MMA Tycoon Game

Play by Play - Fighter's Fight Commentary

Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Nov 13, 2016
Masstek lands with a cross to side of his opponent's head.
An inside leg kick lands from Masstek.
Masstek works over Mclean's head and body with a nice combination.
Mclean shoots in for a takedown. He's persisting with it as Masstek sprawls well. Masstek wins this battle and keeps the fight standing. Mclean gets slowly back to his feet.
Masstek lands a jab-cross combination.
Mclean takes one on the chin but keeps coming.
Masstek lands a jab followed by a nice looking cross.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Mclean shoots in for a takedown. He's persisting with it as Masstek sprawls well. Masstek wins this battle and keeps the fight standing. Mclean gets slowly back to his feet.
Brad Mclean seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Mclean shoots in for a takedown but Masstek shows good takedown defense there and keeps this one on the feet.
As Mclean backs off Masstek throws a huge counter combo but Mclean manages to avoid it all.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Brad Mclean. That's going to take a lot out of him.#T1#
Masstek displays good takedown defense there as he swats away a double leg from Mclean.
Andre Masstek is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Mclean tries for a takedown but Masstek circles away easily#CL2#
and Masstek counters by moving into the clinch. #BC2#
Masstek pushes off and circles away, back to the middle of the mat.
Masstek lands a jab, followed by a cross and another cross, as Mclean backs up against the cage.
Mclean with a lazy takedown attempt
and Masstek counters with a nice jab to the body that keeps Mclean thinking.
Mclean takes a body kick right on the floating rib. Ouchie.
Mclean shoots in for a takedown. "Ole!" shouts Masstek as he jumps to the side.
Jab, cross, leg kick. Nice combination by Masstek! #T2#
Masstek pushes forward with a 1-2 combination that forces Mclean back to the cage. Masstek follows up with a solid lead hook to the liver.
The crowd cheering loudly, showing their appreciation for the quality fight we're seeing here.
Mclean changes levels and looks for a double leg takedown. Masstek tries to avoid it but Mclean manages to keep hold of a leg and drag Masstek to the ground. Masstek escapes though and pops straight back up to his feet.
Nice body kick there by Masstek.
Masstek goes for a high kick. It partially lands.
Masstek connects with a looping right hand.
Masstek with a body punch. A glancing blow.
No luck with that takedown attempt from Mclean.
Mclean has a takedown stuffed.
Masstek is working the combinations to good effect here.
Mclean with a lazy takedown attempt
and Masstek counters with a series of strikes. Mclean will be more careful next time no doubt.
Mclean is breathing heavily.
Mclean is on the wrong end of a nice combination from Masstek.#T3#
Mclean has his head snapped back a nice jab. A little nod from Mclean there as he acknowledges the shot.
Masstek sizes up Mclean with a pawing jab and scores with a straight right down the middle.
Masstek connects with a right hand. Mclean shakes it off.#TD#
Mclean closes the distance and gets a trip takedown into side control. Masstek quickly recovers to half guard.
Masstek blocking the ground and pound attempt from Mclean.
Masstek trying to control but Mclean postures up.
Mclean has been looking to land a fair amount of strikes on the ground. He might be looking to soften his opponent up in order to work for a submission.
Masstek is trying to stand up here but Mclean is controlling him well.
Mclean is thwarting Masstek's attempts to control the position.
Mclean trying to control the pace. #T4#
Masstek has hold of Mclean's hands but Mclean slips his arm to the side and lands an elbow.
Ground and pound from Mclean.
Masstek wants to get back to full guard.
We get told so often about how wrestlers don't like to be on their backs. Let's see if Masstek can do anything to dispel that myth.
Masstek trying to hold on to Mclean's head to control him but Mclean postures up.
Mclean is just sitting in half guard, waiting for something to happen.
Masstek is trying to control but Mclean manages to pass to mount!
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Mclean sitting in mount, just looking to control for the moment.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Andre Masstek dominated that round.
OK. That's time! The bell goes and we're back to the action.
Mclean misses with a takedown
and Masstek counters with a three punch combo that has Mclean backing up. Mclean nods at Masstek to acknowledge the strikes.
Mclean changes levels and looks for a double leg takedown. Masstek tries to avoid it but Mclean manages to keep hold of a leg and drag Masstek to the ground. Masstek escapes though and pops straight back up to his feet.
A slapping leg kick lands for Masstek.
Brad Mclean is looking to throw some combinations by the looks of things.
A jab lands there for Masstek.#TD#
Mclean shoots in and scores a nice double leg takedown into half guard.
Masstek pushes Mclean off looking to stand but Mclean dives back in and keeps control.
Masstek has his hands clasped together around Mclean's back. He's all about the action.
Masstek is trying to defend against the ground and pound but Mclean scores with a couple of nice shots.#T1#
Masstek is trying to stand back up but Mclean is controlling him
Mclean lands with an elbow from half guard - that looked like it hurt.
Masstek wants to control but Mclean is keeping busy.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Mclean working Masstek over with strikes.
Brad Mclean overall seems to be getting the better of the ground position in the fight so far.
Masstek has no desire to be mounted, so is trying to control. Mclean is working away from the top position though.
Masstek has been the more effective fighter overall so far.
Mclean working Masstek over with strikes.
Masstek really doesn't want to stay on the ground with Mclean. If he can't get it back to his feet, it's only a matter of time before he'll be tapping out.
Masstek pushes Mclean off looking to stand but Mclean dives back in and keeps control.
Masstek is trying to maintain the position but Mclean is very close to passing his half guard.
Ground and pound from Mclean. #T2#
Mclean controlling the action here.
Masstek is trying to get back to full guard.
Mclean is just sitting in half guard, waiting for something to happen.
Mclean prevents Masstek from standing back up.
Mclean lands strikes from half guard.
Mclean prevents Masstek from improving his position.
Mclean controlling the pace. #T3#
Mclean is nestled in close to Masstek, controlling him well. He's worked in a nice elbow to the side of the head as well, for good measure.
Masstek is trying to defend against the ground and pound but Mclean scores with a couple of nice shots.
Mclean has freed up his trapped foot and advances to mount.
BOOM! Mclean connects with a massive shot to the dome! #ROC#
Masstek is rocked!#CUT#
It looks like Andre Masstek has been cut.
Mclean postures up and lands a whopping elbow - oh that's hurt Masstek bigstyle! Two more strikes land for Mclean and the fight is over!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3:49 of round 2, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Brad Mclean!


Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Nov 05, 2016
Masstek ducks under an overhand right and circles away with a smile on his face.
Masstek explodes with a nice body kick and back out of range. Nice work.
Masstek cracks the inside of Guzan's front leg.
Anton Guzan seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Masstek tries to land a front kick but Guzan steps back. That was a bit too telegraphed.
Guzan jabbing away but nothing is landing.
Guzan waving his hands out in front of him, looking to distract Masstek.
Masstek throws a sloppy head kick and Guzan moves out of range easily.
Guzan throws a lazy uppercut
and Masstek counters with a low kick, right behind Guzan 's knee.
Masstek uses decent footwork to sidestep a right hand from Guzan.
Masstek unleashes a big counter combination but Guzan bobs and weaves and avoids any damage.
Masstek moves out of range as Guzan strikes.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Guzan throws a wild combination but nothing lands.
Masstek throws a combination but it was largely blocked by Guzan.
A left lands for Guzan.
Masstek gets cracked with a nice right hand there by Guzan.#CUT#
It looks like Andre Masstek has been cut.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
Guzan connects with a lovely right hand, straight down the pipe. #ROC#
Masstek is rocked!#T1#
Guzan drops Masstek with a straight right hand, right on the button! Guzan follows him down to the mat and pounds him out with hammerfists until the referee jumps in to end the fight!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:09 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Anton Guzan!


Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Oct 29, 2016
Masstek throws a right high kick that is partially blocked by Guzan.
Good standup being displayed there by Guzan as he connects with a hook.
Guzan throws an uppercut from half a mile away. Masstek sees it coming and avoids it easily.
Masstek jabs Guzan to the body, keeping him at a distance.
Guzan looks to land a right hand but Masstek moved out of range.
Despite the aggression on Masstek's face he doesn't fully commit to the counter.
Guzan thows a left - swing and a miss!
Guzan really does look like a pencil wearing a pair of gloves. Let's hope he has a gameplan to suit that ridiculous body shape.
Guzan throws a jab but it's blocked by Masstek.
Masstek throws a hook but Guzan blocks it.
Masstek slips under a jab from Guzan.
Masstek throws a combination that misses
and Guzan cracks him with a counter punch right on the button.
A big left from Masstek misses.
Masstek plants his feet and lands a nice head kick!
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
Guzan swings wildly with a right hand that was never going to find it's target.
Masstek moves out of range as Guzan strikes.
Masstek throws a jab but it's blocked by Guzan.
Masstek's hands are dropping dangerously low here and Guzan connects clean with a right hook that sends him down to one knee! Masstek scrambles back to his feet.#CUT#
It looks like Andre Masstek has been cut.#T1#
Guzan lands with a hook. Masstek tried to avoid it but it clipped the top of his head. #ROC#
Masstek is rocked!
Masstek ducks under a wild hook from Guzan.
Masstek is still on wobbly legs! Can Guzan finish him?
Anton Guzan seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Masstek on the wrong end of a nice hook.
A big right from Guzan misses.
Masstek with a jab.
Masstek throws a head kick that connects with a bit of head and a bit of hand. #KD#
Guzan cracks Masstek with a big right hand and Masstek goes down!
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.#SU#
Guzan gets to his feet - Masstek follows without any prompting.
Guzan throws a right and a left that both miss.
Masstek throws out a counter right but Guzan avoids it with no problem.
Masstek moves out of range of the strikes.
Guzan scores with a crisp jab that stopped Masstek in his tracks.
Guzan drops Masstek with a straight right hand, right on the button! Guzan follows him down to the mat and pounds him out with hammerfists until the referee jumps in to end the fight!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:56 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Anton Guzan!


Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Oct 21, 2016
Masstek jabbing away but nothing is landing.
Luna appears to be looking for a counter takedown.
A nice leg kick lands there from Masstek.
Masstek throws a body kick that sends a sickening thudding noise reverberating around the arena.
Masstek throws a head kick that misses.
Masstek throws a lazy head kick
and Luna counters with a good right hand that lands right on the jaw.
Masstek tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
Masstek dances in quickly and lands a nice inside leg kick on Luna. That did some damage!
Masstek works the jab nicely.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Luna throws a head kick that misses #CL2#
and Masstek moves into the clinch.
Masstek gets underhooks to prevent Luna's takedown attempt.
Luna has Masstek pressed up against the cage and is working for takedown. Masstek manages to improve position though and keeps the fight standing.
Luna is working for takedown but Masstek is calmly controlling the position for now.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Esteban Luna. That's going to take a lot out of him.#BC2#
Masstek breaks the clinch. #T1#
A head kick misses from Masstek.
Andre Masstek is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.
Luna takes a nice looking leg kick right on the meat of his thigh there.
Masstek misses with a leg kick
letting Luna counter with a right hand.
Masstek tries a switch kick but it misses it's target.
Some wild striking there from Masstek.
Luna on the wrong end of an overhand right that came out of nowhere.
Luna doesn't react quick enough there as he takes a shot to the body.
Luna moves out of range of the body kick.#T2#
Masstek throws a head kick that misses.
Luna blocks a head kick by Masstek.
Luna avoids the head kick by Masstek.
Luna looked to counter that last move with a leg kick but didn't pull the trigger.
A looping hook to the body misses from Masstek. Luna does a little dance to reset his feet.
And Luna counters with a quick kick to the body but Masstek blocks it.
Luna takes a thudding leg kick, right into the meat of the thigh.
Luna blocks a head kick by Masstek.
An attempted straight right counter from Luna misses the target.#CL#
Luna moves into the clinch.
This is a great period of action - very entertaining stuff!#BC2#
Masstek's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.
Masstek rushes forward with a series of wild hooks but Luna moves out of range and avoids them all easily.
Luna drops down looking for a counter takedown but Masstek sprawls and moves away.
Luna moves out of range of the body kick from Masstek.
Masstek moves into range and lands a nice body kick. #T3#
Masstek pulls out of a head kick attempt.
Masstek misses with a looping right.
Masstek lands a nice leg kick that just misses Luna's sensitive parts.
Masstek shuffles to his left behind two crisp jabs. Luna eats them both and turns towards Masstek to reposition himself and eats a stinging right hand-left hook combo.
Luna avoids the head kick by Masstek.
Luna really does look like a pencil wearing a pair of gloves. Let's hope he has a gameplan to suit that ridiculous body shape.
Luna takes a solid shot to the body. That one hurt him but he's trying not to show it.
Masstek throws a head kick that misses and slips in the process. He scrambles back to his feet and the fighters circle.
Masstek swings away but doesn't land with a series of punches.
A decent looking body kick lands there for Masstek.
Masstek moves into range and throws a combination. A nice jab followed by a hook to the body.#T4#
Masstek tries to work over Luna's front leg with a kick but Luna checks it.
Fantastic stuff here - a very entertaining period of action, which has drawn cheers from the crowd.
A combination from Masstek does no damage.
Luna throws a quick counter head kick but Masstek was just out of range.
Masstek throws a front kick aimed at Luna's knee but Luna avoids it well.
Masstek just manages to avoid a counter high kick fromLuna.
Masstek throws a right hand that Luna ducks under and follows up with a left that Luna also avoids with ease.
Masstek looks to land a body kick but Luna moved away.
Luna tries to check a leg kick but that clearly hurt him.#CL#
Luna instigates a clinch.
Luna goes for a takedown attempt but Masstek pushes him away and we're back to fighting at a distance. #CL#
Luna clinches with his opponent.
And that’s the end of the round – the fighters go back to their corners.

Andre Masstek dominated that round.
That's time! Luna's corner gives him a slap on the ass as he gets ready to fight.
Masstek lands with a nice low kick. That'll leave a bruise.
Luna tries to close the distance and clinch but Masstek swats him to one side with an open hand palm strike and circles away.
Masstek throws a nice head kick! #ROC2#
Luna is rocked!
Masstek goes for a small jab and connects. Now Masstek goes in closer pressing the issue. Left hook, right straight! Luna stumbles back but Masstek runs in with a huge uppercut knocking Luna to the ground! What a finish! You have to wonder if Luna will ever be the same after a knockout like that.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:23 of round 2, we have a winner by way of KO (Punches). Andre Masstek!


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