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Coming up we have a middleweight MMA rules bout between Vicent Carbonell (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Joram Blaas (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). We have two fighters making their debuts here, so let's see who comes out of this one with their first professional victory.

182 cm
200 lbs
0 - 0 - 0
185 cm
195 lbs
0 - 0 - 0
Good takedowns
Counter striker
Very quick
BJJ Brown Belt
Basic striking



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the middleweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Helsinki, Vicent Carbonell!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Helsinki, Joram Blaas!
The judges for this bout are Johanna Lukiainen, Arvi Lind and Ben Zyskovitsi.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Blaas fails with the takedown
and Carbonell counters with a quick right hand to the jaw.
Blaas misses the shot to the body.
Blaas with a lazy takedown attempt
and Carbonell connects with a straight left hand counter down the middle.
The fighters circling - Blaas throws out the jab but it was never going to land.
Blaas has his takedown stuffed
enabling Carbonell to counter with a crisp jab.
Vicent Carbonell has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Joram Blaas.
Blaas moves into range and throws a lovely three punch combination.

It looks like Vicent Carbonell has been cut.
Blaas has his takedown stuffed
and Carbonell counters with a lovely straight right hand!
The fight stays on the outside here - Blaas looks like he's thinking about clinching though.

Carbonell scores a takedown into full mount!

Carbonell looks like he's working for a submission but he's not found anything just yet.
Carbonell unloading with bombs!

That's one minute gone in the round.
Blaas is in a horrible position here, under a barrage of strikes, he's managing to avoid any damage.
Blaas is writhing around trying to get back to his feet.
Carbonell putting on the heat here with some good ground and pound!

Carbonell looking to secure an arm triangle but Blaas defends it well.
Carbonell raining down hammerfists from mount.

Carbonell is in full mount, looking to secure a guillotine but Blaas is surviving well by controlling Carbonell's body position as best he can.
Carbonell avoids the attempt from Blaas to control.
Carbonell raining down hammerfists from mount.
Blaas wants to hold on but Carbonell pushes him away.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Carbonell mounts Blaas! Really nice guard pass there!
Blaas is squirming around, avoiding Carbonell's attempts to control the action.

Carbonell goes for an armbar but he's not got it… Blaas turns into him and now he's in Carbonell's guard.
Blaas throwing elbows and punches but not connecting, as Carbonell works some decent striking defense from the bottom.
Blaas lands a nice shot whilst sitting in his opponent's guard.
Carbonell utilising some decent striking defenses from the guard, preventing the ground and pound.
Carbonell is working the butterfly guard. He manages to land a nice scissor sweep and is now in half guard on the top. Nice move.
Blaas is trying to control but can't.

That's three minutes gone in the round.

Carbonell is working for a submission of some sort.
Blaas wants to control but Carbonell is keeping busy and won't allow it.

Carbonell is trying to work for a kimura but Blaas is defending well.
Blaas manages to get to full guard.
Blaas looks gassed!
Carbonell scoring with some ground and pound.
Carbonell thows a big elbow that misses.
Carbonell postures up.
Blaas working the defensive guard well to avoid strikes from Carbonell.
Blaas is trying to control the position but Carbonell postures up.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
My god... these two guys really need to pick up the pace or everyone will leave to go get a beer.
Carbonell trying to control the position from guard on top but Blaas is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.

Carbonell is holding a leg here, probably looking for an ankle lock - he drops back and goes for it! Blaas is in trouble! Is it all over??? No! Blaas has escaped and now he's on top!
Carbonell manages to land a sweep and now he's in mount on top!
Blaas tries to hold on but Carbonell pushes him away.
Carbonell trying to control but he's not successful this time.
Carbonell looking to finish Blaas with some ground and pound. This is bad for Blaas!
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

That was a close round but I would say that Vicent Carbonell will probably get the nod.
The cut man is working on Vicent Carbonell's cut.
The fighters get back to their feet, the hooter sounds and we're back to the action!

Carbonell is looking for a takedown here. He's shot in and has managed to get it, finishing up in Blaas's half guard.
Carbonell throwing shots but they're hitting the canvas more than the man.
Carbonell is thwarting Blaas's attempts to control the position.

Carbonell is looking for a kimura but Blaas is holding onto that half guard position, so it's hard for Carbonell to get the leverage.
Carbonell wants to take a breather but Blaas is having none of it.

Carbonell wants to work for an arm triangle but Blaas is really keeping half guard well and defending the submission attempt.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.
Carbonell is trying to control the action in half guard but Blaas is working away on the bottom, looking perhaps to get back to full guard.
Carbonell wants to free his trapped foot but Blaas is holding on for dear life with his legs.

That's one minute gone in the round.
The referee claps his hands together and tells the fighters to work.
Carbonell trying to control from half guard but Blaas is working away.
Carbonell tries to pass to full mount but Blaas defends it.
Carbonell wants to take a breather but Blaas is having none of it.

We're going to have a standup here because Vicent Carbonell wasn't active enough for the referee's liking.
Carbonell shoots in for a takedown but Blaas shows good takedown defense there and keeps this one on the feet.
Carbonell shoots in and drives through. Blaas sprawls well.
Blaas misses with a takedown attempt

and Carbonell counters with a driving takedown into guard. Nice work there by Carbonell.
Blaas is trying to control the position from the bottom.
Carbonell tries to free his leg and advance position but Blaas is retaining full guard.
Blaas looking to control.

Carbonell drops back, looking for a kneebar! Blaas looks panicked! The fighters roll across the mat, one looking to finish, one looking to escape. Blaas looks to have wriggled free... Yes, he's got his leg free and he's dived into side control! Good work there from Blaas!

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Blaas lands a knee to the body and follows it up with some ground and pound to the head. That will wear Carbonell down.
Carbonell sneaks back into half guard.

Blaas is trying to work for a kimura. This could be trouble! No, Carbonell has managed to free his arm - good work.
Carbonell tries to roll over but Blaas keeps him under control.
Blaas lands with a punch from half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Blaas thows a big elbow that misses, also allowing Carbonell to regain full guard.
A big thud reverberates around the arena there as Blaas accidentally thumps the mat. Hopefully he's not broken his hand.
Blaas trying to control the position from guard on top but Carbonell is wriggling around, looking for whatever he can.
Blaas preventing the sweep.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Carbonell working a defensive guard here.
Blaas loading up with the ground and pound but he's missing more than he's landing in this flurry.
Carbonell keeping full guard, as Blaas tries to pass.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
My god... these two guys really need to pick up the pace or everyone will leave to go get a beer.

Carbonell looking for submissions from the bottom here. Moving his hips around, possibly looking for an armbar.
Carbonell is trying to keep Blaas in close.
Carbonell wants to sweep here but Blaas controlling him for the moment.
Blaas throwing strikes from guard but Carbonell blocks nicely.
Blaas wants to control from the top but Carbonell keeps moving.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Vicent Carbonell dominated that second round.
The cut man is working on Vicent Carbonell's cut.
That's time! Back to the action! This is the final round!

Carbonell drives through with a takedown into guard.

Blaas has his feet on Carbonell's thighs here. He's pushed Carbonell off and worked for a very quick armbar from the bottom! He's flipped onto his stomach and he's cranking hard on the arm! Carbonell screams in pain and taps out! This one is all over!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:28 of round 3, we have a winner by way of Submission (Armbar). Joram Blaas!
G S C G energy
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