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Coming up we have a welterweight MMA rules bout between Rangner Kain (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and John Silva (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Well, I have no idea who's going to take this one!

180 cm
166 lbs
0 - 2 - 0
185 cm
179 lbs
0 - 0 - 0
BJJ White Belt
Solid boxing
Granite chin
BJJ Blue Belt
Solid chin



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the welterweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 0 - 2 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Rangner Kain!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, John Silva!
The judges for this bout are Don Winkell, and Timothy Bukovac.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Silva tries a head kick but it misses.
Silva keeping a good distance there, avoiding the body shot.
Kain fakes a head shot and lands one to the body.
Silva connects with a high kick.

It looks like Rangner Kain has been cut.
A punch combination from Kain misses.
The fight stays on the outside here - Kain looks like he's thinking about clinching though.
Rangner Kain seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Silva takes a shot to the nose. Hopefully that hasn't broken it.
Nice jab there from Kain.
Kain wants to clinch up but Silva keeps it at a distance.
Silva takes a shot to the eye socket. That's gotta hurt.
Silva wants to clinch.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Kain wants to clinch
letting Silva counter with a right hand.
Kain throws a wild combination but nothing lands.
Silva moves out of range as Kain throws a body kick.
The fight stays on the outside here - Kain looks like he's thinking about clinching though.
Silva circles away from the clinch attempt.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Silva has a nice red mark on his side after a thudding body kick by Kain.
Kain throws a series of punches but Silva avoids them all with ease.
Kain displays good takedown defense there as he swats away a double leg from Silva.
Kain wants to clinch but Silva slips to the side

and Silva counters with a nice double leg into half guard.
The referee claps his hands together and tells the fighters to work.
Silva thows a huge punch but Kain dodges it nicely.
Silva with a momentary lay and pray from half guard.
Kain knows he needs to get back to his feet asap. He's simply no match for Silva on the ground.
Silva is scoring with some nice ground and pound from the dominant position.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Silva slips a nice elbow through Kain's hands, connecting with Kain's forehead.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Silva stalling.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Kain is looking to regain full guard. Not this time though.
Kain wants to control but Silva passes into side.

Silva stands up and we're back to a striking position.
Silva needs to keep his hands up - Kain had a free shot at his head there.

Silva closes the distance and presses his opponent up against the cage.
Kain lands with a short shot to the head.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Silva is working for a takedown up against the cage. He can't get it on this occasion though.

Silva manages to break the clinch.
Kain tries to clinch but Silva is having none of it.
Silva doesn't manage to clinch there - Kain circles away.
Silva looks for a takedown but Kain sprawls well.
Rangner Kain has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of John Silva.
Silva jabs away that one connects to the head of his opponent.
Nice body kick there by Kain.
Silva looks gassed!
Silva fakes high and shoots in for a takedown but Kain avoids it really well and circles away.
Kain lands a nice shot that snaps Silva's head back.
Kain lunges at Silva with a hook that half lands and is half blocked by Silva's hand.
Kain comes forward and lands a shot to the body, then darts back out of range.
Kain lands a two punch combo.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Kain tries to clinch but is not successful on this occasion.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Kain tries to clinch up but Silva circles away and keeps his distance.
Kain scores with a nice body kick.
Kain wings a very wild body shot but it does the job and lands to the midsection.
Kain looks to land a combination. Silva sees it coming but can only parry a couple of the shots.
Kain tries to clinch up but Silva circles away and keeps his distance.
Kain displaying good standup as he scores with a three punch combination.
Kain lands a jab followed by a nice looking cross.
Kain moving in and out of range nicely, whilst landing the scoring shot.
A slapping body kick lands there for Kain.
Kain lands with a head kick! That's gotta hurt.
Silva doesn't react quick enough there as he takes a shot to the body.
The crowd are going absolutely nuts as the round comes to an end - what a fantastic round of action!
Kain misses with a wild combination.
Kain dips down and scores with a jab to the body.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Rangner Kain dominated that round.
The cut man is working on Rangner Kain's cut.
Well, the break between rounds is over. Let's get back to the scrappin!

Kain plants his feet and lands a nice head kick!
Kain tries to close the distance and clinch up but Silva swats him away and circles back towards the center.
Kain scores with a body shot.
No joy there for Silva, who threw a few shots but didn't land.
Silva dodges the punch combination from Kain.

Silva looking to score a takedown here. Kain is defending well but Silva drives through and ends up in Kain's guard.
Kain working a defensive guard here.
Silva passes into half guard.
Silva slows the pace down in half guard.
Silva prevents Kain from improving his position.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Silva is just sitting in half guard, waiting for something to happen.
Silva slips a nice elbow through Kain's hands, connecting with Kain's forehead.
Silva is taking a breather. Kain says something to him but it's hard to make out. Perhaps he's telling him to get on with it and actually do something.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

The ref stands the fighters back up. John Silva was stalling too much, according to the referee.

Silva is looking for a takedown here. He's shot in and has managed to get it, finishing up in Kain's half guard.
Silva throwing shots but they're hitting the canvas more than the man.
Silva stalling.
Silva is keen to just control but Kain is a slippery customer.
Silva has the superior BJJ but he's also working some ground strikes into his gameplan.
Silva prevents Kain from improving his position.
Silva lands with a punch from half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Silva trying to control the pace.

The ref stands the fighters back up. John Silva was stalling too much, according to the referee.
Silva shoots in for a takedown but Kain shows good takedown defense there and keeps this one on the feet.
Silva is breathing heavily.
Silva sees a low kick coming and goes to check it, but it's actually a body kick and it thuds into his unprotected ribs.
A head kick from Kain lands but Silva takes it in his stride.
Silva wants to land a leg kick but Kain is out of range.
Kain tries to clinch but is not successful on this occasion.
A thudding body kick lands there by Kain!
Silva walks into a left hand.
Kain's corner calls for a 1, 2 combination and Kain duly obliges.
Kain darts in trying to clinch
and Silva counters with a nice leg kick.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Kain tests Silva's chin there with a solid looking shot.
Silva has developed a nice purple lump on his ribcage, as a result of some heavy body kicks from Kain.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Kain lands a high kick!
Kain misses with a half-hearted attempt at a head kick.
Kain jabs Silva to the body, keeping him at a distance.
Kain moves to clinch but Silva breaks away

and Silva counters with a takedown into full mount! That could mean trouble for Kain!
Silva controlling from mount.
Kain is bucking up trying to escape but Silva cracks him with another couple of good strikes.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

John Silva showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
The cut man is working on Rangner Kain's cut.
The fighters get back to their feet, the hooter sounds and we're back to the action! This is the final round!

Kain tries to clinch up.
Kain looks to score with a combo but nothing lands.
Rangner Kain is winning the standup battle so far.
Kain wants to clinch but Silva slips to the side

and Silva counters with a single leg into guard. Kain didn't expect that.
Kain working a defensive guard here.
Silva engaging in some classic timewasting tactics.
Silva works a leg free and moves into half guard.
Silva performing his best blanket impression for a moment.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Kain is looking to regain full guard. Not this time though.
If this pace continues, the referee will definitely step in and force a standup.
Kain is staying active underneath Silva, who seems content to just control the action from this position.

The ref stands the fighters back up. John Silva was stalling too much, according to the referee.

Silva gets in close and instigates a clinch.
Silva fails to pull guard.
Silva blocks a body shot from Kain.
Kain misses with an elbow over the top.
Kain lands on the inside with an uppercut.
Silva is working on a leg, looking for a takedown but Kain is defending well.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
A head punch on the inside from Kain fails to land.
Silva looking for a takedown.
Rangner Kain has stuffed three takedown attempts in the round now. That's going to take a lot out of John Silva.
Silva takes a big intake of breath there - he's definitely tired.
Silva has Kain pressed up against the cage and is working for takedown. Kain manages to improve position though and keeps the fight standing.
Silva goes for a takedown attempt but Kain pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance.
Kain displaying good standup as he scores with a three punch combination.
Silva shoots in with a takedown attempt and he has Kain pinned against the cage. Kain gets the underhooks and manages to circle away.
Silva takes a shot right to the bread basket.
The fans in attendance giving it up for the two fighters, who have really let it all hang out in the last minute or so!
Kain tries to clinch up but Silva circles away and keeps his distance.
Kain's jab looks to have found its range, popping Silva under the eye.
Kain throws a series of punches but Silva moves out of range.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
No luck for Silva with that takedown attempt.
Kain getting the better of the striking in that exchange.
Kain cracks Silva with an open hand slap.
Kain throws a series of punches but Silva avoids them all with ease.
Kain tries to clinch but is not successful on this occasion.
Silva shoots in for a takedown. He's persisting with it as Kain sprawls well. Kain wins this battle and keeps the fight standing. Silva gets slowly back to his feet.
Silva swats away the attempt to clinch by Kain.
Kain lands a front kick.
Kain is looking to clinch but Silva is avoiding it.

Silva gets tackled into the cage by Kain. Kain maintains the clinch.
Silva blocks a body shot from Kain.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Kain misses the knee to the body. Nice hip positioning from Silva.
Kain lands on the inside with an uppercut.
A right hook to the body lands for Silva.
Kain tries a body shot but Silva blocks it.
Kain trying to stall but Silva improves his position.
Silva blocks a knee to the body. He'll have a nicely bruised forearm in the morning.
Silva blocks a knee to the body. He'll have a nicely bruised forearm in the morning.
Kain misses with a punch to the body.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Silva goes for a takedown in the clinch but Kain prevents it.
Kain gets double underhooks to prevent a takedown attempt from Silva.
As the round comes to an end the crowd are showing their appreciation for a great round of action.
Knees in the clinch landing for Kain.

And that's the end of the fight!
Rangner Kain showed his dominance in that final round.
I think Kain has won this one but let's see what the judges have to say. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Don Winkell scores the fight 29:28
Judge Percy O'Donnell scores the fight 29:28
Judge Timothy Bukovac scores the fight 29:28

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Rangner Kain!

After winning the bout, Rangner Kain thanked all his fans and promised he'd do even better in his next fight. The crowd seemed to love his humility.
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