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Coming up we have a middleweight MMA rules bout between Shinya Aoki (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Jim Martin (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Aoki kept the crowd waiting but all that was forgotten when his ring entrance music started. The incomparable musical genius that is Sephiroth Theme. Martin comes into a darkened arena with his song building. The Next Episode-Dr Dre kicks in, the lights come on and the crowd goes wild! What a showman! Jim Martin will no doubt be looking to use his reach advantage to good effect.

178 cm
192 lbs
2 - 7 - 0
190 cm
184 lbs
1 - 0 - 0
BJJ Purple Belt
Basic striking
BJJ Blue Belt
Basic striking



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the middleweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 2 - 7 - 0, fighting out of Tokyo, Shinya Aoki!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 1 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Tokyo, Jim Martin!
The judges for this bout are Sosuke Kotani, Tatsuya Matsuyama and Hirohito Nitta.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!

Martin rushes Aoki and pushes him back against the cage in a clinch.
Aoki is working for a takedown up against the cage. He can't get it on this occasion though.
Aoki goes for a takedown in the clinch but Martin prevents it.
Martin gets double underhooks to prevent a takedown attempt from Aoki.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Shinya Aoki. That's going to take a lot out of him.

Martin escapes the clinch and we're back to striking.

Martin drops down and drives through with a powerful takedown into guard.
Aoki is trying to stand up but he's not managed so far.
Aoki is breathing heavily.
A big thud reverberates around the arena there as Martin accidentally thumps the mat. Hopefully he's not broken his hand.
Martin content to stall in guard here.
Martin wants to control from the top but Aoki keeps moving.

That's one minute gone in the round.
The referee wants the fighters to be more active or he's going to reset them on the feet.

The ref stands the fighters back up. Jim Martin was stalling too much, according to the referee.
Aoki will need to tighten up his combinations if he doesn't want to gas himself out, swinging at thin air.
Martin scores with a nice body kick.
A head kick misses from Martin.
Aoki tries to clinch but Martin moves away
and Martin counters with a two punch combo.
Aoki goes for a spinning back kick but it misses.
Martin throws a nice head kick!

Martin clinches up with Aoki and pushes him back against the cage.
Martin trying to stall but Aoki improves his position.
Aoki is trying to drag Martin to the mat but Martin just about manages to keep his footing. He used the cage to his advantage there.
Martin gets double underhooks to prevent a takedown attempt from Aoki.
Aoki's head jolts backwards as he takes an uppercut right on the button!
Martin pushes Aoki back against the cage and lands a hook to the side of the head.

Martin jumps into guard, dragging Aoki to the mat.
Martin looking to sweep here. No luck so far.
Aoki postures up.
Aoki trying to stand up but can't free himself from Martin's guard.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Martin is trying to keep Aoki in close.
Aoki preventing the sweep.

The ref calls for a clean break and stands the fighters back up. Jim Martin wasn't active enough on the ground.

Martin drives through and clinches with Aoki against the cage.
Martin landing knees to the body.

Martin tightens his grip and picks Aoki up, before dumping him to the ground. Aoki manages to land in guard.
Martin working some ground and pound from guard but it's not doing any damage.

Martin gets to his feet and steps away from his opponent.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Martin digs a good hook to Aoki's body.
Aoki closes the distance looking to clinch
and Martin counters with a head kick.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Aoki has a nice red mark on his side after a thudding body kick by Martin.
Aoki misses with a left hand

and Martin counters with a takedown into full mount! That could mean trouble for Aoki!
Martin wants to control the pace but Aoki is squirming around nicely.
Aoki in a bad spot here, taking shots to the head.
Aoki is trying to get to the cage to help him get back to his feet.
Martin wants to control the pace but Aoki is squirming around nicely.
Aoki squirming around on the bottom, looking to escape.
Martin controlling the pace for now.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Martin won't let Aoki get back to his feet... He wants to keep the fight where it is for now.

Martin jumps to side control looking for an arm triangle but Aoki manages to avoid the submission attempt.
Aoki pushes Martin away and creates a bit of space to escape. He's almost out here... but no, Martin gets a good hold of his legs and remains firmly in side control.
Martin trying to control the position but Aoki is working away.
The crowd applaud the fighters efforts here as the round comes to an end.

Martin stands up.
Martin wants to clinch up but Aoki keeps it at a distance.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Jim Martin dominated that round.
That's time! Aoki's corner gives him a slap on the ass as he gets ready to fight.

Aoki tries to clinch up but Martin circles away and keeps his distance.
Aoki has not gone for a single takedown so far in this fight, which seems like a very strange tactic when you consider that he has the superior wrestling and BJJ.

Martin closes the distance and clinches.

Aoki is trying to trip Martin. He has hold of a leg but Martin is hopping around, keeping his balance for the moment. Aoki persists though and gets the takedown into guard.

Aoki gets to his feet and steps away from his opponent.
A right-left combo lands from Martin.

Martin has taken the fight to the clinch.
Aoki changes levels and goes for a takedown here. Martin fights it off and pushes away nicely.
Aoki has his head slapped from side to side by a 3 punch combination. That must have hurt him.
Aoki takes a head kick and keeps coming.

Martin fakes with an overhand right and moves in to clinch with Aoki, pushing him back against the cage.
Aoki looking for a takedown.
Martin connects with a knee to the head.
Martin lands a knee to the head.

It looks like Shinya Aoki has been cut.

Martin manages to break the clinch.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Martin wants to clinch up but Aoki keeps it at a distance.
Martin scores with a head kick.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.
Martin misses with a takedown attempt. He shot from a bit too far out.
Martin throws a one two combo.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Aoki closes the distance looking to clinch

and Martin moves into the clinch.
Martin unloads a knee to the mid-section.
Martin trying to control the position but instead, Aoki has worked for underhooks and has pushed Martin into the cage.
A short right from Martin on the inside.
Martin stops a takedown attempt from Aoki.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Shinya Aoki. That's going to take a lot out of him.

Martin has moved round to his opponent's back and is looking for a suplex! Oh snap! He's tossed Aoki clear over his head and slammed him to the mat!
Martin really doesn't want to stay on the ground with Aoki. If he can't get it back to his feet, it's only a matter of time before he'll be tapping out.
Aoki is trying to get back to his feet but he's not managed it yet.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Martin biding his time, looking for the opening.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Martin scores with some strikes to the side of the head there. Good, points scoring shots.

Martin has his hand under the chin of his opponent looking for the choke. He's nearly got it! This one could be all over! But no, Aoki has freed his hand and lives to survive another… well, another couple of seconds at least!

Aoki manages to stand up with Martin still on his back. Eventually Martin drops to his feet and we're back in the standing position.
Martin fakes high and shoots in for a takedown but Aoki avoids it really well and circles away.
Shinya Aoki seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Aoki moves in looking to clinch but Martin pushes him off.
Aoki avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Martin chopping away at his opponent's legs.
Martin scores with a head kick.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Aoki misses with a body kick.
Martin tries to clinch up but Aoki circles away and keeps his distance.
Aoki is looking to take this fight into the clinch.
Martin throws a front kick that sends Aoki stumbling back into the cage.
Aoki misses with a body kick.
Martin looking to throw a kick but he's pulled out of it.

Martin moves into range and clinches up with Aoki.

Martin escapes the clinch and we're back to striking.
Martin fakes high and shoots in for a takedown but Aoki avoids it really well and circles away.
Martin tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.

Aoki clinches with his opponent.
Aoki has hold of a leg and is looking for a trip takedown. Martin avoids it nicely though and we remain in the clinch.
Martin goes for a takedown attempt but Aoki pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance.
Aoki throws a body kick but he was well out of range there.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Aoki avoids a punch combination nicely.
Shinya Aoki is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Aoki tries to close the distance and clinch but Martin swats him to one side with an open hand palm strike and circles away.
Shinya Aoki is looking to throw some combinations by the looks of things.
Martin is trying hard to land a takedown here. Aoki sprawls well and keeps this one on the feet.

Aoki drives through and clinches with Martin against the cage.
Aoki is trying to work for a single leg takedown but Martin pulls him back up using the underhooks.
A nice right hand lands inside from Martin.

Martin breaks from the clinch.
Martin tries to clinch but Aoki moves out of range.
Aoki fails with an attempt to clinch.
Martin shoots in for a takedown. He's persisting with it as Aoki sprawls well. Aoki wins this battle and keeps the fight standing. Martin gets slowly back to his feet.
Martin is trying hard to land a takedown here. Aoki sprawls well and keeps this one on the feet.
Aoki throws a shot to the body.
The crowd applaud the fighters efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Martin throws a right high kick that is partially blocked by Aoki.
Aoki swats away the attempt to clinch by Martin.
Martin misses with a wild combination.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Jim Martin showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The cut man is working on Shinya Aoki's cut.
That's time! Back to the action! Let's get this one finished - here comes the final round!

Martin forces Aoki back against the cage and clinches.
Martin using the Thai clinch to land knees to the body.

Martin breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Aoki pulls out of a head kick attempt.
Aoki avoids the head kick by Martin.
Aoki wants to clinch up but Martin keeps it at a distance.
Aoki throws a body kick but he wasn't in range.
Martin tries to score a power double leg takedown but Aoki sees that one coming and sprawls well. That will dishearten Martin somewhat.
Aoki throws a body kick that misses.
Ooooh, nice body kick lands from Martin. Aoki shrugs it off though.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Aoki stuffs the takedown.
Aoki pulls out of a head kick attempt.
Martin moves out of range of the body kick from Aoki.
Martin doesn't manage to clinch there - Aoki circles away.
Martin misses with a half-hearted attempt at a head kick.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.
Aoki is looking to clinch.
Martin keeps the fight on the outside.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Aoki keeps the fight standing with a nice sprawl.
Shinya Aoki has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of Jim Martin.
Aoki tries a head kick but it misses.
Martin throws a head kick that misses.
Martin throws a series of punches but Aoki avoids them all with ease.
Martin misses with a body kick.
Martin tries to clinch but Aoki moves out of range.
A really sloppy takedown attempt there from Martin.
Martin moves out of range of the body kick from Aoki.
Aoki falls off balance throwing a combination
letting Martin counter with a right hand.
Aoki stuffs the takedown attempt from Martin. Martin gets slowly back to his feet.
Good work by Aoki as he checks the leg kick.
Martin is looking to clinch.
Aoki throws a head kick that Martin semi-blocks.
Aoki throws a lazy body kick
and Martin counters with a flying knee. Nice.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are hurling abuse towards the fighters... You can hardly blame them though because there isn't a lot going on in the fight.
Aoki avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Aoki blocks a head kick by Martin.

Aoki drives through and clinches with Martin against the cage.
Aoki goes for a takedown attempt but Martin pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance.
Aoki tries to clinch up.
Martin scores with a three punch combo!
Aoki pivots as if he's going to throw a leg kick but stops half way.
Martin throws a one two combo.
Aoki avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Martin lands a jab followed by a nice looking cross.
Martin throws a head kick that misses and slips in the process. He scrambles back to his feet and the fighters circle.

The fight moves into the clinch position.
Aoki stops a takedown attempt from Martin.
Aoki is working for takedown but Martin is calmly controlling the position for now.
Martin is trying to work for a single leg takedown but Aoki pulls him back up using the underhooks.
A frustrated look appears on Martin's face as he tries to break the clinch.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Aoki changes levels and goes for a takedown here. Martin fights it off and pushes away nicely.
Aoki lands a nice looking kick to the body. Martin takes a step back to recover.
Martin wants to clinch.
Martin avoids a kick to the body.

Martin drops down and drives through with a powerful takedown into guard.
Martin must be cautious of submissions here, given that his opponent has the superior Jiu Jitsu.
Aoki keeping moving, preventing Martin from controlling successfully.

Aoki kicks Martin off and gets to his feet.

Aoki darts in and clinches Martin up against the cage.
Martin tries to score a body lock takedown but Aoki shows good agility there to stay on his feet.
Aoki is looking for a takedown up against the cage. Martin gets underhooks though and prevents the takedown attempt.
Aoki is looking for a takedown up against the cage. Martin gets underhooks though and prevents the takedown attempt.

That's four minutes gone in the round.

Aoki has double underhooks and is working for a body lock takedown. He's got it. The fighters land in half guard but Martin regains guard immediately.
Martin is trying to keep Aoki in close.
Martin is looking to get back to his feet but can't, whilst Aoki is controlling him.
Shinya Aoki has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!

Aoki gets to his feet. Martin looking to butt scoot but the ref puts an end to that. On your feet son!
Jim Martin is fighting for a decision here - he's started to take the cautious approach.
Aoki sees a low kick coming and goes to check it, but it's actually a body kick and it thuds into his unprotected ribs.
Martin lunges in with swinging rights and lefts but Aoki circles away quickly and effectively.

Aoki pushes Martin up against the cage in a clinch.
Aoki is looking for a takedown up against the cage. Martin gets underhooks though and prevents the takedown attempt.
Martin lands a left hand.
Martin putting his Muay Thai to good use. He has Aoki in a tight clinch and is doing some damage with knees to the body.

And that's the end of the fight!
Shinya Aoki showed his dominance in that final round.
Well Martin has outworked and out performed his opponent in all aspects of the game today. He was simply too good and the decision should be no more than a formality. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Sosuke Kotani scores the fight 27:29
Judge Tatsuya Matsuyama scores the fight 27:29
Judge Hirohito Nitta scores the fight 27:29

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Jim Martin!
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