MMA Tycoon Game
Franz Nicholas (391746)

Record 10-11-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 10 (T)KOs (100.00%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Losses 9 (T)KOs (81.82%)
2 Subs (18.18%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Next Fight Boniface   Randriamaholison
Height 190 cm
Weight 265 lbs
Can cut to 241.4 lbs
Age 27
Hometown Montreal
Country Canada
Location New York
Base New York
Manager Franz Kafka
Bank Balance $49,286.86
Alliance   -
Franz has Remarkable boxing, Elite Muay Thai, Superb wrestling and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Weight: 103 P4P: 793
0 Days Cuts 0 Days
Combined opponent record
  Opponent Method Rnd Time Hype Record P4P
W Koen Kingston KO (Punch) 1 01:43
(5-3-0) 1294
L Roberto Heredia TKO (Strikes) 1 01:36
(10-2-0) 782
W Romulus Germanicus KO (Punch) 1 00:46
(7-4-0) 0
W Usko Unbelivable KO (Punches) 1 00:40
(28-37-2) 2771
W Herbert Justen KO (Strikes) 1 01:32
(11-18-0) 903
L Roberto Heredia TKO (Strikes) 1 00:23
(10-2-0) 782
W Pan Thongrak KO (Punch) 1 02:30
(9-8-0) 2297
L Richie Aprile KO (Punch) 1 01:09
(8-6-0) 1161
L Randall Jackson KO (Punch) 1 01:54
(4-3-0) 0
W Jay Meadows KO (Punch) 3 00:12
(4-12-0) 4137
L Darnell Stuckey KO (Punches) 1 04:23
(2-3-0) 23889
L Brad Shaw Submission (Guillotine) 1 01:30
(7-4-0) 1592
W Jaxon Franks KO (Punch) 1 00:35
(4-4-0) 0
W Joe Biden KO (Punch) 1 04:20
(4-5-0) 0
L Moussa Bouba KO (Punch) 1 00:50
(5-2-0) 0
L Mombasa Magabi TKO (Strikes) 2 01:44
(12-6-0) 868
W Lark Bizzy KO (Punch) 1 00:17
(1-5-0) 0
L Fred Schneider Submission (RNC) 1 03:44
(7-1-1) 0
W Burton Guster TKO (Punches) 1 01:55
(0-1-0) 0
L Ferenc Fazekas TKO (Strikes) 1 00:53
(22-8-0) 275
L Ferenc Fucsovics TKO (Strikes) 1 03:20
(1-0-0) 0
Total record
Adjusted record

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