MMA Tycoon Game
Xingu Huka Huka (236968)

Record 21-17-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 14 (T)KOs (66.67%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
7 Decisions (33.33%)
Losses 6 (T)KOs (35.29%)
1 Subs (5.88%)
10 Decisions (58.82%)
Next Fight None
Height 194 cm
Weight 244 lbs
Can cut to 222.9 lbs
Age 65
Hometown Campina Grande
Country Brazil
Location Helsinki
Base Rio de Janeiro
Bank Balance $32,297.00
Alliance   -
Xingu has Strong boxing, Remarkable Muay Thai, Strong wrestling and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Weight: NA P4P: 0
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Combined opponent record
  Opponent Method Rnd Time Hype Record P4P
L Juha Ahokas TKO (Cut) 3 02:26
(38-24-1) 0
W Arkadio Moralez Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(5-1-0) 0
W Parker Schneibal Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(2-4-0) 0
L Vunny Bin Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(33-33-0) 0
L Matt Weston Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(27-16-1) 0
L Abbe Faria Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(33-15-0) 0
W Eldar Smith Decision (Unanimous) 3 03:00
(24-21-0) 0
L Andrew Wiggins Decision (Unanimous) 3 03:00
(16-12-1) 0
W Tomasz Rzasa KO (Punches) 1 01:17
(9-8-1) 0
L Giovanni Rocket TKO (Cut) 1 03:17
(18-4-0) 0
L Ante Pavelic Decision (Split) 3 05:00
(18-11-1) 0
W Chester Barcelona Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(17-34-0) 0
L Silverback Lesnar Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(40-28-0) 0
L Marcus Ulpius Traianus Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(44-35-0) 0
W Lee Noris Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(6-5-0) 0
W Monkey Business Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(30-15-0) 0
L Maximillian Xezeron Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(27-23-1) 0
W Mario Silva TKO (Strikes) 1 01:31
(6-31-0) 0
L James Raban Submission (Kimura) 1 02:56
(25-25-0) 0
W Mario Silva KO (Punch) 1 00:22
(6-31-0) 0
W Mario Silva TKO (Strikes) 1 00:54
(6-31-0) 0
W Cain Dos Santos KO (Punch) 1 00:30
(5-3-0) 0
W Felix Storm KO (Punch) 2 01:35
(8-6-0) 0
L Project Dclxvi Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(2-2-1) 0
L Robbie Luatua KO (Strikes) 1 01:29
(33-14-0) 0
L Sarkis Zakoyan TKO (Kick & Punches) 2 00:05
(2-6-0) 0
L Francisco Salgado TKO (Cut) 2 00:24
(24-17-0) 0
W Matt Serra KO (Punch) 2 04:34
(8-7-0) 0
W Humphrey Baker TKO (Strikes) 1 03:40
(35-22-0) 0
W Paulo Vieira TKO (Knee & Punches) 1 02:22
(3-4-0) 0
W David Bower KO (Punch) 1 03:25
(2-3-0) 0
W Rello Gracie KO (Punch) 1 00:56
(1-2-0) 0
W Ezequiel Santos KO (Punches) 1 03:12
(1-1-0) 0
W Paco Angel Marquez Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(4-6-0) 0
L Ezreal Silva TKO (Cut) 1 01:59
(1-1-0) 0
L Pavo Nurmi Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(39-20-1) 0
W Devon Carter TKO (Strikes) 2 00:35
(1-1-0) 0
W Soviet Man TKO (Strikes) 1 01:13
(0-1-0) 0
Total record
Adjusted record

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