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Coming up we have a featherweight MMA rules bout between Big Daddy (ranked 845 p4p, 532 weight class) and Kaven May Jr (ranked 77 p4p, 50 weight class). May Jr has chosen HonestKey- Self Discovery as his entrance music, which hasn't gone down very well with the crowd. Kaven May Jr will no doubt be trying to keep this one on the feet, where he has a distinct advantage.

160 cm
11 - 7 - 1
171 cm
13 - 10 - 0
Good wrestling
Solid boxing
Insanely flexible
Good wrestler
World class MT
Good gas tank

Pulling Guard

Honest Apparel ($30 SPECIAL ALL Shorts!)
30th Century Beer Store

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the featherweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 11 - 7 - 1, fighting out of Montreal, Big Daddy!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 13 - 10 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Kaven May Jr!
The judges for this bout are William Peck, Gregory Folan and Robert Douchet.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
May Jr's jab looks to have found its range, popping Daddy under the eye.
Daddy drops his hands and takes a jab to the jaw for his troubles.
May Jr punishes Daddy's body with a nice straight punch.
May Jr throws a right hand that misses
and Daddy counters with a straight right hand.
May Jr misses with a wild body shot.
A bone on bone clash there as Daddy blocks the leg kick.

Daddy scores a trip takedown into side control. Nice.
You can see the frustration on May Jr's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Daddy lands a decent elbow from side control.
May Jr looks more muscular than last time we saw him. He must have been on the weights.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Daddy lands some shots froms side control.

That's one minute gone in the round.
May Jr parries the strikes from Daddy easily there. Daddy is wary of posturing up too much because it might enable May Jr to escape.
May Jr wants to control but Daddy postures up.
May Jr sneaks a leg under to get back to half guard.

May Jr looking to work for a kimura from the bottom.
May Jr is trying to control but can't.
Daddy is nestled in close to May Jr, controlling him well. He's worked in a nice elbow to the side of the head as well, for good measure.
Daddy working some ground and pound from close in. He's looking to maintain this position and strike for a while by the looks of things... although he'll probably advance to full mount in a minute now I've said that.
May Jr is working for an escape here. He's hooked one of Daddy's legs and he's managed to sneak out and take Daddy's back!
Daddy looking very determined here, making life difficult for May Jr.
Daddy can't escape the position.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Daddy is working hard here to advance position.
May Jr has the hooks sunk in and you can see the will to fight slowly draining out of Daddy's body.
Daddy is really stuck here.
Well, with May Jr on his back, surely it's only a matter of time before Daddy is tapping out... Can he escape the position?
Daddy tries to escape the position - he's now mounted. Is that better or worse? Hard to tell!
Daddy is controlling an arm, preventing May Jr from taking his back. Although keeping him in mount is no better to be honest.
Daddy wants to hold on but May Jr pushes him away.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Daddy sneaks a leg back under and regains half guard and is working straight away to try and get back to guard. He hasn't managed just yet though.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Daddy trying to control here.
May Jr is figuring out what he wants to do next.
Daddy is not content to let May Jr control the position.
Daddy controlling the leg, holding on to half guard.
Daddy might be looking to lock onto one of his opponent's long limbs for a submission, whilst we're on the ground.
The fighters are starting to perspire pretty heavily.
Daddy tries to roll over but May Jr keeps him under control.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Well. There's a bit of a lull in the action here and the crowd are starting to get restless.
May Jr seems very keen to just sit and control from half guard but Daddy does not like that idea so much and is remaining active off his back.

The referee has decided to stand the fighters back up, so we'll restart on the feet.
A slow jab from May Jr misses its intended target.
Daddy misses with a wild body shot.
May Jr tries a quick counter leg kick but Daddy is wise to it.
Daddy misses with a double jab
and May Jr counters with a leg kick that reverborates around the arena.
May Jr fakes with a right hand and throws a good leg kick, right into the thigh. That had to hurt Daddy.
Daddy throws a body shot but no joy.

That's five minutes gone in the round.
May Jr throws a wild combination but nothing lands.
Nice jab there from Daddy.
Daddy pushing out the jab but it's not landing.

Daddy looking to score a takedown here. May Jr is defending well but Daddy drives through and ends up in May Jr's guard.
May Jr is adopting a defensive guard.
Daddy postures up to throw the ground and pound strikes but they don't connect.
May Jr is pulling down on Daddy's head. It's preventing any offense from Daddy, at least for the moment.

May Jr is working actively off his back, looking to secure an arm or perhaps work for a triangle.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
Daddy throws an elbow that misses. May Jr uses the momentum to reverse the position. He's now in Daddy's guard. Nice move by May Jr!

May Jr stands up and looks to throw the legs aside to pass to side control. Daddy swivels though and keeps the full guard.
May Jr not doing a lot at the moment. He'll have to show some more aggression or the fight will get stood up.
Daddy not looking particularly offensive just at the moment.
Daddy is going to have to think about doing something other than just controlling because May Jr is managing to avoid having the position dictated to him.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Daddy is working the butterfly guard. He manages to land a nice scissor sweep and is now in half guard on the top. Nice move.

May Jr is trying to defend against the ground and pound but Daddy scores with a couple of nice shots.
Daddy is looking to take a break and control but May Jr is keeping him honest, looking to work from the bottom.
May Jr gets back to full guard.

May Jr escapes his hips to the side and looks to be working for an armbar. Daddy gives him a little smile and shakes his head. No chance.
May Jr not looking particularly offensive just at the moment.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
May Jr pulls Daddy in to control the position.
May Jr keeping moving, preventing Daddy from controlling successfully.
Daddy lands a couple of elbows.
Daddy makes a bit of distance and scores with some ground and pound, still in guard.
May Jr keeping full guard, as Daddy tries to pass.

May Jr is working actively off his back, looking to secure an arm or perhaps work for a triangle.
Daddy controls the pace of the fight for a moment.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Daddy throwing strikes from guard but May Jr blocks nicely.
Daddy wants to control from the top but May Jr keeps moving.
We may be looking at a referee standup if the pace doesn't pick up soon.
Daddy loading up with the ground and pound but he's missing more than he's landing in this flurry.
May Jr has Daddy pulled in close to control his posture.

The ref stands the fighters back up due to a lack of activity.
May Jr throws a decent looking leg kick but it doesn't land clean.
Daddy appears to be looking for a counter takedown.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
May Jr misses with a series of wild punches.
Daddy was looking to counter that last move with a shot to the body but he didn't commit.
Daddy tries to score a power double leg takedown but May Jr sees that one coming and sprawls well. That will dishearten Daddy somewhat.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

That was a close round but I would say that Big Daddy will probably get the nod.
The minute break is over - no more time for sponges and pep talks - back to the action!

Daddy uses good footwork to avoid the strikes from May Jr.
May Jr steps to the side to avoid the strikes from Daddy.
May Jr flicks out a counter leg kick but Daddy steps away.
Daddy waving his hands out in front of him, looking to distract May Jr.
May Jr misses with a body shot.
May Jr throws a combination but comes up with nothing but fresh air.
Daddy lands with a nice body punch.
May Jr scores with a leg kick.
Daddy misses with a telegraphed body shot
and he gets countered with a snapping leg kick.
May Jr ducks down and throws a hook to the body but Daddy moves away.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
May Jr throws a hook but Daddy blocks it.
Daddy attempts a counter takedown but May Jr avoids it well and moves away.
May Jr throws a leg kick but Daddy checks it.
May Jr throws a looping overhand right but Daddy ducks down to avoid it.
Daddy moves away from the strike by May Jr.
Kaven May Jr is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.

That's one minute gone in the round.
A bone on bone clash there as Daddy blocks the leg kick.
Daddy takes a kick to the side of the head.
A swing and a miss from May Jr.
Daddy throws the left hand but May Jr avoids the punch easily.
May Jr swings for the body but Daddy moves out of range.
Daddy fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
The sound of bone on bone echoes around the arena as Daddy checks a leg kick.
Daddy swung with a counter punch to the body but it didn't connect.
Daddy just misses with a punch to the body.
Daddy takes a swing at May Jr's ribcage but misses.
A jab from Daddy misses.
Daddy slips under a jab.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
May Jr cracks Daddy with a good shot that sees him stumbling back into the cage.
May Jr avoids a punch combination nicely.
May Jr avoids a lazy jab quite easily.
Daddy misses with a body shot.
A nice side step and May Jr releases a counter shot to the body, but it doesn't find it's home.
Daddy misses with a lunging right hand
and May Jr counters with a nice uppercut.
May Jr throws out a loose jab but Daddy uses good head movement to avoid it.
May Jr misses with a head kick.

Daddy changes levels and drives through with a really nice takedown into side control. May Jr looks really pissed at himself for not defending that better.
We've been hearing that Daddy has been drilling a lot of ground and pound in training, so let's see if he get the finish.
This has been an exciting period of action!
May Jr takes a couple of big shots there - the referee warns him that he has to defend himself better.
Daddy lands an elbow.
Daddy cracks May Jr with a big elbow.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Daddy is working May Jr over with some ground and pound from side control.
May Jr pushes Daddy away and creates a bit of space to escape. He's almost out here... but no, Daddy gets a good hold of his legs and remains firmly in side control.
May Jr is trying to improve his position.
Daddy landing strikes.
Daddy scores with a couple of nice shots to the head there. The referee takes a look at May Jr to see if he's OK.
May Jr is trying to control Daddy's posture but Daddy avoids it.
May Jr is looking for a sweep.
May Jr struggling a bit here.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Daddy trying to control the position but May Jr is working away.
May Jr can't do much from the bottom here.
Daddy is looking to take a break and control but May Jr is keeping him honest, looking to work from the bottom.

That's five minutes gone in the round.
May Jr on the wrong end of some ground and pound.
Daddy wants to control but May Jr is keeping him busy.
May Jr is moving his hips around well on the bottom and has managed to get back to half guard.
Daddy not throwing his punches with enough precision this time.
May Jr is looking to improve his position.
It looks like the ref is thinking about a standup.
May Jr wants to control but Daddy is keeping busy.

The referee has decided to stand the fighters back up, so we'll restart on the feet.
A low kick from May Jr misses
and Daddy counters with a stiff right hand.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
A jab from May Jr misses.
May Jr throws a monster uppercut resembling something out of street fighter but it doesn't land.
May Jr tries to score with a leg kick but it misses it's target.
May Jr tried to score with a low kick but Daddy checks it.
May Jr throws a nice inside leg kick.
Daddy takes one to the side of the head.
May Jr throws a sloppy head kick and Daddy moves out of range easily.
Good exchange - May Jr coming out on top.
May Jr looks to score with a jab to the body but Daddy is just out of range.
Daddy throws an uppercut from half a mile away. May Jr sees it coming and avoids it easily.
May Jr tries to counter with a clinch but Daddy shakes him off and moves away.
May Jr keeping his hands up high there, blocking the jab from Daddy.
May Jr throws a looping overhand right but Daddy ducks down to avoid it.
Daddy changes levels looking for a counter takedown but doesn't commit.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Daddy misses the shot to the body.
Daddy throws a monster uppercut resembling something out of street fighter but it doesn't land.
Daddy checks a low kick from May Jr.

Daddy shoots in from a long way out. He's driving through with the takedown attempt and he eventually gets it, landing in May Jr's guard.
A big thud reverberates around the arena there as Daddy accidentally thumps the mat. Hopefully he's not broken his hand.
Daddy being controlled here momentarily.
Daddy throwing elbows and punches but not connecting, as May Jr works some decent striking defense from the bottom.
Daddy wants to control from the top but May Jr keeps moving.
Daddy tries to free his leg and advance position but May Jr is retaining full guard.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.

May Jr is active off his back here, looking for submissions.
Big Daddy overall seems to be getting the better of the ground position in the fight so far.
Daddy keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of May Jr's head.
May Jr keeping full guard, as Daddy tries to pass.
May Jr trying to keep a closed guard but Daddy is proving a slippery customer.
Daddy postures up and lands a big shot to May Jr's brow.
Daddy cracks May Jr with a solid left hand.
Daddy postures up.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.

May Jr is throwing his legs up, looking for submissions. Daddy is aware though and is defending well.
Daddy sitting in guard, not really doing much.
Daddy connects with a couple of short punches.
Daddy working from the guard for now, landing some ground and pound.

May Jr throwing his legs up looking for a triangle.
May Jr trying to control the position.
The referee looks like he's ready to step in and stand the fighters back up.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
May Jr is in a good position here but he's just trying to control... And he's not even managing to do that successfully.

The referee has decided to stand the fighters back up, so we'll restart on the feet.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

That was a close second round but I would say that Big Daddy will probably get the nod.
That's time! Back to the action! This is the final round!

May Jr steps to the side to avoid the strikes from Daddy.
Daddy misses with a series of wild punches.
A little jabbing left from May Jr on the counter but it doesn't find it's target.
May Jr scores with a leg kick.
Daddy takes a body punch that cleary hurt but he's trying not to show any weakness.
May Jr with a jab.
A swing and a miss from Daddy.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
A nice inside leg kick there by May Jr. That's going to slow Daddy down.
Daddy just misses with a punch to the body.
A jab from Daddy misses.
May Jr takes a jab on the nose. He smiles like he loves it and keeps coming.

That's one minute gone in the round.
A looping hook to the body misses from Daddy. May Jr does a little dance to reset his feet.
May Jr wants to counter with a clinch but Daddy pushes him away.
Daddy on the wrong end of a nice low kick. He's acting like it's no big deal but he doesn't want to take many more of those.
May Jr is using his reach advantage to land shots from outside his opponent's range.
May Jr falls off balance throwing a combination

so Daddy counters with a double leg into guard. Good agility.

May Jr has butterfly guard. He's looking to stand up here. He pushes Daddy off him and springs to his feet nicely. The crowd applauds.
Daddy is the aggressor but that punch slipped nicely by May Jr.
Daddy misses the jab.
May Jr wants to counter with a clinch but Daddy pushes him away.
May Jr wants to land a leg kick but Daddy is out of range.
Daddy throwing a counter right hand but May Jr manages to avoid it.
May Jr tries to work over Daddy's front leg with a kick but Daddy checks it.
A slow jab from Daddy misses its intended target.
May Jr throws a solid leg kick but Daddy takes the impact on his shin and smiles at May Jr.
Daddy is really struggling to find his range with his punches. May Jr's reach advantage is clearly causing him problems.
Daddy throws an overhand right that lands on May Jr's shoulder, as May Jr tries to avoid the shot.
May Jr is clearly looking to counter with head kicks.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The fighters circling - Daddy throws out the jab but it was never going to land.
This has been an exciting period of action!
May Jr pivots, looking for a leg kick but Daddy is out of range and May Jr settles back down.
May Jr fakes a couple of low kicks, before throwing one on the third attempt. It connects and Daddy has to reset his feet before getting ready to engage.
Daddy has a takedown stuffed.
Daddy lands a slapping body shot.
Good standup being displayed there by Daddy as he connects with a hook.
A swing and a miss from Daddy.
Daddy lands a really nice looking cross but May Jr seems unphased.
May Jr steps to the side to avoid the strikes from Daddy.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
No luck with that takedown attempt from Daddy.
May Jr digs a good hook to Daddy's body.
A nice leg kick lands there from May Jr.
Daddy throws out a loose jab but May Jr uses good head movement to avoid it.
May Jr leaves Daddy with his face pressed against the mat as he sprawls beautifully, defending against a solid takedown attempt.
May Jr tries a quick counter leg kick but Daddy is wise to it.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Big Daddy. That's going to take a lot out of him.
May Jr throws a sloppy head kick and Daddy moves out of range easily.
May Jr throws a leg kick that misses.
May Jr throws a right high kick that is partially blocked by Daddy.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Daddy lands with an overhand left.
Kaven May Jr seems to be getting the better of the standup.
Daddy takes one on the chin but keeps coming.
May Jr lands a leg kick. The shin dug right into the meat of the thigh.
Daddy misses the shot to the body.
May Jr now looks to counter with a shot at the body.
May Jr throws out a loose jab but Daddy uses good head movement to avoid it.
May Jr lands a slapping body shot.
May Jr pivots, looking for a leg kick but Daddy is out of range and May Jr settles back down.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Daddy fakes high and swings low for a body shot but May Jr manages to avoid it.
May Jr lands a pitter patter jab to the forehead of his opponent.
May Jr throws a nice outside leg kick.
Daddy shoots in for a double leg but May Jr sprawls well. That's going to sap some energy.
Nice uppercut lands for May Jr. That snapped Daddy's head back.
Kaven May Jr has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!

That's five minutes gone in the round.
May Jr throws a sloppy head kick and Daddy moves out of range easily.
Daddy misses with a body shot.
A low kick from May Jr is predictable there
and Daddy counters with a shot to the ribs. That looked like it hurt.
May Jr walks forward and throws out a flicking leg kick. Daddy checks it nicely though, as he moves to the side.
Daddy works May Jr's body with a nice hook.
May Jr fakes a jab and throws a low kick but Daddy checks it well.
May Jr ducks under an overhand right and circles away with a smile on his face.
A big left from Daddy misses.
Daddy misses with a hook.
May Jr flicks out a counter leg kick but Daddy steps away.
Daddy jabs May Jr to the body, keeping him at a distance.
Jab, cross, leg kick. Nice combination by May Jr!

That's six minutes gone in the round.
Daddy checks a leg kick.

Excellent takedown into side control there by Daddy.
This has been an exciting period of action!
Daddy lands a decent elbow from side control.
Daddy is staying tight to May Jr's torso, preventing him from escaping.
May Jr is not in a great position here, taking some shots.
May Jr struggling a bit here.
May Jr is trying to get back to half guard.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Daddy is looking to take a break and control but May Jr is keeping him honest, looking to work from the bottom.
May Jr can't do much from the bottom here.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
There's not a lot going on here and the crowd are letting the fighters know they're not willing to tolerate a lack of action.
May Jr is not content to let Daddy control the position.
Daddy tries to move to mount but May Jr blocks the move with his legs.
Daddy wants to lay and pray for a moment but May Jr keeps working.
If this pace continues, the referee will definitely step in and force a standup.

The referee has motioned to the fighters to stand back up.
Daddy on the wrong end of a nice low kick. He's acting like it's no big deal but he doesn't want to take many more of those.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Daddy defending well as May Jr loads up on a big left hand.
May Jr lands a leg kick. The shin dug right into the meat of the thigh.
Daddy tries to land with a swinging hook to the body but May Jr was well out of range. Poor timing from Daddy.
A countering left hand to the body from May Jr misses.
May Jr uses good footwork to avoid the strikes from Daddy.
May Jr misses with a hook.
A nice inside leg kick there by May Jr. That's going to slow Daddy down.
May Jr just misses with a punch to the body.
May Jr plants his feet and lands a nice head kick!
Daddy thuds a left hand into May Jr's body.
Big Daddy is fighting for a decision here - he's started to take the cautious approach.
A head kick misses from May Jr.

And that's the end of the fight!
Kaven May Jr comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
I think Daddy has won this one but let's see what the judges have to say. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge William Peck scores the fight 29:28
Judge Gregory Folan scores the fight 29:28
Judge Robert Douchet scores the fight 29:28

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Big Daddy!

An out of breath and clearly excited Big Daddy thanked Honest Apparel ($30 SPECIAL ALL Shorts!) for their help and support (and free stuff they sent him).
Kaven May Jr spoke after the fight, saying 'I just wanna give a special shout out to all of my coaches and training partners! Thank you for everything you do!'.
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