MMA Tycoon Game
Pedro "Big Peter" Fuentes (346557)

Record 41-20-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 40 (T)KOs (97.56%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (2.44%)
Losses 17 (T)KOs (85.00%)
2 Subs (10.00%)
1 Decisions (5.00%)
Next Fight None
Height 200 cm
Weight 253 lbs
Can cut to 231.1 lbs
Age 42
Hometown Manaus
Country Brazil
Location Los Angeles
Base Los Angeles
Manager Tomasz Pudz
Bank Balance $645,549.09
Alliance   Super Smash Bros
Pedro has Sensational boxing, Exceptional Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Weight: 106 P4P: 855
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Combined opponent record
  Opponent Method Rnd Time Hype Record P4P
L Billy Blank Submission (Triangle Choke) 2 02:59
(30-22-0) 501
L Ghost Chai TKO (Cut) 2 03:47
(25-13-0) 42
L Takeda Shida TKO (Cut) 1 02:08
(19-4-0) 17
W Kristoph Kringle KO (Head Kick) 1 01:40
(21-6-1) 62
W Lasse Savisto KO (Head Kick) 1 01:56
(21-11-0) 498
L Jason Hightower TKO (Cut) 3 00:44
(46-16-1) 120
W Haw Thorn KO (Punch) 2 00:35
(31-13-0) 175
L Gothic Line TKO (Cut) 2 03:12
(41-26-0) 507
W Abdul Keji TKO (Strikes) 1 00:31
(27-18-0) 2958
W Malcolm Rivera TKO (Strikes) 1 03:32
(32-23-0) 991
W Tom Obama KO (Punch) 1 00:44
(44-18-0) 351
W Alexander Rozhkov KO (Punch) 1 01:33
(22-13-0) 161
W John Boy Walton KO (Punches) 1 00:50
(21-16-0) 2295
W Ed Jones KO (Punch) 2 00:05
(20-12-0) 0
L John Boy Walton TKO (Cut) 1 04:08
(21-16-0) 2295
L Mike Haggar TKO (Cut) 1 03:58
(52-36-0) 1144
W Corona Virus TKO (Strikes) 2 04:56
(25-17-0) 2453
L Kilo Maluga TKO (Cut) 2 01:28
(67-15-0) 0
W Will Wrecks TKO (Strikes) 2 00:25
(30-18-0) 135
W Noah Anderson KO (Punch) 1 01:15
(36-21-0) 0
L Ben Slam TKO (Cut) 1 03:35
(31-18-0) 0
L Leif Leifsson TKO (Cut) 1 04:59
(36-20-0) 411
W William Riker KO (Punch) 1 02:10
(25-20-0) 2179
W John Fury KO (Punch) 1 00:50
(22-9-0) 0
W Noah Anderson TKO (Strikes) 1 00:44
(36-21-0) 0
W Ben Slam KO (Punch) 1 01:21
(31-18-0) 0
W Yardbird Knox KO (Head Kick) 1 02:21
(32-18-0) 0
W Ara Tiotio KO (Punch) 1 01:20
(34-15-0) 0
W Parta Matti TKO (Strikes) 1 03:52
(29-21-0) 293
L Hero Shima TKO (Cut) 1 03:46
(20-15-0) 4495
W Jerome Steel KO (Punch) 1 01:58
(33-39-0) 0
L Bunkechukwu Floyd TKO (Cut) 2 01:15
(32-14-1) 0
L Viktor Babinski TKO (Cut) 1 03:13
(30-13-0) 0
W Karim Johnson TKO (Strikes) 2 03:39
(42-16-0) 1366
W LaTroy Johnson TKO (Strikes) 1 00:14
(29-15-0) 0
W Mark Lesnar TKO (Strikes) 1 02:06
(34-22-0) 0
L LaTroy Johnson TKO (Cut) 1 03:58
(29-15-0) 0
W Saul Goodman KO (Punch) 1 00:55
(34-34-0) 1853
W Gregory Motts TKO (Strikes) 2 00:36
(37-31-0) 0
W Yago Steve TKO (Strikes) 3 01:28
(36-11-0) 0
W Johan Joestar KO (Punch) 1 00:47
(30-30-0) 0
W Nathan Leal KO (Punch) 1 00:45
(19-23-0) 0
W Charlie Hall KO (Punch) 1 02:22
(28-33-0) 0
W Kamen Kamenov KO (Punch) 1 01:06
(12-20-1) 0
W Ispa Murhapuro KO (Punch) 1 00:51
(15-12-0) 0
L Mike Megaton TKO (Cut) 1 03:37
(38-25-0) 0
L Yardbird Knox Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(32-18-0) 0
L Spinning Fire TKO (Cut) 3 02:57
(27-15-0) 0
W Mark Lesnar Decision (Unanimous) 3 05:00
(34-22-0) 0
L Iron Jussi TKO (Cut) 2 04:48
(16-6-0) 0
W Yardbird Knox KO (Punch) 1 02:42
(32-18-0) 0
W Joe Clark KO (Punch) 2 04:59
(29-13-0) 1894
W Thomas Schubert KO (Punch) 2 00:30
(12-12-0) 0
L Keith Primeau TKO (Strikes) 1 03:09
(9-4-0) 0
W Colin Kaepernick KO (Punch) 2 00:11
(13-6-0) 0
W Yhorm Cinder KO (Punch) 1 01:45
(9-10-0) 0
W Spinning Fire KO (Punch) 2 00:15
(27-15-0) 0
W Claudio Escorre TKO (Strikes) 1 02:37
(19-12-0) 0
W Ben Wood KO (Head Kick) 1 00:29
(3-7-0) 0
W Florence Fergunson TKO (Strikes) 1 02:40
(5-4-0) 0
L Jeff Castro Submission (Kneebar) 1 00:51
(2-4-0) 0
Total record
Adjusted record

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