's better than Head was expecting from the takedown attempt, I'm sure!
Kim is looking for a sweep.
Head takes a little break here. Kim wants to take advantage but he is being controlled well.
Kim tries to work a leg under to get back to half guard but Head wriggles his own leg back out and remains in side control.
Kim tries to slip a leg under to move to half guard but Head presses down on the leg and jumps into full mount!
Kim keeping his composure momentarily, calmly looking to get back to half guard.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Kim is working hard here to advance position.
Head wants to take Kim's back here but Kim is holding on to an arm, himself looking to escape.
Head sitting in mount, just looking to control for the moment.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Head landing shots from mount.

Head looking to secure an arm triangle but Kim defends it well.
Kim is working to get back to half guard.
Head controlling the pace for now.
Kim tries to reverse the position but Head maintains control.
The fighters are going at a pretty good pace and they're both starting to sweat now.
Kim manages to regain half guard. Good work.

Kim actively working from the bottom here.

Kim looking for submissions from an awkward position here.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Kim looking for submissions off his back.

Kim is looking to sinch up a guillotine here but Head pulls his head out easily.
Kim is breathing heavily.
Kim is pressing down on Head's left leg trying to get back to full guard. He's managed it.
Head lands a couple of decent looking shots.

Kim looking for submissions off his back, moving his hips, looking for an opening.
Head is intent on slowing down the pace of the fight, simply looking to control.

Kim throwing his legs up looking for a triangle.

Head got a little sloppy there for a moment and Kim has worked his way into a loose triangle - can he finish it?! No, Head has managed to get both his arms back between Kim's legs - danger averted.
Kim being controlled here, momentarily.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Head looking to pass the guard.
Kim might be looking to lock onto one of his opponent's long limbs for a submission, whilst we're on the ground.
Head is sitting in guard, working some ground and pound.
Head controls from within his opponent's guard.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.

Kim looking for submissions off his back, moving his hips, looking for an opening.
Head must be cautious of submissions here, given that his opponent has the superior Jiu Jitsu.
Head is taking a break and basically stalling. The referee will not allow him to do that for long.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
There's not a lot going on here and the crowd are letting the fighters know they're not willing to tolerate a lack of action.

Kim has his foot on Head's thigh. He's trying to push off and get in position for a triangle, I think. Head works his way back into a safe position though.

Kim is working actively off his back, looking to secure an arm or perhaps work for a triangle.

Kim looking for a guillotine here but Head defends easily.

Kim looking for a guillotine here but Head defends easily.
Head chips away with some ground and pound.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Head looking to control the position here, rather than advance.

Kim working for a triangle but Head defends it easily.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Hyu Head dominated that round.
The fighters get back to their feet, the hooter sounds and we're back to the action!

Head drops down and drives through with a powerful takedown into guard.
Head trying to control but Kim is working from the bottom.

Kim had isolated an arm as going for a kimura. Head defends it easily.
Head stays in close to Kim's body and controls the position.
Head tries to free his leg and advance position but Kim is retaining full guard.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.

Kim looks to be working for a triangle here. Oh, it looks like he might have it! Head has picked Kim up and slammed him! Kim can't keep hold of the triangle and Head manages to pass to side control!

Head is looking for a kimura. He might have it! No, Kim has escaped the position, nice work there.

Head is trying to land an Americana. He has the arm isolated but Kim is keeping cool and he's avoided the danger for now.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Kim manages to get one leg in to regain half guard.
Kim is trying to defend against the ground and pound but Head scores with a couple of nice shots.
Hyu Head has got the better of the ground game so far.

Head is working for a kimura but Kim is defending it quite comfortably.

Kim looking for submissions off his back.

Kim actively working from the bottom here.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.

Kim is working on a guillotine. He's managed to get to full guard and he's really squeezing tight! Head is tapping! Great win for Kim!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:49 of round 2, we have a winner by way of Submission (Guillotine). Jesse Kim!
Hyu Head was interviewed post fight and said '"Everybody out there know I beat him, I controlled the fight, he was missing, I hit him plenty more times. I beat him.Let me talk something... I want to thank the whole hood who came out here. I love y'all. I did this for the hood, you know I beat that boy.'.
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