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HC GRAP 30 PBP Commentary

172 cm
29 yrs
190 lbs

174 cm
34 yrs
160 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the super heavyweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of Amsterdam, with a TWGC record of 11 wins and 6 losses; Woodie Maykit! And in the blue corner, fighting out of Tokyo, with a TWGC record of 10 wins and 8 losses; Ty Wong!
The judges for this bout are James Glass, Chris Edwards and Phil Schofield.

Let's get this grappling contest under way! Who will be victorious?

Maykit looking to shoot here. He's gone for it and he's landed a takedown into side control! Oh, that's bad for Wong!
Score +4 for clean takedown past guard: Maykit (4) vs (0) Wong
Maykit is pausing for a moment. What's he doing? It looks like he's clearing his nose. Oh dude! He's shot a load of snot all down Wong's shoulder. That is not cool.
Wong struggling a bit here.
Wong prevents Maykit from moving into mount.
A lull in the action here as Maykit stalls from top position.
Maykit has controlled the position for a good 20 seconds, which will no doubt be starting to frustrate his opponent.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Wong stops Maykit from passing to mount.
Maykit has been talking about how he's improved his wrestling in the run up to the fight so let's see if that's enough to sway the balance.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Wong being controlled for a moment.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Wong prevents Maykit from moving into mount.
Maykit controls the position from side control.

Maykit is looking for a kimura. He might have it! No, Wong has escaped the position, nice work there.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Maykit just content to control the position.
Wong is trying to improve his position.
You can see the frustration on Wong's face as Maykit controls the position.
Wong prevents Maykit from improving position.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
A lull in the action here.
Maykit's ground tactics aren't going to win him many fans. Let's hope he's got fireworks for us if he gets back to his feet because he's not doing much on the ground.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Maykit moves into full mount!
Score +2 for reaching mount: Maykit (6) vs (0) Wong

That's five minutes gone in the round.
Wong tries to hold on but Maykit postures up.
Maykit looking to control and managing it successfully.
Maykit seems to have a rather negative gameplan on the ground. He seems keen to just score the takedown and hold down Wong for as long as he can get away with.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
This is a sustained period of stalling by Maykit.
Further stalling from Maykit.
Maykit is trying to take his opponent's back.
Maykit controlling from the full mount.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Wong is controlling an arm, preventing Maykit from taking his back. Although keeping him in mount is no better to be honest.
Maykit tucks in and makes sure he doesn't lose the dominant position.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
Maykit seems to be looking to move to his opponent's back but Wong is holding on tight.
Wong is desperately trying to get back to half guard.
Maykit content just to control the position here.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Maykit prevents Wong from getting the reversal.
Maykit controlling from the full mount.
Wong tries to hold on but Maykit pushes him away.

That's ten minutes gone in the round.
Maykit takes a little breather and maintains the position. The referee will be looking for him to stay active from such a dominant position though.
If it seems like I'm not saying a lot, it's just because Maykit is stinking the place up with his stalling.
Maykit works his way to his opponent's back.
Score +3 for taking back: Maykit (9) vs (0) Wong
A bit of a pause in the action here. Maykit controlling the positon.

That's eleven minutes gone in the round.
Maykit continues to stall.

That's twelve minutes gone in the round.
Maykit doesn't have the hooks in and Wong manages to turn into his guard.
Score +2 for sweep to guard / half guard: Maykit (9) vs (2) Wong
Wong is fighting to break Maykit's control of his arms but Maykit is doing a good job of controlling the position at the moment.

That's thirteen minutes gone in the round.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.

Wong got a little sloppy there for a moment and Maykit has worked his way into a loose triangle - can he finish it?! No, Wong has managed to get both his arms back between Maykit's legs - danger averted.
Maykit is pulling down on Wong's head to control his posture.
Wong must be cautious of submissions here, given that his opponent has the superior Jiu Jitsu.

That's fourteen minutes gone in the round.
Maykit keeping moving, preventing Wong from controlling successfully.

Maykit looking for submissions off his back, moving his hips, looking for an opening.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Maykit has Wong pulled in close to control his posture.

And that's the end of the fight!
Maykit takes the fight on points by 9 to 2.
An out of breath and clearly excited Woodie Maykit thanked Hawaii Nutrition for their help and support (and free stuff they sent him).
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