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CFC CG 37 PBP Commentary

173 cm
45 yrs
146 lbs

160 cm
39 yrs
134 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the middleweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of London, with a TWGC record of 33 wins and 43 losses; Darian Cruz! And in the blue corner, fighting out of London, with a TWGC record of 31 wins and 33 losses; Shanti Anatta!
The judges for this bout are William Peck, Alec Ball and Elvis Blanc.

The fighters connect hands in the middle of the mat and we are under way.
Cruz fails to land the takedown.
Cruz tries to score a power double leg takedown but Anatta sees that one coming and sprawls well. That will dishearten Cruz somewhat.

Cruz gets caught on his heels momentarily as he allows Anatta to score an easy takedown into full guard.
Score +2 for takedown into guard / half guard: Cruz (0) vs (2) Anatta

Anatta is trying to work a guillotine from the top, or something like that? Don't know how he thinks he's going to get a finish from there.

Cruz looking for a guillotine here but Anatta defends easily.

Anatta drops back for a leg! It's a sloppy attempt though and Anatta jumps back into guard quickly, to retain the dominant position.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.

Cruz looking for submissions off his back, moving his hips, looking for an opening.

Cruz is looking for a guillotine. You can't force these things though and Anatta defends well.
Anatta stands and throws Cruz's legs to the side, diving into side control.
Score +3 for passing guard: Cruz (0) vs (5) Anatta

That's one minute gone in the round.

Anatta is in a dominant position here, looking for a kimura. Cruz looks calm but he's in trouble here. Anatta gets his leg over his opponent's head and yanks on the arm. Cruz is tapping like a morse code operator on the titanic! SOS! SOS! Anatta lets go of the hold and Cruz can pop his arm back in it's socket.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:24 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Kimura). Shanti Anatta!
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