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Coming up we have a heavyweight MMA rules bout between Devon Merchant (ranked 2586 p4p, 2700 weight class) and Elton Sparks (ranked 264 p4p, 283 weight class). Merchant comes to the cage accompanied by HonestKey- Pass. Fingers crossed for an exciting fight - I'm sure both fighters are looking for a nice under the table bonus!

190 cm
7 - 7 - 0
192 cm
3 - 4 - 0
Good wrestling
Counter fighter
Insanely flexible
Good wrestler
Excellent MT
Good gas tank

Honest Apparel ($30 SPECIAL ALL Shorts!)

Honest Apparel ($30 SPECIAL ALL Shorts!)

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 7 - 7 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Devon Merchant!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 3 - 4 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Elton Sparks!
The judges for this bout are Trevor Gratis, Dillan Fox and William Peck.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Merchant moves away from the strike by Sparks.
Sparks misses with a hook

and Merchant counters with a nice double leg into side control. Sparks won't be happy with that.
Merchant throws a knee to the body but it doesn't do much damage.
Sparks is in a bad spot here and he knows it... just holding on for now.
Merchant has been looking to land a fair amount of strikes on the ground. He might be looking to soften his opponent up in order to work for a submission.
Sparks is looking to regain half guard here but Merchant keeps moving and retains side control.
Merchant fails to land a wild elbow strike.
We've been hearing that Merchant has been drilling a lot of ground and pound in training, so let's see if he get the finish.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
The strikes coming from Merchant are missing the target in this wave of attacks.
Merchant trying to control the action but Sparks is working from the bottom.
Sparks seems a little lost for a moment, as Merchant dominates the positioning.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Sparks is trying to improve his position.
We get told so often about how wrestlers don't like to be on their backs. Let's see if Sparks can do anything to dispel that myth.
Merchant lands a few punches from side control.
Merchant just content to control the position.
Merchant connects with a decent looking elbow from side control that caused Sparks some visible discomfort.
Merchant is working Sparks over with some ground and pound from side control.

Merchant goes for an armbar! This could be all over! Wait, no, Sparks rolls with the submission and now he's on top in Merchant's guard! Nice work there by Sparks!
Merchant looking for a sweep. Not yet Merchant, not yet.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Sparks looking to control the position here, rather than advance.
Merchant is doing well to control the posture of his opponent and prevent any damage.

Merchant escapes his hips to the side and looks to be working for an armbar. Sparks gives him a little smile and shakes his head. No chance.
Sparks controlling from the guard. I say controlling but really, he's stalling.

Merchant escapes his hips to the side and looks to be working for an armbar. Sparks gives him a little smile and shakes his head. No chance.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Merchant controls Sparks momentarily but Sparks frees himself.

Sparks stands up from Merchant's guard - Sparks perhaps looking for a knockout.
Sparks throws a big shot that misses.
Sparks just misses with a punch to the body.
Sparks throws a right and a left that both miss.
Sparks throws a body kick despite being completely out of range

and Merchant counters with a nice double leg into guard.
Merchant working some strikes from top position.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Sparks seems keen to control rather than go for a submission, at least for now.
Sparks utilising some decent striking defenses from the guard, preventing the ground and pound.
Merchant stands up over Sparks, holding his feet. He dives back in and lands a decent shot to the head.
Sparks seems keen to control rather than go for a submission, at least for now.
Sparks looking to hit a scissor sweep but Merchant is one step ahead there.
Sparks looks more muscular than last time we saw him. He must have been on the weights.
Merchant in full guard, throwing the ground and pound. No damage this time.
Merchant trying to control the position from guard on top but Sparks is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Merchant is looking to work some ground and pound but Sparks has wrist control.

That's five minutes gone in the round.
Merchant pressing down on his opponent's thigh, looking to pass guard. Sparks is keeping the position for now.
Sparks is working from a closed guard but he's struggling to control his opponent.
Merchant won't allow Sparks to get back to his feet.
Merchant postures up and lands a big shot to Sparks's brow.
Merchant seems content to control from guard here. He's going to have to remain active though if he doesn't want to get stood back up.
Sparks working the defensive guard well to avoid strikes from Merchant.
Sparks preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Merchant content to strike from guard, landing some decent shots.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are getting on the fighters' backs, as the pace has dropped off in the last minute or so.
Merchant trying to control the position from guard on top but Sparks is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Sparks seems keen to control Merchant's posture.
Merchant throwing elbows and punches but not connecting, as Sparks works some decent striking defense from the bottom.
A real slowdown in the pace of the fight for a moment, as Sparks holds on and takes a little breather.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.
Merchant throws a hook to the body but it doesn't connect.
Sparks tries to bum rush Merchant with a series of wild strikes but Merchant uses good footwork to avoid the assault.
Merchant avoids the body shot from Sparks.
Sparks swings away with a body shot that misses
and Merchant cracks him with a counter punch right on the button.
Merchant's hands are dropping dangerously low here and Sparks connects clean with a right hook that sends him down to one knee! Merchant scrambles back to his feet.

It looks like Devon Merchant has been cut.
Merchant drops his hands momentarily and Sparks takes advantage with a crisp shot to the head.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Merchant misses with a right hand
and Sparks counters with a lovely straight right hand!
Sparks thuds a left hand into Merchant's body.
Elton Sparks seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Sparks lunges in with swinging rights and lefts but Merchant circles away quickly and effectively.
Sparks throws a looping overhand right but Merchant ducks down to avoid it.
Merchant attempts a counter takedown but Sparks avoids it well and moves away.
Sparks getting the better of the striking in that exchange.
Sparks ducks down and throws a hook to the body but Merchant moves away.
Sparks missing with a left hand there. Merchant was out of range so wasted energy throwing that one.
Sparks tries a head kick but it misses.

Merchant shoots in for a takedown! He's got it and he's managed to land in side control! That's better than Merchant was expecting from the takedown attempt, I'm sure!

Sparks bucks up and manages to escape back to his feet!

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Merchant slips under a jab.
Merchant drops down looking for a counter takedown but Sparks sprawls and moves away.
Sparks swings widly with a right hand

and Merchant counters with a nice shoot takedown that brings the fighters to the ground.
Sparks is trying to control the position from the bottom.
Merchant missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.
Merchant is intent on slowing down the pace of the fight, simply looking to control.
Merchant throws a big right hand that misses.
Merchant throwing strikes from guard but Sparks blocks nicely.
Sparks is doing well to control the posture of his opponent and prevent any damage.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Sparks is working an open guard here, looking to improve his position. No doubt that will leave him open to counters but at least he's being more offensive.
Merchant is looking to work some ground and pound but Sparks has wrist control.
Merchant tries to free his leg and advance position but Sparks is retaining full guard.
Sparks looking to hit a scissor sweep but Merchant is one step ahead there.
Merchant wants to control from the top but Sparks keeps moving.

The referee has motioned to the fighters to stand back up.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
A big left from Merchant misses.
Sparks fakes and then throws a beautiful body shot. Merchant looks a bit winded and takes a step backwards to take a breath.
Merchant staying out of range there.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

A close round but Elton Sparks will probably get the nod.
The cut man is working on Devon Merchant's cut.
Well, the break between rounds is over. Let's get back to the scrappin!

Sparks throws a leg kick but Merchant moved away.
Merchant walks into a stiff left hand from Sparks.
Merchant slips under a jab.
Merchant drops his hands and takes a jab to the jaw for his troubles.
Sparks lands with a cross.
Sparks throws a monster uppercut resembling something out of street fighter but it doesn't land.
A telegraphed right hand from Sparks misses the target.
Merchant drops down looking for a counter takedown but Sparks sprawls and moves away.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Sparks defends well against a solid takedown attempt from Merchant.
Merchant ducks down and throws a hook to the body but Sparks moves away.
A looping hook to the body misses from Merchant. Sparks does a little dance to reset his feet.
A jab from Sparks misses.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Merchant uses decent footwork to sidestep a right hand from Sparks.
Sparks slips under a jab.
Sparks is loading up here, looking for a big counter of his own.
Sparks scores with a body shot.
Merchant swings and misses with a hook to the body.
It seemed like Sparks was going to counter with the hook but didn't fully commit to it.
Merchant scores with a sloppy right hand. Sparks should have avoided that one.
Nice shot lands for Merchant.
Sparks scores with a punch to the gut of his opponent.
Merchant waving his hands out in front of him, looking to distract Sparks.
Sparks unleashes a big counter combination but Merchant bobs and weaves and avoids any damage.
Sparks throws a hook but Merchant avoids it easily.
Elton Sparks is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Sparks throws an ugly left hook that misses
enabling Merchant to counter with a crisp jab.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Sparks lands a slapping body shot.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.
Sparks lands a big right hand and follows it up with an uppercut. Oh and another big punch and a knee - Merchant can't take much more of this! Another big shot to the jaw from Sparks and Merchant drops to the floor. Beaten and bloodied - he had enough there. A vicious beatdown by Sparks.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:14 of round 2, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Elton Sparks!
After the fight, Elton Sparks was humble in paying tribute to his opponent but made it clear he wants to go on to bigger and better things. It seemed to go down well with the crowd who cheered him loudly.
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