MMA Tycoon Game

Play by Play - Fighter's Fight Commentary

Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Sep 17, 2024
Lee is stalking Livingstone. Livingstone circles to his left. Keeps circling left. Bam! Straight right from Lee, and it's lights out! Livingstone really payed the price for that rookie mistake.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:05 of round 1, we have a winner by way of KO (Punch). Nathan Lee!
A victorious Nathan Lee thanked his army of followers in his post fight interview, telling people to make sure they follow him on Twitter.


Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Sep 14, 2024
Lee fakes low and throws an overhand right that catches Rivera on the side of the head.
Rivera bobs and weaves well there to avoid the strikes.
Lee pushing out the jab but it's not landing.
Lee connects with the punch.#CL2#
Rivera moves into the clinch.#BC#
Lee breaks the clinch and we're back to striking at distance.
Rivera lands with a hook. Lee tried to avoid it but it clipped the top of his head.
A big left from Lee misses.
Rivera lands a high kick!
Rivera displays some good footwork, moving neatly out of range as Lee throws out the jab.
Lee fakes a right and follows up with a big left that drops Rivera to one knee - oooooh, he's wobbly! Rivera looks to clinch but Lee throws him off and pummels him into the canvas! Rivera taps out under the strikes! The fight is over!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:35 of round 1, we have a winner by way of Submission (Strikes). Nathan Lee!


Event: Quick Fight Championship     
Date:   Sep 12, 2024
Lee shakes his hands by his side, trying to relax. Legend Jr takes his eyes off the ball for a moment - Lee sees the opportunity and cracks him with a massive hook! Legend Jr bends double and collapses on top of himself - he's out! The crowd are going absolutely nuts! Wow, what a knockout!

Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:05 of round 1, we have a winner by way of KO (Punch). Nathan Lee!


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