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Coming up we have a featherweight MMA rules bout between Jose Aldo Jnr (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Larry Champshire (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Aldo Jnr's entrance music is The Devil and Me. A fine choice. Both fighters look fresh as a daisy as they make their way towards the cage.

170 cm
145 lbs
0 - 0 - 0
165 cm
155 lbs
3 - 1 - 0
BJJ Blue Belt
Good kicks
Granite chin
BJJ Brown Belt
Tends to cut


Juggernaut Fuel

Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the featherweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Rio de Janeiro, Jose Aldo Jnr!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 3 - 1 - 0, fighting out of Rio de Janeiro, Larry Champshire!
The judges for this bout are Thiago Cunha, Mauricio Rocha and Leandro Rodrigues.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!

Aldo Jnr pushes Champshire up against the cage in a clinch.

Aldo Jnr escapes the clinch and we're back to striking.
Champshire chopped to the floor by a nice leg kick but he springs right back up before Aldo Jnr can pounce on him.
Aldo Jnr fails with an attempt to clinch.

Aldo Jnr fakes with an overhand right and moves in to clinch with Champshire, pushing him back against the cage.
Champshire using the Thai plumb to throw knees but Aldo Jnr has his back arched nicely, preventing the strike.
Champshire tries to take the fight to the ground by pulling guard but can't manage it.
Champshire fails to pull the fight into his guard.
Champshire drops to a knee looking for a takedown but Aldo Jnr gets the underhooks and prevents it.
Jose Aldo Jnr has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Larry Champshire.
Aldo Jnr misses with a knee to the head.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch.
Champshire throws a head kick but Aldo Jnr moves out of range.

Champshire tries to keep at a distance but Aldo Jnr has taken the fight into the clinch.
Knees to the body from Aldo Jnr.
Champshire is trying to work for a single leg takedown but Aldo Jnr pulls him back up using the underhooks.
Aldo Jnr putting his Muay Thai to good use. He has Champshire in a tight clinch and is doing some damage with knees to the body.
Champshire jumps guard but his hands slip and he falls flat on his back. Well, he's made himself look a right mug there, as Aldo Jnr walks away with a smile on his face. Champshire gets slowly back to his feet and shakes his head.

Aldo Jnr moves into the clinch.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Ouch! a nice leg kick from Aldo Jnr, right into the meat.
Champshire tries to check the leg kick but that clearly hurt him.
Aldo Jnr is looking to slow Champshire down with leg kicks.
Champshire tries to shoot in for a takedown. He's got hold of a leg but Aldo Jnr swivels and escapes.
Champshire looks gassed!

Aldo Jnr fakes with an overhand right and moves in to clinch with Champshire, pushing him back against the cage.
Aldo Jnr lands a good knee to the midsection. Champshire won't want to take too many of those.

Aldo Jnr pushes off and circles away, back to the middle of the mat.
Aldo Jnr misses with a head kick.
Champshire shoots in for a takedown. "Ole!" shouts Aldo Jnr as he jumps to the side.
Aldo Jnr lands with a nice low kick. That'll leave a bruise.

Aldo Jnr clinches up with Champshire and pushes him back against the cage.
Champshire takes a knee right on the jaw!

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch and we return to the middle of the mat.

Aldo Jnr gets to the clinch - let's see what his plan is here.

Aldo Jnr manages to break the clinch.

Aldo Jnr moves into range and clinches up with Champshire.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Champshire has a takedown stuffed.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Aldo Jnr turns his hip over beautifully as he lands a nice leg kick.
Aldo Jnr throws a head kick that connects with a bit of head and a bit of hand.

Aldo Jnr gets to the clinch - let's see what his plan is here.

Aldo Jnr's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
A jab from Champshire misses.
Champshire dives in and grabs Aldo Jnr's left leg, looking for a takedown. Aldo Jnr pushes down on Champshire's head and hops out.

Aldo Jnr closes the distance and clinches.
Aldo Jnr working Champshire over with knees to the body.
Champshire on the defensive, avoiding the knees to the body.
Champshire struggles to land a body shot inside as Aldo Jnr controls his hands.

Aldo Jnr manages to break the clinch.

Aldo Jnr fakes with an overhand right and moves in to clinch with Champshire, pushing him back against the cage.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Aldo Jnr misses with a low kick.
Aldo Jnr keeps the fight on the outside.
Champshire tries to close the distance and clinch but Aldo Jnr swats him to one side with an open hand palm strike and circles away.
Champshire tries to clinch there but Aldo Jnr circles away.
Aldo Jnr defends well against a solid takedown attempt from Champshire.
Champshire shoots in and drives through. Aldo Jnr sprawls well.
Champshire takes a head kick and keeps coming.
Jose Aldo Jnr is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.

Aldo Jnr clinches.
Champshire taking a breather.

Aldo Jnr breaks from the clinch.
Champshire shoots in for a takedown but Aldo Jnr shows good takedown defense.
Aldo Jnr feints and then cracks Champshire's leading leg with a nice low kick. He's obviously looking to slow Champshire down.
Aldo Jnr throws a leg kick but Champshire sees it coming and moves out of range.
Champshire clinches but Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch
and Aldo Jnr counters with a slapping leg kick.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Champshire is looking to clinch but Aldo Jnr is avoiding it.
Aldo Jnr tries to clinch but is not successful on this occasion.
A telegraphed takedown attempt from Champshire is defended easily by Aldo Jnr.
Jose Aldo Jnr seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Champshire shoots in for a takedown but Aldo Jnr shows good takedown defense.
Aldo Jnr tries to clinch but is not successful on this occasion.
Champshire tries for a takedown but Aldo Jnr sees it coming a mile off and avoids it easily.
Champshire blocks a low kick nicely.

Aldo Jnr moves into range and clinches up with Champshire.
Champshire looks like he'd prefer to be striking at range right now.
As the round comes to an end the crowd are showing their appreciation for a great round of action.
Aldo Jnr working Champshire over with knees to the body.
Champshire tried to land a shot to the body but connects with Aldo Jnr's elbow.
Aldo Jnr prevents the takedown attempt.
Champshire tries to break the clinch but Aldo Jnr is controlling the position.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Jose Aldo Jnr dominated that round.
The referee calls time. The cornermen exit stage left and we're back to business.

Aldo Jnr defends well against a solid takedown attempt from Champshire.
Aldo Jnr chopping away at his opponent's legs.
Champshire tries to clinch there but Aldo Jnr circles away.
Aldo Jnr lands a head kick. Champshire smiles back at him and beckons him forward.
Champshire wants to clinch.

Aldo Jnr closes the distance and pushes Champshire back into the cage.
Aldo Jnr landing knees to the body. They look like they could hurt.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch and we return to the middle of the mat.
Champshire looks frustrated there after his takedown attempt is stuffed easily.
Aldo Jnr throws a low kick but his opponent is out of range.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.

Aldo Jnr gets in close and instigates a clinch.
Champshire is looking to score with knees to the body. Maybe he'll change it up and go body then head. Aldo Jnr is defending well for now.
Champshire has had enough of the clinch but Aldo Jnr keeps him there for the moment.

That's one minute gone in the round.

Aldo Jnr's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
Aldo Jnr slaps away a takedown attempt from Champshire, before circling back to the center of the mat.
Jose Aldo Jnr has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Larry Champshire.
Aldo Jnr tries to clinch up but Champshire circles away and keeps his distance.
Aldo Jnr throws a head kick that misses.
Champshire misses with a wild combination.
Champshire wants to clinch but Aldo Jnr slips to the side
and Aldo Jnr counters with a thumping low kick.
Champshire checks a leg kick nicely.
Champshire shoots in for a double leg but Aldo Jnr sprawls well. That's going to sap some energy.
Aldo Jnr is looking to clinch but Champshire is avoiding it.
Champshire doesn't manage to clinch there - Aldo Jnr circles away.
Champshire fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
Aldo Jnr ducks under a wild hook from Champshire.
Champshire misses with the combination.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are showing their displeasure at the lack of action as loud boos ring out around the arena.
Aldo Jnr slips a straight right by Champshire.
Champshire tries to clinch

and Aldo Jnr moves into the clinch.
Champshire tries a knee to the head but Aldo Jnr blocks it.
Aldo Jnr using the Thai plumb to throw knees but Champshire has his back arched nicely, preventing the strike.
Champshire tries a shoulder strike but it doesn't do any damage.
Champshire tries to land knees in the clinch but Aldo Jnr avoids the damage to the body.
Champshire is trying to drag Aldo Jnr to the mat but Aldo Jnr just about manages to keep his footing. He used the cage to his advantage there.
The fighters are going at a pretty good pace and they're both starting to sweat now.
Aldo Jnr looking to throw knees to the head but Champshire is blocking nicely.
Aldo Jnr pushes off an throws an elbow but Champshire leans to the side and avoids it. We're back to clinching against the cage.
A battle for position here, against the cage.
Champshire tries a knee to the head but he's missed.

That's three minutes gone in the round.

Aldo Jnr's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
A head kick misses from Champshire.
Champshire is looking to take this fight into the clinch.
Champshire shoots in for a takedown but doesn't get it.
Champshire fails with a takedown attempt.
Champshire is trying desperately to land a takedown but Aldo Jnr is having absolutely none of it. This is turning into a bit of a nightmare for Champshire.
Aldo Jnr leaves Champshire with his face pressed against the mat as he sprawls beautifully, defending against a solid takedown attempt.
Aldo Jnr tries to clinch up.
Champshire wants to clinch up but Aldo Jnr keeps it at a distance.
Champshire changes levels and looks for a double leg takedown. Aldo Jnr tries to avoid it but Champshire manages to keep hold of a leg and drag Aldo Jnr to the ground. Aldo Jnr escapes though and pops straight back up to his feet.
Jose Aldo Jnr is winning the standup battle so far.
Aldo Jnr tries to score with a low kick but Champshire moves his leg out of the way.
Champshire closes the distance and clinches up with Aldo Jnr, looking for a takedown. Champshire pushes Aldo Jnr against the cage but Aldo Jnr circles to the side and manages to break the clinch.
Aldo Jnr is looking to clinch but Champshire is avoiding it.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Well. There's a bit of a lull in the action here and the crowd are starting to get restless.
Champshire shoots in for a takedown but Aldo Jnr shows good takedown defense.
Champshire throws a low kick but it's checked well by Aldo Jnr.
Champshire fails miserably with a takedown attempt.
Aldo Jnr throws a quick inside leg kick.
Aldo Jnr is looking to chop away at Champshire's legs.
Champshire closes this distance looking for a takedown but Aldo Jnr circles away.
Jose Aldo Jnr is looking to throw some combinations by the looks of things.

Aldo Jnr rushes Champshire and pushes him back against the cage in a clinch.
Champshire tries to jump guard but he falls flat on his backside. Aldo Jnr smiles and moves away.
Aldo Jnr attempts a leg kick but it's missed by a good margin.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Aldo Jnr motions for Champshire to come forward. Aldo Jnr throws a leg kick but it misses it's target.
Aldo Jnr keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Jose Aldo Jnr dominated that second round.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action! This is the final round!

Aldo Jnr gets a clinch.
Aldo Jnr prevents the takedown attempt.

Aldo Jnr manages to break the clinch.
Aldo Jnr pulls out of a head kick attempt.

Aldo Jnr closes the distance and clinches.
Aldo Jnr prevents a takedown attempt there.

Aldo Jnr's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
Good leg kick by Aldo Jnr there. It's the ones that make that thud noise that hurt and that was an almighty thud.
Champshire looks for a takedown here. Will he get it? Aldo Jnr is fending him off so far but Champshire persists. Nope, Aldo Jnr circles away and we're back to standing.
Jose Aldo Jnr has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Larry Champshire.

Aldo Jnr forces Champshire back against the cage and clinches.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
Aldo Jnr tries a knee to the head but Champshire blocks it.
Champshire fails to pull guard.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Champshire tries to clinch but Aldo Jnr moves away
and Aldo Jnr counters with a low kick, right behind Champshire 's knee.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Champshire is looking to take this fight into the clinch.
Champshire throws a hard body shot but it just misses.
Champshire misses with a double jab.
Aldo Jnr tries to close the distance and clinch but Champshire swats him to one side with an open hand palm strike and circles away.
Aldo Jnr stuffs a takedown. It's all about dictating where the fight takes place and Aldo Jnr wants it to stay on the feet.
Champshire circles away from the clinch attempt.
Aldo Jnr tries to clinch there but Champshire circles away.

Aldo Jnr pushes Champshire up against the cage in a clinch.
Aldo Jnr prevents Champshire from breaking the clinch.

Aldo Jnr's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
Nice sprawl there from Aldo Jnr as Champshire shoots in.
Champshire has his takedown stuffed

and Aldo Jnr counters into the clinch. Nicely done.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Aldo Jnr misses with an elbow over the top.

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch.
Aldo Jnr tries to close the distance and clinch up against the cage but Champshire paws at him with a jab and circles away.
Champshire tries to land a front kick but Aldo Jnr steps back. That was a bit too telegraphed.
The fight stays on the outside here - Aldo Jnr looks like he's thinking about clinching though.
Aldo Jnr displays good takedown defense there as he swats away a double leg from Champshire.
Aldo Jnr tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
Aldo Jnr circles away from the clinch attempt.
Champshire shoots for a takedown but Aldo Jnr saw that one coming a mile off and avoided it easily.
Aldo Jnr scores with a slapping inside leg kick.
Aldo Jnr misses with a low kick.
Aldo Jnr tries to work over Champshire's front leg with a kick but Champshire checks it.
Aldo Jnr moves in looking to clinch but Champshire pushes him off.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Champshire walks forward and throws out a flicking leg kick. Aldo Jnr checks it nicely though, as he moves to the side.
Champshire shoots in and drives through. Aldo Jnr sprawls well.
A slapping leg kick lands for Aldo Jnr.
Champshire gets his takedown attempt stuffed easily
and Aldo Jnr counters with an inside leg kick.
Champshire swats away the attempt to clinch by Aldo Jnr.
Aldo Jnr stuffs the takedown.

Aldo Jnr gets in close and instigates a clinch.
Aldo Jnr misses the knee to the body. Nice hip positioning from Champshire.
Champshire tries to pull guard but can't drag his opponent to the mat. Aldo Jnr just stands there and leans against the cage.
Champshire tries to pull guard but Aldo Jnr won't allow it.
Champshire can't break the clinch.
Champshire keeps control of Aldo Jnr as he tries to wriggle out of the double underhooks.
Champshire is working for takedown but Aldo Jnr is calmly controlling the position for now.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Aldo Jnr is trying to wear down his opponent with knees to the body.
Aldo Jnr is really dominating this fight. Is there anything that Champshire can do to turn this around?

Aldo Jnr breaks the clinch.
Champshire keeps the fight on the outside.
Aldo Jnr keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.

Aldo Jnr darts in and clinches Champshire up against the cage.
Champshire on the defensive, avoiding the knees to the body.

Aldo Jnr's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
Champshire tries to clinch but Aldo Jnr moves out of range.
Champshire throws a looping left and ducks down for a takedown. He's got his arms around Aldo Jnr's waist but Aldo Jnr gets an underhook and avoids the takedown by throwing Champshire off to one side.
Champshire avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Aldo Jnr fails in his attempt to clinch.
Champshire takes a swing at Aldo Jnr's ribcage but misses.
Aldo Jnr is looking to clinch.
Larry Champshire has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
Jose Aldo Jnr is fighting for a decision here - he's started to take the cautious approach.
Champshire looking to throw a kick but he's pulled out of it.

And that's the end of the fight!
Jose Aldo Jnr showed his dominance in that final round.
Well Aldo Jnr has outscored his opponent in every aspect of the fight today. Only a scarily incompetent judge or two will keep him from a well deserved win... Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Thiago Cunha scores the fight 30:26
Judge Mauricio Rocha scores the fight 30:26
Judge Leandro Rodrigues scores the fight 30:26

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Jose Aldo Jnr!
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