MMA Tycoon Game
Tris Kapula (365806)

Record 14-8-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 14 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Losses 7 (T)KOs (87.50%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (12.50%)
Next Fight None
Height 191 cm
Weight 215 lbs
Can cut to 195.6 lbs
Age 36
Hometown Cappadocia
Country Turkey
Location Las Vegas
Base Las Vegas
Manager Juice Box
Bank Balance $297,145.80
Alliance   -
Tris has Wonderful boxing, Exceptional Muay Thai, Sensational wrestling and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Weight: NA P4P: 4799
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Combined opponent record
  Opponent Method Rnd Time Hype Record P4P
W Derwent Bolt KO (Punch) 1 02:23
(17-16-0) 2935
W Steve Fish KO (Punch) 2 03:25
(9-7-0) 2198
L Iron Side KO (Strikes) 1 01:14
(21-13-0) 592
W Anthony Lalime Submission (Strikes) 1 04:49
(27-24-1) 696
W Julius Benedict KO (Head Kick) 1 01:53
(16-13-0) 4446
L Donner Keil KO (Punch) 1 03:53
(19-12-0) 2002
L Swole Ricky Martin KO (Punch) 3 03:56
(34-14-0) 126
W Brock Hardman TKO (Strikes) 1 04:13
(22-24-0) 1212
W Victor Contreiras KO (Punch) 1 02:37
(14-8-0) 0
L Devonte Pinks KO (Strikes) 1 01:33
(28-15-0) 1718
W Casimiro Nicoletta KO (Punch) 1 01:45
(24-14-0) 1459
W Sonny Corleone Jr. KO (Punch) 1 02:07
(12-13-3) 3562
W Kill Shot Jackson KO (Punch) 2 00:21
(14-16-0) 0
W Branibar Voiwar TKO (Strikes) 1 01:59
(4-7-0) 0
L Duster Bouglas TKO (Punch) 1 03:42
(6-8-0) 0
L Misha Hasselhoff TKO (Strikes) 3 01:32
(14-11-0) 0
L Devonte Pinks TKO (Strikes) 2 02:52
(28-15-0) 1718
L Charles Tucker Decision (Unanimous) 5 05:00
(29-18-0) 1184
W Bela Rakosi TKO (Strikes) 3 02:31
(6-2-0) 0
W Crazy Legs Submission (Strikes) 1 01:28
(4-5-0) 0
W Justin Sane TKO (Strikes) 1 01:53
(5-6-0) 0
W Christopher Nolan TKO (Punches) 1 01:16
(0-3-0) 0
Total record
Adjusted record

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