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Coming up we have a super heavyweight kickboxing rules bout between Jordan Bay (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Zack Zanujze (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Zanujze has chosen 2pac-Tupac Heaven Ain't Hard 2 Find as his entrance music. These two fighters really are very evenly matched on the feet - it will be fascinating to see who can assert themselves in that aspect of the fight.

195 cm
285 lbs
1 - 0 - 1
205 cm
145 lbs
0 - 0 - 1

Excellent MT
Very quick

Excellent MT



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the super heavyweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 1 - 0 - 1, fighting out of The Island, Jordan Bay!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 1, fighting out of The Island, Zack Zanujze!
The judges for this bout are Bart Greer, Daniel Franklin and Peter Branson.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!
Bay scores with a kick to the midsection.
A head kick by Bay misses
and Zanujze counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Bay looks to land a right hand but Zanujze moved out of range.
Bay misses with a half-hearted attempt at a head kick.
Zanujze avoids the clinch attempt nicely.
Bay wants to clinch.

Bay closes the distance and pushes Zanujze back into the ropes.
Zanujze is a painfully thin specimen of a man. You do wonder whether a good body kick would snap him clean in two.
Bay throws a vicious knee straight up the middle but Zanujze blocks it with crossed arms.
Bay missing with knees to the body.
Zanujze tries to break the clinch but Bay is controlling the position.
Bay trying to land knees to the body.
Zanujze working aggressively here.
Zanujze's coach down at Clean and Green was telling us pre-fight that they have been working on Zanujze's balance. Obviously they view that as a key factor in the outcome of this fight.
Bay is trying to slow down the pace in the clinch, to catch his breath.
Zanujze looks like he'd prefer to be striking at range right now.
Zanujze on the defensive, avoiding the knees to the body.
Zanujze is trying to work out of this bad position, with his back against the ropes.
Zanujze wants to push off and get back to the center of the mat but Bay has him pressed against the ropes.
Still in the clinch, Zanujze scores with a nice short uppercut.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Bay misses with a hook to the ribs.
Bay comes over the top with an elbow. That landed flush.
Bay tries to land knees in the clinch but Zanujze avoids the damage to the body.
Bay is trying to wear down his opponent with knees to the body.
Zanujze is trying to push Bay away but Bay has him pressed against the ropes, so he's going nowhere.
Bay lands a glancing elbow in the clinch.

It looks like Zack Zanujze has been cut.
Zanujze wants to break free but Bay has control.
Bay is looking to score with knees to the body. Maybe he'll change it up and go body then head. Zanujze is defending well for now.
With the fighters up against the ropes, Zanujze throws an elbow but misses.
Zanujze is trying to push Bay away but Bay has him pressed against the ropes, so he's going nowhere.
With the fighters up against the ropes, Bay throws an elbow but misses.
Bay prevents a body shot from Zanujze.
Zanujze is trying to break free.
Zanujze fails to land with a short punch on the inside.
Bay throws a nice elbow but it doesn't land.
Bay's head jolts backwards as he takes an uppercut right on the button!
Zanujze working aggressively here.
Bay throws an elbow but it's blocked.
Bay keeps control of Zanujze as he tries to wriggle out of the double underhooks.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Bay throws a nice elbow but it doesn't land.
Bay tries to land knees in the clinch but Zanujze avoids the damage to the body.
Zanujze misses with a body punch.
Zanujze wants to break free but Bay has control.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Bay tries a knee to the head but he's missed.
Bay tries to land a knee to the body but he is off balance and Zanujze avoids it.
Zanujze is trying to break free.
Zanujze lands a shoulder strike that jolts his opponent's head backwards.
Zanujze is looking to break free of the clinch but Bay has double underhooks.
Bay misses with a knee strike.
Bay misses the knee to the body. Nice hip positioning from Zanujze.
Zanujze misses with some punches.
Bay blocks an uppercut.
Bay keeps the fight in the clinch, despite Zanujze's efforts to push away.
Bay tries to land knees in the clinch but Zanujze avoids the damage to the body.
Bay tries to land knees in the clinch but Zanujze avoids the damage to the body.
Bay misses the knee to the body. Nice hip positioning from Zanujze.
A head punch blocked on the inside by Bay.
Bay is working hard here but doesn't seem to be able to control effectively, up against the ropes.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
A frustrated look appears on Zanujze's face as he tries to break the clinch.
Zanujze on the defensive, avoiding the knees to the body.
Zanujze is trying to break the clinch but Bay is controlling him.
Zanujze is trying to work out of this bad position, with his back against the ropes.
A nice glancing elbow lands by Bay.
Zanujze tries to break free but Bay pushes him back against the ropes.
Bay tries to land a knee to the body but he is off balance and Zanujze avoids it.
Bay tries to land a knee to the head but misses.
Bay lands a glancing elbow in the clinch.
Zanujze can't break the clinch.
Zanujze is trying to force a seperation but Bay has the dominant position.
Zanujze takes a knee right on the jaw!
Bay tries a knee to the head but he's missed.
Bay keeps control of Zanujze as he tries to wriggle out of the double underhooks.
A frustrated look appears on Zanujze's face as he tries to break the clinch.
Zanujze tries to break the clinch but Bay is controlling the position.
Bay misses with an elbow over the top.
Zanujze tries to circle away but Bay has him pinned against the ropes.
Zanujze tries to break the clinch but Bay is controlling the position.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Zanujze wants to break the clinch but can't.
Zanujze has had enough of the clinch but Bay keeps him there for the moment.
With the two fighters working up against the ropes, Bay just misses with a elbow thrown towards Zanujze's brow.
Bay keeps control of Zanujze as he tries to wriggle out of the double underhooks.
Bay is trying to slow down the pace in the clinch, to catch his breath.
Bay scores a nice knee to the body.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Zanujze can't break the clinch.
Bay content to slow the pace in the clinch.
Bay misses the knee to the body. Nice hip positioning from Zanujze.
Zanujze blocks the elbow strike.
Zanujze wants to break free. God knows he wants to breaaaak freeee.
Bay misses with a knee strike.
Bay lands an elbow inside.
As the round comes to an end the crowd are showing their appreciation for a great round of action.
Zanujze misses with a short punch on the inside.
Zanujze blocks the elbow strike.
Zanujze tries a shoulder strike but it doesn't do any damage.
Zanujze managing to block the knees to the body from Bay.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Jordan Bay dominated that round.
The cut man is working on Zack Zanujze's cut.
That's time! Back to the action!

Bay takes a shot right to the bread basket.
Zanujze avoids a kick to the body.
Bay tries a head kick but it misses.
Zanujze avoids the head kick by Bay.
Zanujze checks a low kick. Bone on bone - not my idea of a good time.

Bay rushes Zanujze and presses him up against the ropes.
A nice glancing elbow lands by Bay.
Zanujze is trying to work out of this bad position, with his back against the ropes.
Zanujze can't break the clinch.
Zanujze tries to work over Bay's body with a swooping hook but it only glances the target.
Bay lands an elbow inside that Zanujze shrugs off.

That has opened up Zack Zanujze's cut even more.
Zanujze goes for a body shot but it's blocked.
Zanujze wants to push off and get back to the center of the mat but Bay has him pressed against the ropes.
The fighters are pressed against the ropes, as the pace of the fight slows.
Zanujze has a couple of punches blocked by Bay.
Zanujze working hard to break the clinch.
Bay lands a nice elbow.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Zanujze doesn't land with the attempted body shot.
Zanujze can't break the clinch.
Zanujze wants to break free but Bay has control.
Bay blocks a couple of punches on the inside.
Bay tries to land knees in the clinch but Zanujze avoids the damage to the body.
A nice glancing elbow lands by Bay.

The cut above Zack Zanujze's eye is starting to cause him problems now.
A nice glancing elbow lands by Bay.

Zanujze is rocked!

Zack Zanujze's cut is absolute horrible now. This looks like something out of a horror film with blood covering both fighters.
Zanujze takes a knee to the side of the body.
Zanujze can't break the clinch.
Zanujze wants to break free but Bay has control.
Zanujze blocks a knee to the body. He'll have a nicely bruised forearm in the morning.
Zanujze has had enough of the clinch but Bay keeps him there for the moment.
Bay is looking to score with knees to the body. Maybe he'll change it up and go body then head. Zanujze is defending well for now.
Zanujze wants to break free but Bay has control.
Zanujze lands a right hand that snaps the head of Bay backwards.
Zanujze wants to push off and get back to the center of the mat but Bay has him pressed against the ropes.
Zanujze avoids the elbow strike from Bay, against the ropes.
Zanujze blocks a knee to the body. He'll have a nicely bruised forearm in the morning.
Bay misses with a knee to the head.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Zanujze fails to land with a short punch on the inside.
Bay looks to throw an elbow but misses.
Zanujze blocks a knee to the body. He'll have a nicely bruised forearm in the morning.
Zanujze takes an elbow to the forehead.

The referee calls the doctor in to look at Zack Zanujze's cut. Oh no, the doctor has called an end to the bout!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:25 of round 2, we have a winner by way of TKO (Cut). Jordan Bay!
The defeated Zack Zanujze had this to say: 'Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy so mothafucka!! i fucking demand a rematch or else get me some pussy to fuck hard.'.
G S C G energy
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