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Sergeant Dick (390210)

Mixed Martial Arts Fighter - Sergeant Dick
Record 9-6-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 8 (T)KOs (88.89%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
1 Decisions (11.11%)
Losses 4 (T)KOs (66.67%)
2 Subs (33.33%)
0 Decisions (0.00%)
Next Fight None
Song None
Height 220 cm
Weight 285 lbs
Can cut to 259.2 lbs
Age 25
Hometown Wichita
Country United States
Location Hilo
Base New York
Manager Misa Monnreal
Bank Balance $9,642.83
Alliance   -
Highest Rank 185 MMA
Creation Date 6th Nov 2022
Sergeant has Remarkable boxing, Sensational Muay Thai, Remarkable wrestling and holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Awards: KO of the night: 2 ($6,000)   
Weight: 91 P4P: 1332
0 Days Cuts 0 Days

Sponsored by
Savage Fightwear [7472]
Contracted to Trophies
Carnaval Combat Club [7344]

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Fighter Bio
Fake granite

Boxing   - Punches   - Agility   -
Muay Thai   - Kicks   - Flexbility   -
Wrestling   - Elbows   - Speed   -
BJJ   - Knees   - Strength   -
      Clinchwork   - Conditioning   -
Sparring   Worth Striking Defense   - Balance   -
Boxing   - Ground n Pound   -      
Muay Thai   - Takedown Off   -      
Wrestling   - Takedown Def   -      
BJJ   - Submissions   -      
      Defensive Grap   -      
      Transitions   -      
      Escapes   -      
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MMA Record

  Opponent Method Event Date W/C Rnd Time  
W Lane Hedley TKO (Strikes) CCC 52 : Obama vs Bacia 2024-07-19 265+ 1 01:41 view

Managed by Tycoon Judas (60096)
L Sandor Klegane KO (Punch) CCC 44 : Kersikov vs Kay 2024-06-29 265+ 1 01:17 view
L Tiff Sanford TKO (Knee & Punches) RSE 81: 2024-05-29 265 2 02:58 view
L Lamar Karter TKO (Strikes) RSE 74: 2024-05-04 265 1 03:25 view
L Ferenc Fazekas KO (Head Kick) RSE 66: Funeral Fog 2024-04-06 265 1 03:25 view
W Loke Axelsen KO (Punch) SSD 14: Loke Dick 2024-02-25 265+ 1 00:32 view
W Big Russian KO (Punch) SSD 11: Russian Dick 2024-01-28 265+ 1 02:34 view
W Devon Collins KO (Punch) SSD 9: Collins' Dick 2024-01-07 265+ 1 00:05 view
W Last Nightmare KO (Punch) SSD 6: Russian Gangster 2023-12-10 265+ 1 06:12 view
W Mountain Rivera KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-10-08 265+ 1 00:05 view
W Mountain Rivera KO (Punch) Quick Fight Championship 2023-09-29 265+ 1 00:05 view
W Joe Biden KO (Punch) CFC 573 2023-07-22 265+ 1 04:36 view
L Brock Lesnar Submission (Kimura) CFC 552 2023-05-13 265+ 2 01:50 view
L Brock Lesnar Submission (Kimura) CFC 545 2023-04-15 265+ 3 02:34 view
W Rod Manifield Decision (Unanimous) CFC 390k Testie 2 2022-11-12 265+ 1 03:00 view

Buzz at Sergeant Dick (Logged in as )
Ognjen Kovacevic
Ognjen Kovacevic buzzed at Sergeant Dick

What's up you freaking military klazomaniac badwheed, they used you for brain experiments and that's the reason you are so stupid or what? (Mar 11, 2024)

view conversation »
Sergeant Dick's recent buzzes
Sergeant Dick buzzed at Lamar Karter
Stop Hammer blasting your ass Thor and accept the damn fight! (May 01, 2024)
Sergeant Dick replied to Rick Dick's Buzz buzzed at Rick Dick
You incompetent asshole, speak like a real Dick. Tell them your gonna cut off there heads and piss down their throats! (Apr 25, 2024)
Sergeant Dick replied to Ognjen Kovacevic's Buzz buzzed at Ognjen Kovacevic
I got a feeling you’re confusing cocaine with crack. Crack is whack maggot! (Mar 08, 2024)
Sergeant Dick replied to Crnogorski Investitor's Buzz buzzed at Crnogorski Investitor
2 fights, your well on your way now. Give this man his GOAT status already! (Mar 08, 2024)
Sergeant Dick replied to JAke STAtefarm's Buzz buzzed at JAke STAtefarm
Liberty biberty! (Mar 08, 2024)

Current Gym : Hawaii Fitness
Weekly Gym Fees : $ 1000  
Gym Quality : Brand new  

Recent Events

2024-07-21- Bought ZERO QUALITY Donation ONLY for $300 at Hawaii Nutrition
2024-07-08- Bought ZERO QUALITY Donation ONLY for $300 at Hawaii Nutrition
2024-07-07- Moved location to Hilo
2024-06-29- Released By Tycoon Judas [60096]
2024-06-23- Sergeant Dick celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
2024-05-20- Bought Abstract Shorts for $19 at Fantasy Threads
2024-05-20- Bought Got Milk Shirt for $19 at Fantasy Threads
2024-03-30- Sergeant Dick celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
2024-03-23- Bought High Energy Pro 160Q for $100 at Brooklyn Apothecary
2024-03-23- will receive Dark Horse Energy Pills 160Q from manager in 3 days.

Previous Managers

Tycoon Judas

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