MMA Tycoon Game

Play by Play - Fighter's Fight Commentary

Event: KTC 185 - R2     
Date:   Sep 16, 2024
Reed walks into a straight right hand and goes down! Van Manhoef rushes to a neutral corner so the count doesn't get delayed but Reed has made it back to his feet on 5. He's OK so we're back to the action.#CUT#It looks like Russell Reed has been cut.
Reed fakes a jab and scores with a low kick.
Reed stalks Van Manhoef and leaps in with a furious combination of punches. Uppercuts and crosses smash into Van Manhoef's face. Van Manhoef staggers backwards, shaken.
Wooooo! Give it up for these two warriors! They are putting on a show!
A big left from Van Manhoef misses.
Van Manhoef loads up on a big right hand but Reed slips the punch.
Reed walks straight into a perfectly timed right hook, crumpling him to the floor! Reed is in all kinds of trouble here - can he beat the count? 3,4,5,6,7,8,9....10 - he's out and it's by a long way too - he didn't ever look like beating that count!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:19 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Punch). Melvin Van Manhoef!


Event: KTC 185 - R1     
Date:   Sep 02, 2024
Reed misses with a hook
and Reed takes a counter punch right on the button for his troubles. #CUT2#It looks like Russell Reed has been cut.
Reed throws a hard body shot but it just misses.
Reed misses with a looping right.#KD2#
Nilo connects with a beautiful left hand that drops Reed onto his butt! Reed bounces straight back up though - he's OK. After the ref checks him out, we're back to the action.#ROC2#Reed is rocked!
Reed throws a poor cross that misses
and Nilo counters with a nice jab to the body that keeps Reed thinking.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Nilo misses with a hook.
Nilo waving his hands out in front of him, looking to distract Reed.
Russell Reed seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Reed ducks down and throws a hook to the body.
Reed swings away with a leg kick that misses.
Nilo let fly with a counter punch to the body but it didn't land.
Reed with the inside leg kick.
Nilo tries to check a leg kick but that clearly hurt him.
A left lands for Reed.
Reed rushes in with a sloppy looking punch
and Nilo counters with a right hand to the body. #T1#
Reed throws a shot from downtown. Nilo moves away and avoids it.
Nilo looks like he wants to counter punch here.
Nilo misses with the combination.
Nilo closes the distance and catches Reed with a lead hook that drops him to the canvas! Reed is clearly dazed and struggling here! 3,4,5,6,7 and Reed is up to his feet but the referee has called it off! Reed is still far too wobbly and he's not going to allow the fight to continue! Nilo takes it!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 1:25 of round 1, we have a winner by way of TKO (Punch). Augusto Nilo!


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