MMA Tycoon Game
"Smooth up in ya" Chubby Johnson (142966)

Record 38-21-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 35 (T)KOs (92.11%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
3 Decisions (7.89%)
Losses 14 (T)KOs (66.67%)
5 Subs (23.81%)
2 Decisions (9.52%)
Next Fight None
Height 200 cm
Weight 265 lbs
Can cut to 242.4 lbs
Age 81
Hometown Chubbyville
Country Canada
Location Montreal
Base Montreal
Bank Balance $33,751.00
Alliance   -
Chubby has Exceptional boxing, Remarkable Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Combined opponent record
  Opponent Method Rnd Time Hype Record P4P
L Cinder Smaug TKO (Strikes) 1 04:18
(47-23-0) 0
W Kevin Krukowski TKO (Cut) 3 03:43
(27-15-0) 0
L Fatu Tua TKO (Head Kick) 1 00:40
(46-33-0) 0
W Dr Schultz TKO (Strikes) 1 02:56
(27-18-0) 8227
W Samson Wade TKO (Strikes) 1 01:52
(30-22-0) 0
W Esa Tikkanen TKO (Punches) 1 02:26
(38-24-1) 0
W John Li TKO (Strikes) 1 00:42
(16-19-0) 0
L Bunny Anstey KO (Punch) 1 01:11
(43-18-0) 5748
W Jack Neely TKO (Cut) 2 02:25
(39-26-0) 0
W Hans Dietrich KO (Punch) 2 03:35
(19-19-0) 0
W Cain Marko KO (Punch) 1 02:24
(48-26-0) 0
L Hans Dietrich KO (Punch) 1 00:11
(19-19-0) 0
W Jimmy James TKO (Strikes) 1 04:19
(28-24-0) 0
W Marcus Megnus Maximus KO (Punch) 1 02:09
(10-7-1) 0
W Alex Steel TKO (Strikes) 1 02:27
(21-18-0) 0
W Bartholomew Roberts TKO (Strikes) 1 01:46
(17-13-0) 0
W Ogustivimus Amavimus TKO (Strikes) 1 01:08
(22-17-0) 0
W Klas Micropop TKO (Punches) 1 03:57
(43-26-0) 0
W Klas Micropop TKO (Cut) 2 01:57
(43-26-0) 0
W Tee Nah TKO (Strikes) 1 04:56
(63-40-0) 0
W Jon Grey TKO (Strikes) 1 01:17
(7-8-0) 0
L Po Panda TKO (Strikes) 1 02:40
(28-8-0) 0
W Tee Nah TKO (Cut) 2 03:58
(63-40-0) 0
L Tong Po Submission (Armbar) 1 00:29
(9-3-0) 0
L Ogustivimus Amavimus KO (Punches) 1 00:37
(22-17-0) 0
W Teppo Tulppu KO (Superman Punch) 1 01:55
(16-15-0) 0
L Ogustivimus Amavimus KO (Punch) 1 01:52
(22-17-0) 0
W Cosh Boy TKO (Strikes) 1 00:57
(18-10-0) 0
W Ogustivimus Amavimus TKO (Strikes) 1 02:24
(22-17-0) 0
W Matthew George KO (Punch) 1 00:50
(21-15-0) 0
W Kevin Nash TKO (Punches) 1 00:44
(3-2-0) 0
W Chris Masters KO (Superman Punch) 1 00:33
(20-7-0) 0
W Vandal Gragas KO (Punch) 1 00:16
(8-11-0) 0
L Johnnie Rico TKO (Strikes) 1 01:23
(14-15-1) 0
W De Bo KO (Punch) 1 00:24
(13-13-0) 0
W Jo El TKO (Strikes) 1 02:57
(13-5-0) 0
L Sakke Pietila Submission (Triangle Armbar) 1 02:27
(21-21-0) 0
L Roman Petkovic Submission (Kimura) 1 00:40
(16-13-0) 0
W Mark Calaway KO (Punch) 1 00:20
(34-29-0) 0
W Maximus Decimus Meridius KO (Punch) 1 00:17
(10-6-1) 0
L Boyan Cadell Submission (Triangle) 1 03:49
(11-16-0) 0
L Mark Calaway TKO (Punches) 2 01:13
(34-29-0) 0
W Boyan Cadell KO (Punch) 1 04:54
(11-16-0) 0
L Mike Hoiles KO (Punch) 1 00:46
(16-12-1) 0
W Andrew Legus Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(7-7-1) 0
L Randy Callaway TKO (Strikes) 3 04:58
(13-13-0) 0
W Tendai Mtarawira TKO (Strikes) 2 03:33
(5-5-0) 0
W Brandon Moss TKO (Strikes) 1 04:31
(7-10-0) 0
L Diokles Bernard TKO (Strikes) 1 04:42
(6-1-0) 0
W Frank Nasri TKO (Cut) 1 02:51
(1-3-0) 0
W Patrick Barry Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(7-11-0) 0
L Brandon Moss Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(7-10-0) 0
W Nikolai Crushkin KO (Strikes) 1 04:58
(8-12-0) 0
L Brandon Moss Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(7-10-0) 0
L Gordon Freeman KO (Punches) 3 01:52
(15-19-1) 0
L Max Cooperman TKO (Strikes) 1 03:25
(9-9-0) 0
L Luigi Calvante Submission (Americana) 1 00:54
(2-4-1) 0
W Opor Kefir TKO (Strikes) 2 01:05
(0-2-0) 0
W Opor Kefir Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(0-2-0) 0
Total record
Adjusted record

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