MMA Tycoon Game

Manager Competition (136395)

Manager stats

Category: Established
Rank: 22470
Average Opponent Rank: 737
Competition Rank: 2783
Competition Rank (Cat): 2741
Competition Rating: 662,606

Best Competition

Alex Maniatakos (55)
Optimal (66)
Ukiuk Sirmiq (70)
Nas Bare (73)
Guilherme Godoi (82)
Wullie Ferris (84)
Hugh Saber (90)
Taz Laaxo (91)
Freako Wimp (93)
Branislav Hudjan (96)
Crazy Horse (102)
John Coffey (103)
Prince Mitchell (103)
Mario Quintan (104)
Jimmy Normal (105)
Jason Swanson (106)
Maurice Simmons (106)
Blue Aurora (106)
William Diamond (107)
Juice Malone (108)

Best Comp Rating

Zika Suvi (8,765,000)
Yu Jizz (3,108,220)
Wullie Ferris (3,081,600)
Danice Slepice (2,883,620)
Phil Coulson (2,550,110)
William Diamond (2,430,780)
Bili King (2,330,280)
Niklas Karlsson (2,093,600)
Joe Hater (2,070,320)
Verocious Vixen (1,984,820)
Marco Lanza (1,928,380)
Dakobi Mattas (1,896,110)
Borrachinha Caio (1,871,530)
Evelio Andres Uray (1,852,880)
Mike Hoevelmann (1,715,410)
Steve Boi (1,607,240)
Jacob Wolfe (1,591,230)
Michel Houle (1,567,570)
Rivia Evankhell (1,560,050)
Karl Hammer (1,541,990)

Worst Comp Rating

Action Jackson (-2,209,680)
Ricky Carlisle (-323,584)
Billy Arseworth (-204,151)
The Goat (-161,696)
Khamzat Nurmadirk (-122,369)
Pablo Spezziale (-115,940)
Marcus Crassus (-82,414)
Steve Steeve (-74,774)
Lafayette Loren (-64,990)
Evard Griggs (-62,458)
Diego For Lan (-57,240)
Anthony Smith (-55,980)
Champ Ostrovsky (-54,730)
Micheal Russell (-54,159)
Mentor Guru Corleone (-53,400)
E Vo (-52,635)
Fuzzy Fuzz (-49,486)
Mamoru Gul (-48,426)
Dee Sailo (-46,910)
Grant Brophy (-44,827)

Best Competition (Exp)

Alex Maniatakos (55)
Optimal (66)
Ukiuk Sirmiq (70)
Nas Bare (73)
Guilherme Godoi (82)
Wullie Ferris (84)
Hugh Saber (90)
Taz Laaxo (91)
Freako Wimp (93)
Branislav Hudjan (96)
Crazy Horse (102)
John Coffey (103)
Prince Mitchell (103)
Mario Quintan (104)
Jimmy Normal (105)
Jason Swanson (106)
Maurice Simmons (106)
Blue Aurora (106)
William Diamond (107)
Juice Malone (108)

Best Comp Rating (Exp)

Zika Suvi (8,765,000)
Yu Jizz (3,108,220)
Wullie Ferris (3,081,600)
Danice Slepice (2,883,620)
William Diamond (2,430,780)
Bili King (2,330,280)
Niklas Karlsson (2,093,600)
Joe Hater (2,070,320)
Verocious Vixen (1,984,820)
Marco Lanza (1,928,380)
Dakobi Mattas (1,896,110)
Borrachinha Caio (1,871,530)
Evelio Andres Uray (1,852,880)
Mike Hoevelmann (1,715,410)
Steve Boi (1,607,240)
Jacob Wolfe (1,591,230)
Michel Houle (1,567,570)
Rivia Evankhell (1,560,050)
Karl Hammer (1,541,990)
Hulluttu Kulluttu (1,527,040)

Worst Comp Rating (Exp)

Action Jackson (-2,209,680)
Billy Arseworth (-204,151)
Pablo Spezziale (-115,940)
Marcus Crassus (-82,414)
Lafayette Loren (-64,990)
Diego For Lan (-57,240)
Anthony Smith (-55,980)
Champ Ostrovsky (-54,730)
Micheal Russell (-54,159)
Mentor Guru Corleone (-53,400)
E Vo (-52,635)
Fuzzy Fuzz (-49,486)
Mamoru Gul (-48,426)
Dee Sailo (-46,910)
Grant Brophy (-44,827)
Laz Staz (-43,941)
James Listerman (-43,672)
Mac Little (-42,972)
Jorma Oltsu (-42,593)
Tim Tim (-42,531)

Best Competition (Int)

Jack Morrissey (180)
Séan Sylvia (262)
Phil Coulson (283)
Boondock The Destroyer (313)
Dorian Flair (321)
Gia Correa (351)
Manager Tao (380)
Roger Leclère (388)
Luc Ronlyle Ta-ala (407)
Dante Maximiliano (408)
Issac Willams (422)
Jacc McCreary (422)
FightForge Management (434)
Ron Lyle (454)
Kato Garcia (467)
Drew Burr (468)
Luther Hargreeves (478)
Shaun Castle (517)
Boss Knuckles (519)
Charlie Harper (533)

Best Comp Rating (Int)

Phil Coulson (2,550,110)
George Sakalam (592,219)
Clint Barshaw (339,341)
Earl Koens (207,380)
Antonio Queiros (151,289)
Danny Hannan (138,040)
Joshimo THE MANG (134,296)
Jay Clayton (131,421)
Zhuge Ke (116,280)
Shaun Castle (106,205)
Luciano Robbins (99,221)
Hosea Brooks (91,119)
Jc Justice (89,112)
Sofiane Touzani (83,426)
Charlie Chapl!n (79,360)
Reggie Wallace (68,775)
Dario Hancock (64,673)
Rogelio Livingston (64,041)
Emil Paul (43,743)
Andreas Randall (42,222)

Worst Comp Rating (Int)

Ricky Carlisle (-323,584)
Luc Ronlyle (-31,284)
Mr Burns (-29,645)
Jewsehea Money (-26,921)
Zahil Choudery (-26,057)
Brien Geaney (-23,108)
Felipe Cardoso (-21,694)
Drew Jew (-12,947)
Nicholas Landry (-10,872)
Duke Sherwood (-7,892)
Joseph Stark (-6,734)
Odds Low (-5,552)
Huuko Hurja (-5,119)
John Pitblado (-4,684)
Malcolm J (-4,611)
Maximus Southam (-2,090)
Alex Lamar (-1,885)
Marcos Vazquez (-1,644)
Raul Garcia (-1,172)
Manager Tao (-1,064)

Best Competition (Rookie)

Frank Castle (151)
Macho Man (232)
Dorian Lesnar (366)
Guilherme Moreira (400)
Ryan Kempke (410)
Martin Martinez (421)
Cede Reece (427)
Lance Voltaire Q Nim (430)
Daniel Rocksworth (478)
Elliot Britton (493)
Jailton Almeida (505)
Tony Ferguson (519)
Hughston Anders (521)
Phajjsi Nunez (563)
Aaron Tee (564)
Samuel Norman Sr (600)
Linwood McLawhorn (618)
Mike Bise (640)
Christian Conrad (748)
Errol Burke (807)

Best Comp Rating (Rookie)

Mike Bise (493,513)
Macho Man (464,536)
Ryan Kempke (308,696)
Curtis Ortiz (252,544)
Noel Marcos (139,633)
Vice Ganda (127,911)
Christian Conrad (126,433)
Alberto Estrada (111,887)
Robert Burgess (92,752)
Tod Austin (78,009)
Mark Jungle (70,036)
Errol Burke (51,454)
Lorenzo Rochel (20,076)
Leslie Ridgeway (12,736)
Elliot Britton (5,249)
Rocky Balboa (2,813)
Martin Martinez (2,808)
Lance Voltaire Q Nim (2,799)
Jay Harper (1,952)
Dana Black (1,266)

Worst Comp Rating (Rookie)

The Goat (-161,696)
Khamzat Nurmadirk (-122,369)
Steve Steeve (-74,774)
Evard Griggs (-62,458)
Diero Stonefort (-32,803)
Mohamed Ali (-32,777)
Mozza Wozza (-32,399)
Alexander Romanov (-28,489)
Christophe Dieschbourg (-27,761)
Danny Lovato (-27,657)
Coach Andre (-26,611)
Travis Guenette (-25,732)
Kingpin Wolverine (-18,441)
Mo Li (-16,130)
Zyablikov Soundovski (-11,952)
Bucky Beasley (-10,448)
Ryan Blorgus (-7,224)
Wacka Mole (-7,202)
Will Gegan (-6,458)
Blaze Knight (-5,735)
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