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Coming up we have a welterweight MMA rules bout between James Price (ranked 4654 p4p, 3408 weight class) and Roundel Scoot (ranked 517 p4p, 434 weight class). Price comes to the cage accompanied by Starman - David Bowie. Over to our ring announcer for the fighter introductions!

186 cm
3 - 5 - 0
183 cm
2 - 2 - 0
BJJ White Belt
Excellent boxer
Granite chin
BJJ Blue Belt
Excellent boxer
Heavy handed

Pulling Guard


Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the welterweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 3 - 5 - 0, fighting out of Hilo, James Price!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 2 - 2 - 0, fighting out of Tokyo, Roundel Scoot!
The judges for this bout are Tiny Johnson, Robert Twigg and Frank Dennis.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Price with poor footwork there. He got himself in a bit of a tangle, enabling Scoot to score with a decent uppercut.
Price definitely looks more muscular than last time we saw him fight.
Scoot looks for a takedown here. Will he get it? Price is fending him off so far but Scoot persists. Nope, Price circles away and we're back to standing.
Scoot takes a hook to the side of the head. I wonder if that's got his ears ringing.
Price fakes with a right hand and throws a good leg kick, right into the thigh. That had to hurt Scoot.
Price scores with a nice head shot.
Scoot defending well as Price loads up on a big left hand.
Price fakes a jab and throws a low kick but Scoot checks it well.
Scoot jabs at Price's body.
Scoot looks more muscular than last time we saw him. He must have been on the weights.
Roundel Scoot seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Scoot shoots in for a takedown but Price shows good takedown defense.
Price is looking to counter with a shot to the body.
Price is on the wrong end of a nice combination from Scoot.
Scoot throws a hook to the body but it doesn't connect.
A little feinted left hand from Price on the counter but he doesn't commit to it.
This is a great period of action - very entertaining stuff!
Scoot throws a body punch but Price moves out of range.
A combination from Scoot does no damage.
Price appears to be looking for a counter punch to the body.
Scoot fails with a takedown attempt.
James Price has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Roundel Scoot.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Scoot looks for a takedown but Price sprawls well.
Price throws a hook but Scoot avoids it easily.
Price keeping his hands up high there, blocking the jab from Scoot.
A decent looking cross lands there for Scoot.
Scoot dives in for a single leg takedown but Price sprawls and the fighters end up clinched against the cage.
James Price is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Scoot tries to score a power double leg takedown but Price sees that one coming and sprawls well. That will dishearten Scoot somewhat.
A jab from Scoot misses.
Price swung with a counter right hand that didn't connect.
Price jabbing away but nothing is landing.
Scoot uses good footwork to avoid the strikes from Price.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Scoot tries to land with a swinging hook to the body but Price was well out of range. Poor timing from Scoot.
Price was looking to counter that last move with a shot to the body but he didn't commit.
Scoot lands a two punch combo.
Scoot uses some good footwork to avoid the body shot by Price.
Scoot now looks to counter with a shot at the body.
Price uses good head movement to avoid the hook from Scoot.
Price throws a poor cross that misses
and Scoot connects with a straight left hand counter down the middle.
Scoot throws a body shot but no joy.
Price throws the left hand but Scoot avoids the punch easily.
Scoot is definitely looking for the counter takedowns here.
Price tests Scoot's chin there with a solid looking shot.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Price displays some good footwork, moving neatly out of range as Scoot throws out the jab.
Price ducks under a wild hook from Scoot.
Price went nuts there looking for a big combo counter but none of the flurry connected.
Scoot throws a big shot that misses.
Price looked to counter that last move with a leg kick but didn't pull the trigger.
A big left from Scoot misses.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Price tries to bum rush Scoot with a series of wild strikes but Scoot uses good footwork to avoid the assault.
Price uses decent footwork to sidestep a right hand from Scoot.
Scoot connects with a body shot that sends Price's belly button to the back.
Price throws a leg kick but Scoot sees it coming and moves out of range.
And an attempted straight right on the counter from Scoot! But no joy.
Scoot has his takedown stuffed
and Price counters with a lovely straight right hand!
Scoot fakes a head punch and goes low to the body. Nicely done.
Price dodges the punch combination from Scoot.
Price throws a shot from downtown. Scoot moves away and avoids it.
Scoot swings away with a counter right hand but no contact made.
Scoot has his takedown stuffed
and Price counters with a lovely straight right hand!

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Scoot misses with a takedown attempt - Price sprawls well and throws a nice strike on the way out which just misses.
Price throws a big shot that misses.
Price misses with an uppercut. Scoot saw that one coming.
Scoot throws a right and a left that Price avoids nicely.
Price swings for the body but Scoot moves out of range.
Price throws a hook to the body but it doesn't connect.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Scoot throws the left hand but Price avoids the punch easily.
A jab from Scoot does it's job there.
Scoot takes a jab on the nose there. A little bit of blood seems to be coming out. Hopefully that won't affect his breathing.
Scoot ducks under an overhand right and circles away with a smile on his face.
Price staying out of range there.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

A close round but Roundel Scoot will probably get the nod.
OK. That's time! The bell goes and we're back to the action.

Scoot blocks a jab.
Scoot steps to the side to avoid the strikes from Price.
Price tries to land with a swinging hook to the body but Scoot was well out of range. Poor timing from Price.
Price is the aggressor but that punch slipped nicely by Scoot.
Price takes one on the button.
Price getting the better of the striking in that exchange.
A combination from Scoot does no damage.
Price is looking to counter punch.
Price throws a nice looking combination but Scoot bobs and weaves to avoid any damage.
Price misses the body punch
and Scoot counters with a straight right hand.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Some wild striking there from Price.
Scoot is clearly trying to counter these attacks from Price with a body shot.
Scoot jabs at Price's body.
James Price is winning the standup battle so far.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Scoot tries to bum rush Price with a series of wild strikes but Price uses good footwork to avoid the assault.
Scoot bobbing and weaving, closes the distance and lands a hook to the side of Price's head.
Price takes a shot right to the liver - Bas would have been proud of that punch.
Price misses with a hook. Scoot ducked under it nicely.
It seemed like Scoot was going to counter with the hook but didn't fully commit to it.
Scoot scores with a sloppy punch to the body. Not much technique there but it did the business.
Scoot shoots in but no luck this time.
Scoot misses the shot to the body.
A little feinted left hand from Price on the counter but he doesn't commit to it.
Scoot bobs and weaves and throws out a fast jab that snaps Price's head backwards.
Scoot gets his takedown attempt stuffed easily
enabling Price to counter with a crisp jab.
Scoot bobs and weaves well there to avoid the strikes.
Scoot swings away with a counter right hand but no contact made.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Scoot missing with a left hand there. Price was out of range so wasted energy throwing that one.
Scoot with a lazy takedown attempt
and Price counters with a straight right hand.
James Price has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Roundel Scoot.
Price takes a shot to the body in his stride.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Nice defenses there by Scoot.
Price scores with the left hand. Scoot knows he should have avoided that one.
Scoot looks for a takedown here. Will he get it? Price is fending him off so far but Scoot persists. Nope, Price circles away and we're back to standing.
Price throws a sloppy body shot
and Scoot counters with a crisp hook to the side of the head.
Scoot throws a looping overhand right but Price ducks down to avoid it.
Scoot cracks a nice hook into Price's ribs.
Scoot ducks under a wild hook from Price.
Scoot with a body punch. A glancing blow.
Scoot stuns Price with a nice body shot, before stepping back out of range.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Price throws a looping overhand right but Scoot ducks down to avoid it.
Price throws a monster uppercut resembling something out of street fighter but it doesn't land.
And Scoot tries to counter it with a takedown but Price pushes his down on his head and steps out.
Price swings and misses with a hook to the body.
Scoot missing with a left hand there. Price was out of range so wasted energy throwing that one.
Price throws a body shot but no joy.
Good exchange - Scoot coming out on top.
Scoot thuds a left hand into Price's body.
Horrible takedown attempt by Scoot or perhaps it was just good defense by Price, which made it look bad.
Scoot is the aggressor but that punch slipped nicely by Price.
Price showing good head movement there, avoiding the strikes from Scoot.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Price looks to land a left hand but Scoot moved out of range nicely.
A jab lands there for Scoot.
Price moves forwards but Scoot connects with a nice, crisp jab.
Price slips under a jab from Scoot.
Price swung with a counter right hand that didn't connect.
Price lands a jab to Scoot's midsection.
Scoot looks to land a left hand but Price moved out of range nicely.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Scoot scores with a big left there. The judges will like that one.

Scoot manages to get an easy takedown there - catching Price on his heels. He'll look to pass Price's guard now, I'm sure.
Price wants to control here, rather than go for any submissions from the bottom. At least for now.
Scoot pushing down on Price's thigh, trying to pass to half guard. He's managed it... Nice work.
Price wants to improve his position but Scoot is controlling well.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Roundel Scoot showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The corners get their ten second warning. Both fighters stand from their stools and stare each other down, ready to get back to the action. And we move into the final round!

Scoot misses with a hook
and Price counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Scoot misses with a left hand
and Price counters with an inside leg kick.
Price misses with a jab, cross combination.
Price misses the jab.
Scoot lands with a cross to side of his opponent's head.
Scoot slips a straight right by Price.
Scoot pushing out the jab but it's not landing.
Price misses with a body shot.
Scoot changes levels for a counter takedown but doesn't follow through with his attempt.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Price takes a swing at Scoot's ribcage but misses.
Scoot tries a counter takedown but it's more of a dummy move, and he uses it to push himself away.
Scoot ducks under a wild hook from Price.
A big left from Scoot misses.
A lazy left from Scoot finds it's target.

That's one minute gone in the round.

Scoot shoots in and scores a nice double leg takedown into half guard.
Price wants to control but Scoot is keeping busy.
Scoot looking to pass the half guard. Not this time.
Price holds on for dear life, maintaining half guard for now.
Scoot is thwarting Price's attempts to control the position.
Price won't allow Scoot to pass to mount.
Price wants to control but Scoot is keeping busy.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Price is trying to get back to full guard.
Scoot controlling the pace.
Scoot prevents Price from improving his position.
Price trying to control from the bottom.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.
Price avoids the body shot from Scoot.
Scoot misses with an uppercut.
Scoot slips under a jab from Price.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Price shuffles to his left behind two crisp jabs. Scoot eats them both and turns towards Price to reposition himself and eats a stinging right hand-left hook combo.
Price lands a jab to Scoot's midsection.
Price throws a wild combination but nothing lands.
Price uses some good footwork to avoid the body shot by Scoot.
Scoot looks to throw the jab but Price is out of range.
Scoot takes one on the chin but seems OK.
Price looks shocked there as he takes a right hand to the temple.
Scoot slips a straight right by Price.
A countering left hand to the body from Scoot misses.
Scoot lands a powerful looking uppercut that connected with his opponent's jaw.
Scoot takes a shot to the body in his stride.
Roundel Scoot is fighting for a decision - hopefully he's judged it right and he's actually winning the fight.
Scoot keeping his hands up high there, blocking the jab from Price.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Price throws a combination but comes up with nothing but fresh air.
Price is moving around nicely and scores here with a single head shot.
James Price has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
Price throws a lazy right hand but Scoot sees it coming a mile off and sidesteps it easily.
Price cracks a nice hook into Scoot's ribs.
Price lands with a shot to the body.
Scoot darts in and out, connecting with a jab.
Price misses with a hook. Scoot ducked under it nicely.
Scoot throws a jab to the body, straight down the pipe. Boom. That sent Price stumbling backwards but he manages to regain his composure quickly.
Sloppy strikes from Scoot. Those never looked like landing.
Scoot misses with a body punch
and Price counters with a slapping leg kick.
Price avoids the body shot from Scoot.

And that's the end of the fight!
James Price showed his dominance in that final round.
I think Scoot has won this one but let's see whether the judges agree with me. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Tiny Johnson scores the fight 28:29
Judge Robert Twigg scores the fight 29:29
Judge Frank Dennis scores the fight 28:29

In favor of your winner, by majority decision... Roundel Scoot!
G S C G energy
A | B
A | B
A | B
A | B
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