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Coming up we have a super heavyweight MMA rules bout between D Miller (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Nathan Rehel (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Rehel has chosen Encore as his entrance music. Rumors backstage are that the fighters have been paid to keep it standing but we know that would never happen in MMA!

200 cm
288 lbs
0 - 0 - 0
195 cm
285 lbs
1 - 0 - 0
Dangerous GnP
Counter striker
Good chin
BJJ Blue Belt
Solid chin



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the super heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, D Miller!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 1 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Nathan Rehel!
The judges for this bout are Elvis Blanc, Ian Loll and Gregory Folan.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Horrible takedown by Miller or perhaps it was just good defense by Rehel which made him look bad.
Miller fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
Rehel keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for D Miller. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Miller fails to land the takedown.

Rehel scores a takedown into full mount!
Miller is squirming around, avoiding Rehel's attempts to control the action.
Miller throwing hammer fists to the chest of Rehel. What's that going to do exactly?
Miller is trying to escape the mount.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Rehel content just to control the position here.
Miller tries to get back to half guard but can't.
Miller is working hard here to advance position.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Miller is squirming around, avoiding Rehel's attempts to control the action.
Miller slips a leg in and gets back to half guard.
Miller tries to strike from the bottom but it doesn't land.
Rehel throwing punches and elbows but they're not doing any damage.
Rehel should think about turning a few of those tyres round his middle into muscle if he wants people to take him seriously as an athlete.
Miller throws a strike from the bottom that misses.
Miller on his back here. We all know that wrestlers don't like being on their back so let's see if Miller tries to get out of the position.
Miller is looking to improve his position.
Miller is staying active underneath Rehel, who seems content to just control the action from this position.

Rehel is trying for a guillotine from the top but the pressure isn't in the right place so Miller is just riding it out for now. Rehel eventually gives up the hold.
Rehel looks gassed!

That's two minutes gone in the round.
There's not a lot going on here and the crowd are letting the fighters know they're not willing to tolerate a lack of action.
Miller is pressing down on Rehel's left leg trying to get back to full guard. He's managed it.
Miller trying to punch from his back but it's not doing any damage.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.

It looks like we're going to have a standup here. Neither fight is doing enough on the ground.
Rehel misses with a half-hearted attempt at a head kick.
Miller with a poor takedown

and Rehel counters into the clinch. Nicely done.
Miller keeps control of Rehel as he tries to wriggle out of the double underhooks.
Miller changes levels and goes for a takedown here. Rehel fights it off and pushes away nicely.
Miller blocks a head kick by Rehel.
Rehel doesn't succeed with the takedown

and Miller counters with a shoot takedown into half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Miller passes the half guard and he's now in mount! Big trouble for Rehel!
Rehel is writhing around trying to get back to his feet.
Rehel slips a leg in and gets back to half guard.
Rehel regains full guard. Nicely done.
Miller being controlled here momentarily.
Rehel looking for a sweep. Not yet Rehel, not yet.

Rehel escapes his hips to the side and looks to be working for an armbar. Miller gives him a little smile and shakes his head. No chance.
The fighters are starting to get a bit slippery now, which will make submissions a bit more difficult.
Rehel tries to land a sweep but no joy.
Miller throws a strike but Rehel rolls with it and manages to sweep. Now he's in guard on top.
Miller keeping moving, preventing Rehel from controlling successfully.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Rehel stands and throws Miller's legs to the side, diving into side control.
Miller tries to buck Rehel off but Rehel is having none of it.
Miller looks to move to half guard but instead Rehel has passed into mount! Damn!
Miller wants to improve position but instead he's given up his back.

Miller preventing the rear naked choke attempt from Rehel.
Rehel is trying to stick to Miller's back but Miller is turning into Rehel. He's managed to reverse the position - now he's in Rehel's guard. Polite applause from the crowd in appreciation of some nice Jiu Jitsu by Miller.
Miller scores with a decent looking elbow strike.
Miller stopping the sweep attempt from Rehel.
The crowd applaud the fighters efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Miller content to strike from guard, landing some decent shots.
Rehel keeping full guard, as Miller tries to pass.
Miller is looking to work some ground and pound but Rehel has wrist control.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

A close round but Nathan Rehel will probably get the nod.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action!

Miller has his takedown stuffed
and Rehel counters nicely by changing levels and landing a hook to the body.
Rehel is looking to clinch but Miller is avoiding it.

Miller decides to change it up a bit and drives through with a nice takedown into half guard.
Miller seems to be taking a bit of a break to think of his next move. He lands a short punch in the meantime.
Rehel is trying to defend against the ground and pound but Miller scores with a couple of nice shots.
Rehel makes his way to full guard. A much better position for Rehel.
Miller throwing shots from guard but he's hitting more mat than opponent.
Miller throwing strikes but missing.
Miller stands up and looks to throw the legs aside to pass to side control. Rehel swivels though and keeps the full guard.
Rehel wants to control here, rather than go for any submissions from the bottom. At least for now.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.
Miller missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Miller wants to pass the guard but Rehel is keeping the position.
Miller has to be careful here, sitting in the guard of a superior BJJ player.
Rehel is trying to keep Miller in close.
Rehel is in a good position here but he's just trying to control... And he's not even managing to do that successfully.

It looks like we're going to have a standup here. Neither fight is doing enough on the ground.
Miller has his takedown stuffed

so Rehel counters with a double leg into guard. Good agility.
Miller trying to strike off his back.
Rehel wanted to stand there but Miller had control of the position.
Miller bucks up whilst keeping hold of a body lock, managing to reverse the position. Now he's in top in Rehel's guard.
Miller working in close now, lands a nice elbow to the side of Rehel's head.

Rehel is rocked!
Miller lands a nice shot whilst sitting in his opponent's guard.
Rehel is still in real trouble! Can Miller finish him?
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Miller keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller scoring with some ground and pound.
Hammerfist, elbow! yells Miller's corner. There ya go! There ya go!
Miller is working Rehel over from the guard. He should look to pass the guard and do a little more damage with these strikes.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Miller lands a couple of digs.
Miller distracts Rehel with his right hand and drops a big elbow with his other arm.
Miller postures up and lands a big shot to Rehel's brow.
Miller keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller is working the ground and pound from guard. He might want to try advancing position though to get more of an impact.
Miller content to strike from guard, landing some decent shots.
Miller works a leg free and moves into half guard.
Ground and pound from Miller.
Rehel taking some punishment here, with Miller in his half guard.
Miller drops an elbow to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller working some ground and pound from close in. He's looking to maintain this position and strike for a while by the looks of things... although he'll probably advance to full mount in a minute now I've said that.
Miller lands with a punch from half guard.
Miller is keeping good posture, landing some ground and pound.
Miller winds up and cracks Rehel with a swinging punch to the side of the head.
Miller lands with a punch from half guard.
Nice strikes from Miller there.
Miller seems to be taking a bit of a break to think of his next move. He lands a short punch in the meantime.
Rehel has hold of Miller's hands but Miller slips his arm to the side and lands an elbow.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Ground and pound from Miller.
Miller drops an elbow to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller drops an elbow to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller slips a nice elbow through Rehel's hands, connecting with Rehel's forehead.
Miller landing with strikes to the body and head, softening up his opponent.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
The two fighters exchange a few words. I couldn't hear what they were saying but maybe it's more fun if you make it up yourself. Miller connects with a nice short shot to Rehel's temple.
Miller is keeping good posture, landing some ground and pound.
Miller scoring with strikes to the body and head.
Miller scoring with strikes to the body and head.
Miller lands with a punch from half guard.
Ground and pound from Miller.
Miller working the head and body with strikes.
Nice strikes from Miller there.
Rehel is trying to defend against the ground and pound but Miller scores with a couple of nice shots.
The two fighters exchange a few words. I couldn't hear what they were saying but maybe it's more fun if you make it up yourself. Miller connects with a nice short shot to Rehel's temple.
Miller working Rehel over with strikes.
Rehel is looking to improve his position.
Miller takes advantage of the dominant position to land a couple of big hammer fists.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Miller lands a big shot. The thud that echoes around the arena is like music to the fans' ears.
Miller lands strikes from half guard.
Miller is really dominating this fight. Is there anything that Rehel can do to turn this around?
Miller drops an elbow to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller drops an elbow to the side of Rehel's head.
Miller working some ground and pound from close in. He's looking to maintain this position and strike for a while by the looks of things... although he'll probably advance to full mount in a minute now I've said that.
Miller lands strikes from half guard.
Miller lands strikes from half guard.
Miller lands with a punch from half guard.
Miller slips a nice elbow through Rehel's hands, connecting with Rehel's forehead.
Miller landing with strikes to the body and head, softening up his opponent.
Miller working over Rehel with some ground and pound. Rehel looks like he wants out of this position, which is understandable.
Miller passes the half guard and he's now in mount! Big trouble for Rehel!
Miller with a couple of short strikes.
The crowd are going absolutely nuts as the round comes to an end - what a fantastic round of action!
Miller working Rehel over with strikes here.
Miller with shots to the head and body - Rehel looks very uncomfortable down there.
Miller pausing momentarily but resumes with a couple of decent strikes that do a bit of damage.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

D Miller dominated that second round.
The corners get their ten second warning. Both fighters stand from their stools and stare eachother down, ready to get back to the action. This is the final round!

Miller doesn't succeed with the takedown
and Rehel counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Miller shoots in for a takedown. "Ole!" shouts Rehel as he jumps to the side.
Miller tries to shoot in for a takedown. He's got hold of a leg but Rehel swivels and escapes.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for D Miller. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Rehel keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
Miller changes levels and looks for a double leg takedown. Rehel tries to avoid it but Miller manages to keep hold of a leg and drag Rehel to the ground. Rehel escapes though and pops straight back up to his feet.
Miller fails miserably with a takedown attempt.
Rehel stuffs the takedown attempt from Miller. Miller gets slowly back to his feet.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Miller looks for a takedown here. Will he get it? Rehel is fending him off so far but Miller persists. Nope, Rehel circles away and we're back to standing.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
Miller will have to do better than that with his takedown attempts.
Miller fails to land the takedown.
Nice sprawl there from Rehel as Miller shoots in.
Miller fails with a takedown attempt from distance.
Miller changes levels and looks for a double leg takedown. Rehel tries to avoid it but Miller manages to keep hold of a leg and drag Rehel to the ground. Rehel escapes though and pops straight back up to his feet.
Rehel keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
Miller shoots in and drives through. Rehel sprawls well.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
A really sloppy takedown attempt there from Miller.
Miller shoots for a takedown but Rehel saw that one coming a mile off and avoided it easily.
No luck for Miller with that takedown attempt.
Miller fails with a rather predictable takedown attempt.
Miller tries to shoot in for a takedown. He's got hold of a leg but Rehel swivels and escapes.
A really sloppy takedown attempt there from Miller.
Miller shoots in and drives through. Rehel sprawls well.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Miller fails to land the takedown.
Horrible takedown by Miller or perhaps it was just good defense by Rehel which made him look bad.
Miller shoots in looking for a takedown. Rehel tries to sprawl out of it but Miller keeps driving through. The fighters are pinned against the cage. Rehel manages to get underhooks and after a bit of a struggle, circles away and we're back to standing.
Miller fails with a takedown attempt.
Rehel keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
A few boos can be heard. I'm sure they will multiply if the fighters don't pick up the pace.
Miller fails with a takedown attempt.
Miller shoots in looking for a takedown. Rehel tries to sprawl out of it but Miller keeps driving through. The fighters are pinned against the cage. Rehel manages to get underhooks and after a bit of a struggle, circles away and we're back to standing.
Miller shoots for a double leg takedown but Rehel sprawls well. He's pushed Miller's face into the mat and manages to get back to his feet relatively easily.
Miller shoots for a double leg takedown but Rehel sprawls well. He's pushed Miller's face into the mat and manages to get back to his feet relatively easily.
Miller fails miserably with a takedown attempt.
Miller shoots in but Rehel avoids the takedown attempt easily.

And that's the end of the fight!
Nathan Rehel comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
I think Rehel has won this one but let's see whether the judges agree with me. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Elvis Blanc scores the fight 28:28
Judge Ian Loll scores the fight 28:28
Judge Gregory Folan scores the fight 29:27

The fight is ruled a majority draw!
G S C G energy
A | B
A | B
A | B
A | B
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