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Coming up we have a welterweight MMA rules bout between Merlin Church (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class) and Henry Lampard (ranked 0 p4p, 0 weight class). Over to our ring announcer for the fighter introductions!

187 cm
177 lbs
0 - 4 - 0
170 cm
168 lbs
0 - 0 - 0
BJJ Blue Belt
Counter fighter
Good in bed
BJJ Blue Belt
Solid chin



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the welterweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 0 - 4 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Merlin Church!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 0 - 0 - 0, fighting out of Los Angeles, Henry Lampard!
The judges for this bout are Timothy Bukovac, Frank Antenori and Don Winkell.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!

Lampard shoots in looking for a single leg takedown. Church is trying to defend but Lampard finishes it well and ends up in half guard. Let's see if he can advance position further.

Church looking for submissions off his back.
Lampard content to sit in half guard and control for a moment.

Church looking for a kimura from the bottom but Lampard passes into side control!

Lampard looking for an arm triangle but it's way too loose to do anything.

Lampard tries for a kimura but Church is defending well.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Lampard trying to control the action but Church is working from the bottom.
Lampard is staying tight to Church's torso, preventing him from escaping.
Church gives up the full mount - oops, sloppy defensive grappling there!
Lampard tucks in and makes sure he doesn't lose the dominant position.
Church bucks up and manages to get a nice reversal! He's in guard on the top - nicely done!
Church has to be careful here, sitting in the guard of a superior BJJ player.

That's two minutes gone in the round.

Lampard has an active guard here but Church has managed to pass into half guard.
Lampard wants to control but Church is keeping busy and won't allow it.
Lampard might have to switch it up a bit here because his efforts to control Church haven't been going to plan, at least at the current moment in time.
Lampard regains full guard. Nicely done.
Lampard trying to punch from his back but it's not doing any damage.
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Church throws a big elbow that misses.
Lampard lands some strikes from the bottom.

Lampard had isolated an arm as going for a kimura. Church defends it easily.
Lampard is working from a closed guard but he's struggling to control his opponent.
Lampard wants to sweep here but Church controlling him for the moment.
Lampard throwing some rather feeble looking strikes off his back.
Church won't allow Lampard to sweep him here.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Lampard pulls Church in close to his closed guard and prevents Church from doing any damage or advancing position.
Lampard doesn't do any damage with a couple of strikes from the bottom.
Church working from the guard for now, landing some ground and pound.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Lampard controls Church momentarily but Church frees himself.
Church will need to keep those long limbs tucked in whilst he's on the ground, to prevent any submissions.

Lampard is looking for a triangle here but Church uses the submission attempt to pass into side control.
The crowd applaud the fighters efforts here as the round comes to an end.
Lampard wants to control but Church postures up.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Henry Lampard dominated that round.
That's time! Church's corner gives him a slap on the ass as he gets ready to fight.

Lampard loads up on a big right hand but Church slips the punch.
Lampard scores with a reasonable looking shot to the body. Church doesn't seem bothered though.

Church gets caught on his heels momentarily as he allows Lampard to score an easy takedown into full guard.
Lampard wants to control from the top but Church keeps moving.

Lampard gets to his feet. Church looking to butt scoot but the ref puts an end to that. On your feet son!

Church tries to sprawl but Lampard drives through with a takedown into half guard.
Church tries to kick Lampard off but Lampard keeps his base steady and stays in half guard.

Lampard escapes and gets back to his feet.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Church tries to drive through with a takedown attempt but Lampard defends well and Church ends up having to push Lampard into the cage where they will battle it out in the clinch.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Church has had enough of the clinch but Lampard keeps him there for the moment.
Lampard tries to break the clinch but Church is controlling the position.

Lampard manages to pull guard.
Lampard looking to control.

Lampard is working actively off his back, looking to secure an arm or perhaps work for a triangle.
Lampard is breathing heavily.
Church wants to stand and escape but instead Lampard has hit a sweep and he's now on top in guard.
Lampard stands and throws Church's legs to the side, diving into side control.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Church is looking to regain half guard here but Lampard keeps moving and retains side control.

Lampard thinks about going for a far side armbar but bails out and retains the dominant position instead.

Lampard is trying to land an Americana. He has the arm isolated but Church is keeping cool and he's avoided the danger for now.
Church can't do much from the bottom here.
Church gets one leg under and gets the fight to half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Lampard is trying to control. Church wants to improve his position but can't escape this time.
Church wants to get back to his feet.
Lampard tries to pass to full mount but Church defends it.
Lampard trying to control the pace.
Henry Lampard has got the better of the ground game so far.
Lampard is looking to advance position but Church won't allow it.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Church is looking to improve his position.
Church trying to hold on to Lampard's head to control him but Lampard postures up.
Church has hold of Lampard's hands but Lampard slips his arm to the side and lands an elbow.
Neither fighter is being very active at the moment, with Lampard in particular looking to stall.
Lampard trying to control from half guard but Church is working away.
As the round comes to an end the crowd are showing their appreciation for a great round of action.

The ref stands the fighters back up. Henry Lampard was stalling too much, according to the referee.

Church tries to keep at a distance but Lampard has taken the fight into the clinch.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Henry Lampard showed his class in that round. I'd imagine he'll take it on all the scorecards.
Well, the break between rounds is over. Let's get back to the scrappin! This is the final round!

Lampard lands a head kick. Church smiles back at him and beckons him forward.

Lampard shoots in and gets a takedown into Church's guard.
Lampard stands and throws Church's legs to the side, diving into side control.
Church wants to get back to his feet but Lampard is dominant here and he's now got Church's back!

Lampard is staying calm and holding on to the back position, whilst working on a rear naked choke. Church is defending well though. Lampard let's go of the attempt for now.
Church is very frustrated here, being controlled quite effectively by Lampard.
Let's hope that Lampard has the urge to step up the pace any second now because for the last 15 or 20 seconds he's just been holding on tight.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Church looking very determined here, making life difficult for Lampard.
Church is trapped and Lampard is scoring with shots to the head and body.
Lampard trying to control momentarily.
Lampard is in a good position here but he's just trying to control... And he's not even managing to do that successfully.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Church is trying to get back to his feet but he's not managed it yet.
Church trying to control the position but Lampard manages to sink in the hooks.
Lampard wants to control but Church is keeping busy.
Church trying to control but he's just got himself in more trouble.
Church trying to get back to his feet but Lampard is in full control for now.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.

Church defends a rear naked choke attempt by controlling one of Lampard's arms.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Church holding both Lampard 's hands and preventing any damage.
Church covers up after that shot from Lampard.

Lampard looking to break Church's wrist control so he can sink in the choke. Church remaining controlled and patient though - he really has to keep calm otherwise Lampard will wrap this one up with the rear naked choke!
Church is trying to get back to his feet but he's not managed it yet.
Lampard cracks Church with a big shot to body and one to the head - really punishing Church from the back mount here, looking to soften him up.

Lampard is staying calm and holding on to the back position, whilst working on a rear naked choke. Church is defending well though. Lampard let's go of the attempt for now.

Lampard is working hard for the rear naked choke here.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
A lull in the action here.
As the round comes to an end the crowd are showing their appreciation for a great round of action.
Church wants to control his opponent's hands but Lampard gets his hands free.

And that's the end of the fight!
Henry Lampard comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
Well Lampard has outworked and out performed his opponent in all aspects of the game today. He was simply too good and the decision should be no more than a formality. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Timothy Bukovac scores the fight 27:30
Judge Frank Antenori scores the fight 27:30
Judge Don Winkell scores the fight 27:30

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Henry Lampard!
G S C G energy
A | B
A | B
A | B
A | B
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