MMA Tycoon Game

Play by Play - Fighter's Fight Commentary

Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Aug 29, 2024
Jingleminge throws a right and a left that Osaka avoids nicely.
Osaka tries to counter by clinching up but Jingleminge breaks away and moves out of range.
Jingleminge looks more muscular than last time we saw him. He must have been on the weights.
Osaka shoots in looking for a takedown. Jingleminge tries to sprawl out of it but Osaka keeps driving through. The fighters are pinned against the cage. Jingleminge manages to get underhooks and after a bit of a struggle, circles away and we're back to standing.
Jingleminge rushes forward with a series of wild hooks but Osaka moves out of range and avoids them all easily.
Jingleminge misses with a wild combination.
Jingleminge throws a combination. Osaka tries to block but a couple of punches get through.#CUT2#It looks like Namo Osaka has been cut.
Jingleminge blocks a head kick by Osaka.
Some wild striking there from Jingleminge.
Osaka darts in looking for a takedown but Jingleminge gets double underhooks and turns Osaka into the cage. #BC#
Osaka breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Osaka avoids the body shot from Jingleminge.
Jingleminge throws a nice looking combination but Osaka bobs and weaves to avoid any damage.
Jingleminge throws a series of punches but Osaka moves out of range.
We've seen a great period of action over the last minute or so - credit to both fighters for going all out!
Jingleminge misses with a few strikes there.
Jingleminge fails to land with the punch combination there - jab, cross, hook, miss, miss, miss. #T1#
Osaka misses with a takedown attempt. He shot from a bit too far out.
That's three failed takedown attempts in the round for Namo Osaka. That's going to take a lot out of him.
Osaka misses with a half-hearted attempt at a head kick.
Jingleminge misses with the combination.
Jingleminge tries to bum rush Osaka with a series of wild strikes but Osaka uses good footwork to avoid the assault.
A combination from Osaka does no damage.
A punch combination from Jingleminge misses.
Osaka slips a jab and a cross from Jingleminge.
Nice takedown defense from Jingleminge. No joy for Osaka on that attempt.
Jingleminge misses with a two punch combination. #CL#
Osaka has taken the fight to the clinch.
Jingleminge taking a breather.
Jingleminge working hard to break the clinch.
Jingleminge working hard to break the clinch.#TD#
Osaka successfully pulls guard.
Osaka is working an open guard here, looking to improve his position. No doubt that will leave him open to counters but at least he's being more offensive.#T2#
Osaka is working hard here to advance position.
Osaka wants to control here, rather than go for any submissions from the bottom. At least for now.
Osaka's ground tactics aren't going to win him many fans. Let's hope he's got fireworks for us if he gets back to his feet because he's not doing much on the ground.#SUB#
Osaka looking to try and escape his hips here, looking for a submission. It looks like he's going for a triangle but Jingleminge is defending well. Osaka quickly switches to an armbar and extends the arm! Jingleminge has no choice but to tap, to a very quick submission! Wow, that was lightning fast! Osaka celebrates on the cage, with the crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 2:55 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Armbar). Namo Osaka!


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