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Coming up we have a light heavyweight MMA rules bout between Zekariays Solomon (ranked 1748 p4p, 1265 weight class) and Jari Lehtola (ranked 223 p4p, 166 weight class). Solomon kept the crowd waiting but all that was forgotten when his ring entrance music started. The incomparable musical genius that is Mato-Caen Lets Dance ( ft Bowie ). Both fighters look fresh as a daisy as they make their way towards the cage.

190 cm
20 - 9 - 0
198 cm
12 - 7 - 0
Good wrestling
World class boxer
Very quick
Good wrestler
World class boxer
Good gas tank

Wrestler Wayfare
Furnace Performance 🔥

Wrestler Wayfare

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the light heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 20 - 9 - 0, fighting out of London, Zekariays Solomon!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 12 - 7 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Jari Lehtola!
The judges for this bout are Phil Schofield, William Gold and Donald Grub.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Lehtola on the wrong end of a nice jab.
Donk. Lehtola catches Solomon right on the button with a cross.
Solomon throws a body punch but Lehtola moves out of range.
Lehtola thuds a left hand into Solomon's body.
Lehtola slips in close and lands a nice hook before moving back out of range.
Lehtola works Solomon's body with a nice hook.

Solomon rushes Lehtola and pushes him back against the cage in a clinch.
Lehtola tries to land a shot to the body but it's blocked.
Lehtola working aggressively here.
Lehtola lands with a left to the head.
Lehtola lands a hook that snaps the head of Solomon backwards.
Solomon blocks a punch to the side of the head.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
An uppercut on the inside fails to land for Lehtola.
A short right from Lehtola.
Lehtola lands with a left to the head.
Lehtola misses with a punch on the inside.
Solomon avoiding damage.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Solomon is trying to pull guard but being pressed up against the cage enables Lehtola to keep the fight standing.
Lehtola fails to land with a short punch on the inside.
Lehtola swings wildly with an uppercut but Solomon uses good head movement to avoid it.
A right hand to the body from Solomon.
Lehtola working aggressively here.
Solomon tries to work over Lehtola's body with a swooping hook but it only glances the target.
Solomon blocks a couple of punches on the inside.
A head punch on the inside from Lehtola fails to land.
Lehtola misses with a hook from the clinch.
Solomon blocks a punch to the side of the head.
Lehtola misses with a body punch.
Solomon blocks a punch to the side of the head.
Lehtola keeps control of Solomon as he tries to wriggle out of the double underhooks.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Lehtola misses with a hook from the clinch.
Lehtola looks more muscular than last time we saw him. He must have been on the weights.
Nice body punch from Lehtola.
Lehtola misses with a hook from the clinch.
Solomon is trying to drag Lehtola to the mat but Lehtola just about manages to keep his footing. He used the cage to his advantage there.
Lehtola tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Solomon's elbow.
Lehtola misses with a body punch.

Solomon decides to pull guard.
Solomon wants to sweep but no luck.
Lehtola controlling from the guard. I say controlling but really, he's stalling.

Lehtola got a little sloppy there for a moment and Solomon has worked his way into a loose triangle - can he finish it?! No, Lehtola has managed to get both his arms back between Solomon's legs - danger averted.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Lehtola controlling from the top position.
Solomon can't keep his opponent in guard - Lehtola advances to half guard, no doubt looking to mount.
Lehtola trying to mount his opponent but Solomon defends it.
Solomon tries to get to full guard but Lehtola has control of the leg.

Solomon looking for submissions from an awkward position here.
Solomon is looking to improve his position.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are hurling abuse towards the fighters... You can hardly blame them though because there isn't a lot going on in the fight.
Solomon wants to control but Lehtola is keeping busy and won't allow it.
Lehtola not doing much here.

Solomon is looking to sinch up a guillotine here but Lehtola pulls his head out easily.
The referee calls for the fighters to work.
The referee wants the fighters to be more active or he's going to reset them on the feet.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Solomon tries to get to full guard but Lehtola has control of the leg.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jari Lehtola dominated that round.
The fighters get back to their feet, the hooter sounds and we're back to the action!

Lehtola moves out of range as Solomon strikes.
Horrible takedown attempt by Solomon or perhaps it was just good defense by Lehtola, which made it look bad.
Lehtola tries to counter by closing the distance.

Solomon moves into the clinch.
Lehtola lands with a short head shot on the inside.
Lehtola swings away with an uppercut that misses.
Lehtola pushes Solomon back against the cage and lands a hook to the side of the head.
Lehtola swings wildly with an uppercut but Solomon uses good head movement to avoid it.
Lehtola lands a nice uppercut.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Solomon effectively controlling the action here.
Lehtola lands with a short head shot on the inside.
Lehtola working aggressively here.
Lehtola lands a left hand.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Lehtola stops a takedown attempt from Solomon.
Lehtola lands with a short punch from the clinch.
Lehtola misses with a punch on the inside.
Solomon will no doubt start fighting again in a minute but for now he's just having a little rest, leaning Lehtola up against the cage.
A head punch on the inside from Lehtola fails to land.
Lehtola misses with a shot to the kidneys.
A hook to the body from Solomon.
Lehtola misses with a body punch.
Lehtola lands on the inside with an uppercut.
Lehtola doesn't land with the attempted body shot.
Lehtola misses with a hook from the clinch.
Lehtola tries to land a shot to the body but it's blocked.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Solomon prevents a body shot from Lehtola.
Lehtola misses with a punch to the body.
Solomon looking to stall.
Solomon wants a takedown but no success here.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Zekariays Solomon. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Lehtola lands a nice looking hook to the body, against the cage.
A body shot lands from Lehtola.
Lehtola lands a right hand.
Lehtola scores with a shot to the side of Solomon's head.
Lehtola misses with a shot to the kidneys.
Solomon wants to take the fight to the mat but Lehtola manages to get underhooks and keep the fight in the clinch.
Lehtola tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Solomon's elbow.
Solomon goes for a takedown attempt but Lehtola pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance.
Solomon fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Solomon tries to clinch but Lehtola is having none of it.
Lehtola lands a nice looking body shot.
Lehtola lands a jab.
Nice uppercut there from Lehtola.
Nice jab there from Lehtola.
Lehtola lands with a good body shot.
Lehtola lands a beauty of a right hand that gets the crowd cheering.
Lehtola with a nice cross.
Lehtola has used his reach advantage pretty well so far tonight.
Solomon tries to drive through with a takedown attempt but Lehtola defends well and Solomon ends up having to push Lehtola into the cage where they will battle it out in the clinch.
A short right from Lehtola on the inside.
A head punch blocked on the inside by Solomon.
Solomon is trying to drag Lehtola to the mat but Lehtola just about manages to keep his footing. He used the cage to his advantage there.
Lehtola tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Solomon's elbow.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Lehtola keeps the fight in the clinch, despite Solomon's efforts to push away.
Solomon misses with the head strike.
Lehtola lands with a left to the head.
Jari Lehtola seems to be working more effectively in the clinch in the fight so far.
Solomon blocks an uppercut.
Lehtola swings wildly with an uppercut but Solomon uses good head movement to avoid it.
Lehtola lands with a short shot to the head.
Lehtola misses with a hook to the ribs.
Lehtola softening up his opponent with strikes, against the cage.
Lehtola tries a shoulder strike but it doesn't do any damage.
Solomon is trying to stall.
Lehtola lands a body punch - he's looking to wear down Solomon.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Jari Lehtola showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The corners get their ten second warning. Both fighters stand from their stools and stare each other down, ready to get back to the action. This is the final round!

Solomon tries to clinch but Lehtola moves out of range.
Solomon lands a vicious shot with the stealth of a sniper and the strength of a viper. Are vipers that strong? I can think of lots of things that are stronger than a viper - not many rhyme with sniper though.
Lehtola jabs at Solomon's body.
Jari Lehtola seems to be getting the better of the standup.
Lehtola with a jab.
Lehtola ducks down and throws a hook to the body.
The fight stays on the outside here - Solomon looks like he's thinking about clinching though.
Lehtola lands an overhand right.
Solomon shakes his hands off, looking to compose himself, but takes a jab to the jaw whilst he does it.
Lehtola lands a straight punch to the body, keeping Solomon at a distance.
Lehtola keeping at a good range here, avoiding a leg kick.
This fight brought to you by 5M nutrition - it's mmmmm tasty. Nice jab by Lehtola.
Solomon takes a punch right to his stomach. That took the wind out of him momentarily.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Lehtola lands a really nice looking cross but Solomon seems unphased.
Lehtola checks a leg kick nicely.
Solomon tries to drive through with a takedown attempt but Lehtola defends well and Solomon ends up having to push Lehtola into the cage where they will battle it out in the clinch.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Lehtola lands a hook to the body. It's hard to tell if that hurt Solomon or not.
Lehtola doesn't land with the attempted body shot.
Lehtola working aggressively here.
A shot in the inside from Lehtola.
Solomon drops down looking for an ankle pick but Lehtola pulls his leg out and moves away.
Lehtola dips down and scores with a jab to the body.
Solomon throws a chopping leg kick but Lehtola manages to avoid taking any serious damage.
Solomon darts in looking for a takedown but Lehtola gets double underhooks and turns Solomon into the cage.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Zekariays Solomon. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
Still in the clinch, Lehtola scores with a nice short uppercut.
Lehtola leaning his opponent against the cage.
A short right from Lehtola.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Lehtola scores with a shoulder strike.
An uppercut on the inside fails to land for Solomon.
Solomon blocking some punches.

Solomon pulls guard effortlessly.
Lehtola slows down the pace of the fight, as he sits in guard.
Lehtola has been the more effective fighter overall so far.
Lehtola forces his way into half guard.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Lehtola seems content to maintain position for now, rather than mounting any offense.
Lehtola moves into full mount! Solomon won't be happy about that!
Zekariays Solomon has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Lehtola looking to control and managing it successfully.
Solomon tries to improve his position but instead Lehtola has taken his back!
A bit of a pause in the action here. Lehtola controlling the positon.
Jari Lehtola is fighting for a decision - hopefully he's judged it right and he's actually winning the fight.
Solomon is in bad spot here.
Solomon is very frustrated here, being controlled quite effectively by Lehtola.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are getting on the fighters' backs, as the pace has dropped off in the last minute or so.
Solomon is defending well here and trying to improve his position.
You know, I was talking to some of our celebrities at ringside tonight and they were split right down the middle on who was going to win this fight.
Lehtola is hanging on to Solomon's back as he tries to escape.
Lehtola trying to secure his dominant position for a moment - making sure Solomon doesn't escape.
Lehtola is hanging on to Solomon's back as he tries to escape.
Solomon is very frustrated here, being controlled quite effectively by Lehtola.
Solomon trying to get back to his feet but Lehtola is in full control for now.

And that's the end of the fight!
Jari Lehtola comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
Well Lehtola has outworked and out performed his opponent in all aspects of the game today. He was simply too good and the decision should be no more than a formality. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Phil Schofield scores the fight 26:30
Judge William Gold scores the fight 26:30
Judge Donald Grub scores the fight 27:30

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Jari Lehtola!

Jari Lehtola took to the microphone after his victory and thanked his sponsors, Wrestler Wayfare for their support in the buildup to the fight.
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