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TWGC 42 (145lbs, D3): Tokyo Qualifier - Round 1 PBP Commentary

171 cm
25 yrs
150 lbs

169 cm
20 yrs
145 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the featherweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of Tokyo, with a TWGC record of 0 wins and 0 losses; Lance Wright! And in the blue corner, fighting out of Las Vegas, with a TWGC record of 0 wins and 0 losses; Jean Luc Picard!
The judges for this bout are Shigeki Fujiwara, Hirohito Nitta and Shirou Masuda.

The fighters bow as they face eachother in the middle of the mat and we are under way.
Wright shoots for a double leg takedown but Picard sprawls well. He's pushed Wright's face into the mat and manages to get back to his feet relatively easily.

Picard has closed the distance and engaged Wright in a clinch.
Picard is defending well against a takedown attempt.
Wright is trying to pull guard but being pressed up against the cage enables Picard to keep the fight standing.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Lance Wright. That's going to take a lot out of him.

Wright is fighting off a takedown attempt but Picard is just too persistent for him and manages to trip Wright to the mat. Wright regains guard as soon as the fighters hit the mat.
Score +2 for takedown into guard / half guard: Wright (0) vs (2) Picard
Picard engaging in some classic timewasting tactics.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.

Wright working from the bottom, still in full guard. He's managed to get a loose triangle. Picard doesn't seem to be doing much to defend here, obviously he feels comfortable in the position. Oh but Wright is tightening it up a little... Picard has to be careful here... He's got his foot tucked under now, this looks tight! Picard reacted too slowly and this one could be over in a matter of seconds! YES! Picard taps out! Nice BJJ there by Wright!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:41 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Triangle Choke). Lance Wright!
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