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Coming up we have a heavyweight MMA rules bout between Josh Hamlet (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Frean Dorpo (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). This should be a great matchup!

196 cm
240 lbs
2 - 3 - 0
186 cm
230 lbs
1 - 2 - 0
BJJ Blue Belt
Improved boxing
Granite chin
BJJ White Belt
Basic striking



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 2 - 3 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Josh Hamlet!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 1 - 2 - 0, fighting out of Montreal, Frean Dorpo!
The judges for this bout are Steve Smith, William Peck and Dillan Fox.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Hamlet misses with a two punch combination.
Hamlet moves into range and throws a combination. A nice jab followed by a hook to the body.
Hamlet connects with the punch.
Hamlet lands a two punch combo.
Dorpo takes a really solid shot there but just smiles back and shrugs his shoulders.
Hamlet closes the distance and lands a one-two.
Hamlet scores with a jab to the head.
Dorpo with poor footwork there. He got himself in a bit of a tangle, enabling Hamlet to score with a decent uppercut.
Dorpo avoids a punch combination nicely.
Hamlet displaying good standup as he scores with a three punch combination.
Hamlet throws a combination but comes up with nothing but fresh air.
Donk. Dorpo catches Hamlet right on the button with a cross.

That's one minute gone in the round.

Dorpo fakes with an overhand right and moves in to clinch with Hamlet, pushing him back against the cage.

Hamlet breaks from the clinch.
Dorpo tries to clinch but Hamlet moves out of range.
Frean Dorpo seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Jab, cross, leg kick. Nice combination by Hamlet!
Dorpo is looking to clinch.
Hamlet is working the combinations to good effect here.
Hamlet swinging wilding here.
Hamlet swinging wilding here.

Hamlet fakes an overhand right and shoots for a takedown. Dorpo sprawls well initially but Hamlet persists and gets the takedown into half guard.
Hamlet keeping composed on the top, looking to control the action.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Hamlet's ground tactics aren't going to win him many fans. Let's hope he's got fireworks for us if he gets back to his feet because he's not doing much on the ground.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Hamlet stands up from half guard.
The fight stays on the outside here - Dorpo looks like he's thinking about clinching though.
Dorpo fails with an attempt to clinch.
Dorpo doesn't manage to clinch there - Hamlet circles away.
Hamlet swats away the attempt to clinch by Dorpo.
Hamlet misses with a jab and misses with a cross straight after too.
Dorpo avoids a punch combination nicely.
Hamlet throws a right hand that Dorpo ducks under and follows up with a left that Dorpo also avoids with ease.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Dorpo tries to clinch but Hamlet is having none of it.
Dorpo tries to clinch there but Hamlet circles away.
Hamlet ducks right into an uppercut from Dorpo.
Dorpo tries to clinch up.
Dorpo tries to clinch there but Hamlet circles away.
Dorpo fails with an attempt to clinch.
Hamlet lands a jab-cross combination.
Hamlet misses with a series of wild punches.
Dorpo wants to clinch.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
My god... these two guys really need to pick up the pace or everyone will leave to go get a beer.
A combination from Hamlet does no damage.
Hamlet on the wrong end of a nice hook.
Dorpo misses with a combination

and Hamlet counters with a nice shoot takedown that brings the fighters to the ground.
Hamlet wants to get up but he can't break Dorpo's closed guard. He needs to be careful trying to break the legs open, as he's open to submissions here.
Hamlet controls the pace of the fight for a moment.

Hamlet stands and steps away. Dorpo gets to his feet too and we're back to the striking game.
Dorpo tries to clinch but fails miserably
and Hamlet counters with a nice uppercut.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Josh Hamlet dominated that round.
The minute break is over - no more time for sponges and pep talks - back to the action!

Hamlet circles away from the clinch attempt

and Hamlet decides to take the opportunity to score a takedown. He's landed in Dorpo's guard.
Dorpo avoiding any damage from the ground and pound.

Hamlet avoids a guillotine attempt easily.

Hamlet stands and steps away. Dorpo gets to his feet too and we're back to the striking game.
Dorpo tries to clinch
and Hamlet counters with a three punch combo that has Dorpo backing up. Dorpo nods at Hamlet to acknowledge the strikes.
Dorpo tries to clinch

and Hamlet counters with a nice double leg into side control. Dorpo won't be happy with that.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Hamlet taking a breather here.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
My god... these two guys really need to pick up the pace or everyone will leave to go get a beer.
You can see the frustration on Dorpo's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
Dorpo tries to get back to half guard but can't.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Dorpo manages to get one leg in to regain half guard.
Dorpo is trying to stand back up but Hamlet is controlling him
Hamlet takes a deep breath and rests his weight momentarily on top of his opponent, to control the position.
Dorpo is looking to control Hamlet's leg but it's slowly edging free. Can Dorpo avoid being mounted?
Dorpo tries to get to full guard but Hamlet has control of the leg.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are starting to boo a lack of action.
Hamlet is thwarting Dorpo's attempts to control the position.
Hamlet stalling.
Dorpo wants to improve his position but Hamlet is controlling well.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Josh Hamlet dominated that second round.
The referee calls time. The cornermen exit stage left and we're back to business. And we move into the final round!

Dorpo darts in trying to clinch
and Hamlet counters with a good low kick that Dorpo was not able to check.
Hamlet misses with a series of wild punches.
Dorpo darts in trying to clinch
and Hamlet counters with a low kick, right behind Dorpo 's knee.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Dorpo has his takedown stuffed
and Hamlet counters with a left and a right that stings Dorpo.
Dorpo wants to clinch
and Hamlet counters with a three punch combination, finished off with a leg kick. Nice work.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Dorpo darts in trying to clinch
and Hamlet counters with a two punch combo.
Dorpo tries to clinch but Hamlet moves away
and Hamlet counters with a series of strikes. Dorpo will be more careful next time no doubt.
Hamlet looks to score with a combo but nothing lands.
Dorpo wants to clinch but Hamlet slips to the side
enabling Hamlet to counter with a crisp jab.
Dorpo closes the distance looking to clinch
and Hamlet cracks him with a counter punch right on the button.
Dorpo clinches but Hamlet breaks the clinch
and Dorpo takes a counter punch right on the button for his troubles.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are getting on the fighters' backs, as the pace has dropped off in the last minute or so.
Dorpo tries to clinch up

and Hamlet counters with a nice double leg into guard.
Dorpo wants to control but Hamlet passes easily into half guard.
Dorpo is looking to control Hamlet's leg but it's slowly edging free. Can Dorpo avoid being mounted?
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Neither fighter is being very active at the moment, with Hamlet in particular looking to stall.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Dorpo is looking for a sweep. Hamlet is wise to his cunning plan and keeps the top position.
Hamlet stalling.
Dorpo trying to hold on to Hamlet's head to control him but Hamlet postures up.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
A lull in the action here being met with boos from the crowd.
Dorpo is looking to get back to full guard here but Hamlet has managed to pass to side control instead.
Hamlet avoids the attempt from Dorpo to control.
Frean Dorpo has stepped it up - he knows he needs a finish here!
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.
Hamlet looking to finish Dorpo with some ground and pound. This is bad for Dorpo!

And that's the end of the fight!
Josh Hamlet showed his dominance in that final round.
Well I reckon that's a shut out for Hamlet, winning every round. Will the judges agree? They are the ones who matter, even if they are often depressingly incompetent. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Steve Smith scores the fight 30:27
Judge William Peck scores the fight 30:27
Judge Dillan Fox scores the fight 30:27

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Josh Hamlet!
G S C G energy
A | B
A | B
A | B
A | B
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