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Coming up we have a heavyweight MMA rules bout between Nguyen Thanh Tung (ranked 25002 p4p, 3959 weight class) and Wild Slammer (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Thanh Tung comes to the cage accompanied by Em Của Ngày Hôm Qua. Both these guys have really solid chins. Will we see a standup war or will they both decide that a knockout is unlikely and try to win the fight elsewhere?

185 cm
3 - 6 - 0
192 cm
0 - 0 - 0
BJJ Blue Belt
Counter fighter
Granite chin
BJJ Blue Belt
Solid chin



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 3 - 6 - 0, fighting out of Tokyo, Nguyen Thanh Tung!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of London, Wild Slammer!
The judges for this bout are Yukihiro Yamamoto, Tatsuya Matsuyama and Sosuke Kotani.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!

Thanh Tung moves into the clinch.

Thanh Tung breaks the clinch and we return to the middle of the mat.

Slammer closes the distance and clinches.
Thanh Tung tries for a takedown but Slammer manages to get underhooks.
A frustrated look appears on Thanh Tung's face as he tries to break the clinch.
Slammer is trying to push Thanh Tung away but Thanh Tung has him pressed against the cage, so he's going nowhere.
Thanh Tung stalls.
Slammer stalling against the cage.
Slammer prevents the takedown attempt.
A right hand to the body from Thanh Tung.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Thanh Tung looking to slow down the pace here.
Slammer jumps guard but Thanh Tung turns him against the cage and keeps the fight standing.
Thanh Tung wants to push off and get back to the center of the mat but Slammer has him pressed against the cage.
Slammer wants to get back to striking at distance but Thanh Tung won't allow it.

That's one minute gone in the round.

Slammer escapes the clinch and we're back to striking.

Slammer looking to score a takedown here. Thanh Tung is defending well but Slammer drives through and ends up in Thanh Tung's guard.

Thanh Tung manages to wriggle out and sneak his way back up to his feet, so the fighters are now clinched up against the cage.
Thanh Tung is breathing heavily.

Slammer breaks from the clinch.
Thanh Tung tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
Thanh Tung keeping a good distance there, avoiding the body shot.
Thanh Tung misses with a head kick.

Slammer gets a double leg takedown into Thanh Tung's guard.
This has been an exciting period of action!
Slammer trying to stand up but can't free himself from Thanh Tung's guard.
Slammer tries to free his leg and advance position but Thanh Tung is retaining full guard.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Slammer seems content to control from guard here. He's going to have to remain active though if he doesn't want to get stood back up.
Slammer wants to stand but Thanh Tung has a closed guard, so he can't escape.
Slammer passes Thanh Tung's right leg, so he's now in half guard.
Slammer slips a nice elbow through Thanh Tung's hands, connecting with Thanh Tung's forehead.
Slammer sitting and controlling from the half guard.
Slammer tries to pass the half guard into mount. Thanh Tung knows what he's doing though and prevents the attempt.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Slammer keeping composed on the top, looking to control the action.
Thanh Tung won't allow Slammer to pass to mount.
Slammer controlling the action here.
The referee is pacing around the two fighters, thinking about a standup.
Slammer lands with a punch from half guard.
Slammer moves nicely into side control.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Neither fighter has done anything of merit for a good minute or two here and the crowd are not happy about it.
Slammer controlling the position.
Slammer's corner are shouting for him to control the position and he seems happy to oblige.
Thanh Tung takes an elbow right on the bridge of the nose and winces in pain.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Thanh Tung is being controlled here.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Wild Slammer dominated that round.
Well, the break between rounds is over. Let's get back to the scrappin!

No luck for Slammer with that takedown attempt.

Slammer closes the distance and clinches.
Slammer managing to block the knees to the body from Thanh Tung.

Thanh Tung tightens his grip and picks Slammer up, before dumping him to the ground. Slammer manages to land in guard.
We get told so often about how wrestlers don't like to be on their backs. Let's see if Slammer can do anything to dispel that myth.
Slammer wants to sweep but no luck.
Slammer is persisting with the attempt to improve his position.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Thanh Tung throws an elbow that misses. Slammer uses the momentum to reverse the position. He's now in Thanh Tung's guard. Nice move by Slammer!

Slammer pushing down on Thanh Tung's thigh, trying to pass to half guard. He's managed it... Nice work.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Thanh Tung wants to improve his position but Slammer is controlling well.

Thanh Tung looking for submissions off his back.

Slammer is looking for a kimura. It's going to be difficult to finish that from half guard though and Thanh Tung defends it well.
Slammer takes advantage of the dominant position to land a couple of big hammer fists.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
A lull in the action here being met with boos from the crowd.
Slammer tries to stand but can't do so whilst Thanh Tung controls his leg.
Slammer with a momentary lay and pray from half guard.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Let's hope that Slammer has the urge to step up the pace any second now because for the last 15 or 20 seconds he's just been holding on tight.
Thanh Tung on the receiving end of some nice ground and pound.
Ground and pound from Slammer.
Slammer lands with a punch from half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Slammer tries to stand but his arm is trapped.
Slammer is scoring with some nice ground and pound from the dominant position.
Slammer slows the pace down in half guard.
Thanh Tung is looking for a sweep. Slammer is wise to his cunning plan and keeps the top position.
Slammer works his way into side control.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are starting to boo a lack of action.

Slammer is looking to finish here, going for an Americana. Thanh Tung knows the correct defense though, so he's OK.
Thanh Tung tries to get back to half guard but can't.
Thanh Tung seems a little lost for a moment, as Slammer dominates the positioning.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Thanh Tung ducks under a wild hook from Slammer.

Slammer scores a trip takedown into side control. Nice.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Wild Slammer showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
That's time! Thanh Tung's corner gives him a slap on the ass as he gets ready to fight. This is the final round!

Slammer doesn't manage to clinch there - Thanh Tung circles away.
Thanh Tung fails with the takedown.

Slammer is looking for a takedown here. He's shot in and has managed to get it, finishing up in Thanh Tung's half guard.
Slammer passes to side control.
Slammer is pausing for a moment. What's he doing? It looks like he's clearing his nose. Oh dude! He's shot a load of snot all down Thanh Tung's shoulder. That is not cool.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
We're seeing a lot of stalling here from Slammer.
Slammer wants to stand but Thanh Tung is controlling his arm.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Thanh Tung being controlled for a moment.
Slammer moves into full mount!
Slammer lands a couple of nice shots there from mount.
Slammer looking to control but Thanh Tung is working nicely, looking to advance position himself.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are getting on the fighters' backs, as the pace has dropped off in the last minute or so.
Slammer controlling his opponent.
Slammer raining down hammerfists from mount.
Slammer controlling from the full mount.
Slammer pausing momentarily but resumes with a couple of decent strikes that do a bit of damage.
Slammer lands with some vicious ground and pound - can Thanh Tung hang on?
Thanh Tung wants to control but Slammer is having none of it.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Slammer sitting in mount, just looking to control for the moment.
Slammer putting on the heat here with some good ground and pound!
Slammer is in the full mount, landing strikes.
Slammer sitting in mount, just looking to control for the moment.
Slammer has been the more effective fighter overall so far.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Slammer dominating with strikes here.
Slammer tucks in and makes sure he doesn't lose the dominant position.
Nguyen Thanh Tung has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
Wild Slammer is fighting for a decision - hopefully he's judged it right and he's actually winning the fight.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Slammer landing strikes from the mount and Thanh Tung is in trouble!

And that's the end of the fight!
Wild Slammer comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
Well Slammer has outworked and out performed his opponent in all aspects of the game today. He was simply too good and the decision should be no more than a formality. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Yukihiro Yamamoto scores the fight 26:30
Judge Tatsuya Matsuyama scores the fight 27:30
Judge Sosuke Kotani scores the fight 26:30

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Wild Slammer!

Wild Slammer seemed lost for words in his post fight interview but he remembered to thank his fans and directed everyone to his website.
G S C G energy
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