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Coming up we have a light heavyweight MMA rules bout between Ryan Craig (ranked 3791 p4p, 3528 weight class) and Marcoh Olivia (ranked 406 p4p, 381 weight class). Olivia is bobbing his head along to his entrance song: Remember The Name - Fort Minor. Over to our ring announcer for the fighter introductions!

193 cm
2 - 1 - 0
195 cm
1 - 0 - 0
Good wrestling
KO power
BJJ White Belt
Excellent boxer
Prefers standup



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the light heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 2 - 1 - 0, fighting out of New York, Ryan Craig!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 1 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Marcoh Olivia!
The judges for this bout are Don Winkell, Timothy Bukovac and Percy O'Donnell.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Craig takes a punch to the jaw and another one to the bread basket.
Olivia keeps the fight on the outside.
Olivia circles away from the clinch attempt.
Olivia unleashes a big counter combination but Craig bobs and weaves and avoids any damage.
Craig tries to clinch up.
Craig looks for a takedown here. Will he get it? Olivia is fending him off so far but Craig persists. Nope, Olivia circles away and we're back to standing.
Craig shoots in looking for a double leg takedown. Olivia defends it nicely.
The fight stays on the outside here - Craig looks like he's thinking about clinching though.
Olivia displaying good standup as he scores with a three punch combination.
Olivia lands a jab-cross combination.
No luck with that takedown attempt from Craig.
Craig has been working on his boxing with his coaches at Tran MMA Gym in the buildup to the fight.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Ryan Craig. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Craig lunges in with swinging rights and lefts but Olivia circles away quickly and effectively.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
A right-left combo lands from Olivia.

It looks like Ryan Craig has been cut.
Olivia lands with a cross.
Craig shoots in for a double leg but Olivia sprawls well. That's going to sap some energy.
Craig looks to throw the jab but Olivia is out of range.
Craig has his takedown stuffed
and Olivia counters with a nice jab to the body that keeps Craig thinking.
Craig is breathing heavily.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Craig doesn't manage to clinch there - Olivia circles away.
Marcoh Olivia is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Olivia connects with the punch.
Craig misses with a double jab
and Olivia counters with a stiff right hand.
Olivia stalks Craig and leaps in with a furious combination of punches. Uppercuts and crosses smash into Craig's face. Craig staggers backwards, shaken.

Excellent takedown into side control there by Craig.
Olivia is putting a lot of effort into getting back to his feet here.
Craig wants to control but Olivia is keeping him busy.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Olivia pushes Craig away and creates a bit of space to escape. He's almost out here... but no, Craig gets a good hold of his legs and remains firmly in side control.
Olivia tries to buck Craig off but Craig is having none of it.
Olivia is pushing Craig's head away, looking to escape. Craig manages to hold on to the position though.

The referee decides to stand the fighters back up.
Craig throws a jab, cross combination which is slipped
and Olivia counters with a shot to the ribs. That looked like it hurt.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Craig darts in looking for a takedown but Olivia gets double underhooks and turns Craig into the cage.
Olivia misses with a body punch.
Olivia misses with a body punch.
Olivia working on landing some head shots here - that one got through nicely.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Olivia is defending well against a takedown attempt.
Olivia works on Craig's body with a couple of short punches.
Olivia tries to work over Craig's body with a swooping hook but it only glances the target.
Olivia can't find room to land a body shot as Craig controls the action.

Craig breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Olivia is working the combinations to good effect here.
Olivia lands the left hand.
Olivia lands with a nice combination. Craig backs away looking to recover.
Craig throws an ugly left hook that misses
and Olivia counters with a left and a right that stings Craig.
Olivia stalks Craig and leaps in with a furious combination of punches. Uppercuts and crosses smash into Craig's face. Craig staggers backwards, shaken.

Craig moves into range and clinches up with Olivia.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.

Olivia breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Craig misses with a two punch combination.
Ryan Craig seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Olivia lands a right hook to the body.
Craig shoots in but no luck this time.
Olivia's corner calls for a 1, 2 combination and Olivia duly obliges.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Danga de danga de dang - Olivia scores with a four punch combination!
Olivia avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Olivia pushes forward with a 1-2 combination that forces Craig back to the cage. Olivia follows up with a solid lead hook to the liver.
Craig gets cracked with a nice right hand there by Olivia.
Nice uppercut lands for Olivia. That snapped Craig's head back.
Olivia lands a nice shot to the body.
Olivia with a nice cross.

Craig closes the distance and clinches up, looking for a takedown. He shifts his weight and gets a nice trip into half guard.
Olivia wants to get back to his feet.
Craig slips a nice elbow through Olivia's hands, connecting with Olivia's forehead.
Olivia looks like he's trying to stand up.
The crowd applaud the fighters' efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Craig wants to free his trapped foot but Olivia is holding on for dear life with his legs.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Marcoh Olivia dominated that round.
The cut man is working on Ryan Craig's cut.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action!

Craig looks to land a right hand but Olivia moved out of range.
And an attempted straight right on the counter from Olivia! But no joy.
Craig doesn't manage to clinch there - Olivia circles away.
Olivia is loading up here, looking for a big counter of his own.
Olivia keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
Jab, cross, leg kick. Nice combination by Olivia!
Olivia scores with a hook to the body. Craig takes a step back and tries to catch his breath.
Olivia wings a very wild body shot but it does the job and lands to the midsection.
Marcoh Olivia seems to be getting the better of the standup.
Craig tries to clinch up.
And an attempted straight right on the counter from Olivia! But no joy.
A left and a right from Olivia both land. Nice combination.
Olivia connects with a hook to the side of his opponent's head.
Craig fails with the takedown
and Olivia counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.
Craig darts in looking for a takedown but Olivia gets double underhooks and turns Craig into the cage.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Ryan Craig. That's going to take a lot out of him.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Olivia tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Craig's elbow.
Olivia lands a body shot in the clinch.
A shot in the inside from Olivia.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.

That's one minute gone in the round.
The referee is keeping an eye on Olivia - much more stalling and he will separate the fighters.
Olivia tries to throw a body punch but Craig avoids it by throwing Olivia back against the cage.
Craig looking to slow down the pace here.
Olivia misses with a hook to the ribs.
Olivia misses with a punch to the body.

Olivia is fighting off a takedown attempt but Craig is just too persistent for him and manages to trip Olivia to the mat. Olivia regains guard as soon as the fighters hit the mat.
Olivia preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Olivia wants to sweep here but Craig controlling him for the moment.
Olivia keeping full guard, as Craig tries to pass.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Olivia keeping moving, preventing Craig from controlling successfully.
Craig tries to free his leg and advance position but Olivia is retaining full guard.
Craig wants to control from the top but Olivia keeps moving.
The referee claps his hands together and tells the fighters to work.
Craig is just sitting in guard, looking to avoid any submissions.

The referee decides to stand the fighters back up.
Olivia works over Craig's head and body with a nice combination.
Craig looks like he's developed a pretty tasty lump over his left eye. He'll need to avoid taking much more damage to that.

That's three minutes gone in the round.

Craig shoots in and scores a nice double leg takedown into half guard.
Olivia scrambles, trying to get to his feet, but Craig manages to mount him!
Ryan Craig overall seems to be getting the better of the ground position in the fight so far.
Olivia is wriggling around trying to escape.
Craig controlling his opponent.
Craig can't quite control the action as he would like just now, as Olivia is looking to escape.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Craig misses with a series of strikes from mount. He'll no doubt be working on his ground and pound when he gets back to the gym.
Craig throwing sloppy strikes, which aren't doing any damage.
Craig fakes a shot to the body and cracks his opponent in the head. Nice ground and pound there!
Olivia tries to reverse the position but Craig maintains control.
Olivia in a bad spot here, taking shots to the head.
We get told so often about how wrestlers don't like to be on their backs. Let's see if Olivia can do anything to dispel that myth.
Craig with a couple of short strikes.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Olivia is squirming around, avoiding Craig's attempts to control the action.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Marcoh Olivia showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The cut man is working on Ryan Craig's cut.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action! This is the final round!

Olivia stuns Craig with a nice body shot, before stepping back out of range.
A jab from Craig misses.
Craig shoots in and drives through. Olivia sprawls well.
Craig with a lazy takedown attempt
and Olivia counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Olivia looks to land a combination. Craig sees it coming but can only parry a couple of the shots.
Craig tries to clinch but Olivia is having none of it.
And an attempted straight right on the counter from Olivia! But no joy.
A left and a right from Olivia both land. Nice combination.
Olivia stooping low to avoid any incoming strikes and then lunges in with an uppercut come cross that lands flush.
Craig shoots in for a takedown. "Ole!" shouts Olivia as he jumps to the side.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Ryan Craig. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Olivia digs a good hook to Craig's body.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Olivia scores with a body shot.
A shot to the liver by Olivia. Beautiful body shot.
Olivia scores with a shot to the body.
Craig with a lazy takedown attempt
and Olivia connects with a straight left hand counter down the middle.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
Olivia shuffles to his left behind two crisp jabs. Craig eats them both and turns towards Olivia to reposition himself and eats a stinging right hand-left hook combo.
Danga de danga de dang - Olivia scores with a four punch combination!

That's one minute gone in the round.
Olivia throws a series of strikes that have Craig backpedaling.
Olivia lands a powerful looking uppercut that connected with his opponent's jaw.
Olivia jabs Craig to the body, keeping him at a distance.
Olivia throws a nice hook to the body that draws an oooh from the crowd.
Olivia connects with a lovely jab that went straight through the gap between Craig's hands.
Craig fails with the takedown
and Olivia counters with a right hand to the body.
Olivia lands a slapping body shot.
Craig takes one to the side of the head.
Craig's hands are dropping dangerously low here and Olivia connects clean with a right hook that sends him down to one knee! Craig scrambles back to his feet.
A nice combination there by Olivia.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Olivia lands with a two punch combination before moving back out of range.
Olivia throws a good cross that connects.
Craig misses the jab.
Olivia takes a step towards his opponent and connects with a left hand, before circling away.
Craig is on the wrong end of a nice combination from Olivia.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
A left lands for Olivia.
Craig on the wrong end of a nice hook.
No luck with that takedown attempt from Craig.
Ryan Craig is looking to throw some combinations by the looks of things.
Craig dives in and grabs Olivia's left leg, looking for a takedown. Olivia pushes down on Craig's head and hops out.
Olivia connects with a nice looking jab.
Olivia ducks under an overhand right and circles away with a smile on his face.
Olivia cracks Craig with a nice right hand that draws applause from the crowd.
Olivia lands a glancing blow to the side of Craig's head.
Olivia feints a straight left to the body, then turns around with a flashy move and hits Craigs jaw with a dramatic spinning back fist!
Olivia scores with a nice one two combo and darts back out of range to avoid anything coming in the opposite direction.
Olivia avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Craig has his head slapped from side to side by a 3 punch combination. That must have hurt him.
Olivia looks to land a combination. Craig sees it coming but can only parry a couple of the shots.
Craig throws an ugly left hook that misses
and Olivia counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.
Craig shoots in for a takedown. "Ole!" shouts Olivia as he jumps to the side.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Olivia fakes a jab and then connects with a hook.
Craig misses with a takedown
and Olivia counters with a three punch combination, finished off with a leg kick. Nice work.
Olivia lands an overhand right.
Olivia dodges the punch combination from Craig.
Olivia looks like he wants to counter punch here.
Olivia connects nicely with a jab. Noted by the judges no doubt.
Craig takes a shot right to the bread basket.
Craig closes this distance looking for a takedown but Olivia circles away.
Craig takes one on the chin but seems OK.
Craig takes a punch right to his stomach. That took the wind out of him momentarily.
Craig takes a body punch but keeps moving.
Olivia with a nice cross.
This has been an exciting period of action!
Olivia feints a jab promting Craig to slip. Olivia then demonstrates his capabilities by jabbing again. Craig slips again and ducks right into an uppercut.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Olivia digs a good hook to Craig's body.
Craig tries for a takedown but Olivia circles away easily
and Olivia counters nicely by changing levels and landing a hook to the body.
Nice body punch from Olivia.
Olivia moves out of range as Craig strikes.
Left hook, right uppercut from Olivia.
Olivia scores to the head and body with a nice combination!
Olivia scores with a nice strike.
Olivia stuffs a takedown. It's all about dictating where the fight takes place and Olivia wants it to stay on the feet.
Olivia scores with a one two! Craig had his feet all tangled up there and couldn't avoid the strikes.
Craig is looking to clinch but Olivia is avoiding it.
As the round comes to an end the crowd are showing their appreciation for a great round of action.
Craig needs to keep his hands up - Olivia had a free shot at his head there.
Olivia has been the more effective fighter overall so far.
Olivia scores with a nice one two combo and darts back out of range to avoid anything coming in the opposite direction.
Ryan Craig has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
Marcoh Olivia is fighting for a decision - hopefully he's judged it right and he's actually winning the fight.
Craig tries to clinch but fails miserably
and Olivia counters with a straight right hand.
Craig throws a lazy uppercut
letting Olivia counter with a right hand.

And that's the end of the fight!
Marcoh Olivia comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
I've got Olivia winning every round here. Surely the decision will go his way and he'll pick up a well deserved decision victory. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Don Winkell scores the fight 26:30
Judge Timothy Bukovac scores the fight 26:30
Judge Percy O'Donnell scores the fight 26:30

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Marcoh Olivia!

An out of breath Marcoh Olivia thanked his loyal fans in his post fight interview, giving them credit for his success over the course of his career.
Ryan Craig spoke after the fight, saying 'Well that sucked, I’ll be back.'.
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