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Coming up we have a middleweight MMA rules bout between Seppo Maki (ranked 544 p4p, 858 weight class) and Rich Mahogany (ranked 68 p4p, 110 weight class). Mahogany comes into a darkened arena with his song building. Litty kicks in, the lights come on and the crowd goes wild! What a showman! Both fighters look fresh as a daisy as they make their way towards the cage.

182 cm
19 - 8 - 1
185 cm
24 - 28 - 0
Good wrestling
World class boxer
Granite chin
Good wrestler
Excellent MT
Good gas tank



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the middleweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 19 - 8 - 1, fighting out of Helsinki, Seppo Maki!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 24 - 28 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Rich Mahogany!
The judges for this bout are Nard Betker, Paul Aken and Albert Achterberg.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
A telegraphed takedown attempt from Mahogany is defended easily by Maki.
We've been told by Maki's head coaches at IMMA Gym of Elite ASS that he's been working on his takedown defense in preparation for this fight.
Maki lands a straight punch to the body, keeping Mahogany at a distance.
Mahogany has his hands up protecting his head but a hook from Maki finds it's way round the side to connect with Mahogany's head.
Mahogany looks for a takedown but Maki sprawls well.
Maki was looking to counter that last move with a shot to the body but he didn't commit.
Mahogany misses with a body kick.
Mahogany throws a jab, cross combination which is slipped
letting Maki counter with a right hand.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Mahogany throws an uppercut from half a mile away. Maki sees it coming and avoids it easily.
Mahogany throws a combination but it was largely blocked by Maki.
Mahogany fakes a couple of low kicks, before throwing one on the third attempt. It connects and Maki has to reset his feet before getting ready to engage.
Maki gets cracked with a nice right hand there by Mahogany.
Maki with the inside leg kick.

That's one minute gone in the round.
A jab from Maki does it's job there.
Rich Mahogany seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Maki looking to throw a kick but he's pulled out of it.
Maki takes a thudding leg kick, right into the meat of the thigh.
Mahogany throws a looping overhand right but Maki ducks down to avoid it.
Mahogany throws a lazy head kick
and Maki counters with a slapping leg kick.
No luck with that takedown attempt from Mahogany.
Seppo Maki has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Rich Mahogany.
Mahogany tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.

Mahogany dives in and scores a takedown into Maki's guard.
Maki managing to control the position.
Maki avoiding any damage from the ground and pound.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Maki trying to control the position.
Mahogany working some ground and pound from guard but it's not doing any damage.
Mahogany throwing shots from guard but he's hitting more mat than opponent.
Mahogany throws a big right hand that misses.
Mahogany trying to control the position from guard on top but Maki is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Mahogany has the superior BJJ but he's also working some ground strikes into his gameplan.
Mahogany preventing the sweep.
Mahogany postures up in Maki's guard and throws a big left but Maki blocks it.
Mahogany postures up in Maki's guard and throws a big left but Maki blocks it.

The referee has motioned to the fighters to stand back up.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Mahogany shoots in but doesn't get the takedown
and Maki counters with a shot to the ribs. That looked like it hurt.
Mahogany fakes high and shoots in for a takedown but Maki avoids it really well and circles away.
Maki fakes and then throws a beautiful body shot. Mahogany looks a bit winded and takes a step backwards to take a breath.
Maki keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
Maki misses with a low kick as Mahogany jumps back.
Maki lands a leg kick. The shin dug right into the meat of the thigh.
Mahogany misses with a takedown attempt. He shot from a bit too far out.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Maki cracks Mahogany with a right hand to the side of the head.
Mahogany throws a leg kick
letting Maki counter with a right hand.
Mahogany is looking to take this fight into the clinch.
Maki gets cracked there but stands up to it.
Maki fakes a head shot and lands one to the body.
Maki shapes like he's going to throw a leg kick but settles back down.
Mahogany is definitely looking for the counter takedowns here.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Maki leaves Mahogany with his face pressed against the mat as he sprawls beautifully, defending against a solid takedown attempt.
Maki connects with a lovely jab that went straight through the gap between Mahogany's hands.
Maki looking to throw a kick but he's pulled out of it.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Seppo Maki dominated that round.
Well, the break between rounds is over. Let's get back to the scrappin!

Mahogany misses with a takedown
and Maki cracks him with a counter punch right on the button.
Maki fakes a jab and scores with a low kick.

Mahogany shoots in and bounces Maki off the cage to secure the takedown into guard.

Maki pushes Mahogany off and scrambles back to his feet.
Seppo Maki is winning the standup battle so far.
No luck with that takedown attempt from Mahogany.
Maki throws a body punch but Mahogany moves out of range.
Mahogany is loading up here, looking for a big counter of his own.
Maki stuns Mahogany with a nice body shot, before stepping back out of range.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Maki sizes up Mahogany with a pawing jab and scores with a straight right down the middle.
Maki connects with a body shot.
Maki fails to land with a series of punches.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Maki connects with an inside leg kick.
Maki blocks a leg kick.
Mahogany throws an ugly left hook that misses
and Maki counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.
Mahogany looks to throw a body kick
and Maki cracks him with a counter punch right on the button.
A head kick misses from Mahogany.
Mahogany is breathing heavily.
Maki fakes a head shot and lands one to the body.
Mahogany avoids the body shot from Maki.
The fighters are starting to get sweaty, which will make takedowns a bit more tricky.
Maki catches Mahogany with a nice straight right. He seems pissed - ooooh, it's on now! On like donkey kong!
Maki changes levels and scores with a jab to the body.
Maki scores with a straight right hand, right through his opponent's guard.
Maki connects with a jab.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Good exchange - Maki coming out on top.

Mahogany is rocked!

Maki tries to sprawl but Mahogany drives through with a takedown into half guard.
Mahogany trying to control from Maki's half guard. Maki has other ideas though and has regained full guard.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Maki controlling Mahogany's posture.
Mahogany looking to sit in guard and control but Maki gets the butterfly guard and sweeps. He's now in the guard on the top.

Maki slows down the pace of the fight for a moment. He'll need to remain active if he doesn't want to see the fight stood back up.
Mahogany manages to sweep nicely, so he's now on top. Maki manages to get himself to full guard.

Mahogany stopping the sweep attempt from Maki.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Maki wants to stand and escape but Mahogany is having none of it.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Mahogany is looking to work some ground and pound but Maki has wrist control.
Mahogany wants to control from the top but Maki keeps moving.
Mahogany is working Maki over from the guard. He should look to pass the guard and do a little more damage with these strikes.
Maki looking to hit a scissor sweep but Mahogany is one step ahead there.
Maki on his back here. We all know that wrestlers don't like being on their back so let's see if Maki tries to get out of the position.
A big thud reverberates around the arena there as Mahogany accidentally thumps the mat. Hopefully he's not broken his hand.
Maki is avoiding any damage by keeping wrist control.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
There's not a lot going on here and the crowd are letting the fighters know they're not willing to tolerate a lack of action.
Mahogany stops Maki from standing up.
Mahogany in full guard, throwing the ground and pound. No damage this time.
Maki knows he needs to get back to his feet asap. He's simply no match for Mahogany on the ground.
Mahogany postures up and lands a big shot to Maki's brow.
Mahogany not doing a lot at the moment. He'll have to show some more aggression or the fight will get stood up.
Mahogany throws a big right hand that misses.
Mahogany makes a bit of distance and scores with some ground and pound, still in guard.
Mahogany stays in close to Maki's body and controls the position.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Seppo Maki dominated that second round.
That's time! Maki's corner gives him a slap on the ass as he gets ready to fight. The crowd applaud as we get ready to start the final round!

A low kick from Maki misses
and Maki takes a counter punch right on the button for his troubles.

Mahogany is looking for a takedown here. He's shot in and has managed to get it, finishing up in Maki's half guard.
Mahogany thumps the canvas. Not on purpose obviously - he just missed Maki's head.
Mahogany wants to lay and pray for a moment but Maki keeps working.
Mahogany might have to switch it up a bit here because his efforts to control Maki haven't been going to plan, at least at the current moment in time.
Maki is looking for a sweep. Mahogany is wise to his cunning plan and keeps the top position.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Maki manages to get to full guard.
Mahogany postures up in Maki's guard and throws a big left but Maki blocks it.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Mahogany looking to pass the guard.
Mahogany postures up and lands a big shot to Maki's brow.
Maki keeping moving, preventing Mahogany from controlling successfully.
Rich Mahogany has got the better of the ground game so far.
Mahogany trying to land body shots but he keeps hitting the mat.
Mahogany stops Maki from standing up.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Maki is working an open guard here, looking to improve his position. No doubt that will leave him open to counters but at least he's being more offensive.
Mahogany seems content to control from guard here. He's going to have to remain active though if he doesn't want to get stood back up.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.
Rich Mahogany has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Neither fighter has done anything of merit for a good minute or two here and the crowd are not happy about it.
Mahogany fakes high and shoots in for a takedown but Maki avoids it really well and circles away.
Mahogany looks frustrated there after his takedown attempt is stuffed easily.
Mahogany fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
Seppo Maki has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Rich Mahogany.
Mahogany takes a big intake of breath there - he's definitely tired.
Mahogany tries to check a leg kick but that clearly hurt him.
Maki fakes low and throws an overhand right that catches Mahogany on the side of the head.
Maki throws a nice head kick!
Maki lands a really nice looking cross but Mahogany seems unphased.
A shot to the liver by Maki. Beautiful body shot.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Maki steps to the side to avoid the strikes from Mahogany.
Mahogany throws a nice looking combination but Maki bobs and weaves to avoid any damage.
A chopping leg kick lands by Maki.
Maki blocks a low kick nicely.
Maki tried to counter with a leg kick but Mahogany avoided it.
Maki cracks Mahogany with a good shot that sees him stumbling back into the cage.
Mahogany tries to score with an inside leg kick but telegraphs it and Maki is able to avoid easily.
Maki connects with a crisp jab.
Maki lands a pitter patter jab to the forehead of his opponent.
A decent looking cross lands there for Maki.
Mahogany is still on wobbly legs! Can Maki finish him?
Maki lands a slapping body shot.
Mahogany seems to have recovered his senses.
Maki moves out of range of the leg kick from Mahogany.
A low kick lands for Maki.
Maki lands a powerful looking uppercut that connected with his opponent's jaw.
Maki is really dominating this fight. Is there anything that Mahogany can do to turn this around?

That's four minutes gone in the round.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
A nice inside leg kick there by Maki. That's going to slow Mahogany down.
Mahogany tries for a takedown but Maki sees it coming a mile off and avoids it easily.
Maki swung with a counter right hand that didn't connect.
Maki cracks Mahogany with a big right hand that sees him stumbling back against the cage! Mahogany falls to his knees and Maki doesn't need a second invitatation - he rushes in and fires off several unanswered shots that force the referee to stop the fight! This one is all over!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 4:18 of round 3, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Seppo Maki!
A victorious Seppo Maki thanked his army of followers in his post fight interview, telling people to make sure they follow him on Twitter.
The defeated Rich Mahogany had this to say: 'Congratulations Pice O'Xit. You were a hell of an opponent. I will go home and take solace in my many leatherbound volumes.'.
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