MMA Tycoon Game

Manager Competition (141012)

Manager stats

Category: Established
Rank: 3212
Average Opponent Rank: 3175
Competition Rank: 9384
Competition Rank (Cat): 9246
Competition Rating: 37

Best Competition

Alex Maniatakos (55)
Optimal (66)
Hare Rumpler (73)
Guilherme Godoi (82)
Wullie Ferris (84)
Freako Wimp (88)
Nas Bare (88)
Estevão Belmiro (90)
Django Waits (90)
Hugh Saber (90)
Taz Laaxo (91)
Branislav Hudjan (96)
Alfred Winterbottom (97)
Blue Soyster Cult (99)
Crazy Horse (100)
Rodrigo Dorito (103)
John Coffey (103)
Prince Mitchell (103)
Mario Quintan (104)
Domagoj Rakitic (104)

Best Comp Rating

Ocult Day (6,520,540)
Bili King (4,920,310)
Borrachinha Caio (3,954,070)
Zika Suvi (3,552,320)
Michel Houle (3,452,600)
Yu Jizz (3,134,610)
Wullie Ferris (3,109,240)
Phil Coulson (3,058,670)
Dashawn Jones (2,651,190)
William Diamond (2,451,320)
Barry Granshall (2,366,980)
Evelio Andres Uray (2,237,370)
Tom Pendle (2,120,940)
Niklas Karlsson (2,112,000)
Mac Owens (2,000,060)
Danice Slepice (1,931,690)
Noah Beyer-Kay (1,861,930)
Marco Lanza (1,733,310)
Mike Hoevelmann (1,730,490)
Dakobi Mattas (1,703,590)

Worst Comp Rating

Action Jackson (-2,345,490)
Ricky Carlisle (-352,034)
Cesar Carrera (-299,133)
Khamzat Nurmadirk (-201,573)
Pablo Spezziale (-196,518)
Billy Arseworth (-175,264)
Willy Wood (-119,062)
Bobby Jonker Jr (-89,609)
Bjorn Morgan (-70,970)
Marcus Crassus (-67,760)
Lafayette Loren (-62,693)
Diego For Lan (-56,368)
Champ Ostrovsky (-54,317)
Dont Blink (-53,032)
Grant Brophy (-52,414)
Micheal Russell (-51,963)
Carolina Tex (-51,298)
Buff Minion (-46,200)
Antonio Hernandez (-45,544)
Dee Sailo (-45,257)

Best Competition (Exp)

Alex Maniatakos (55)
Optimal (66)
Hare Rumpler (73)
Guilherme Godoi (82)
Wullie Ferris (84)
Freako Wimp (88)
Nas Bare (88)
Estevão Belmiro (90)
Django Waits (90)
Hugh Saber (90)
Taz Laaxo (91)
Branislav Hudjan (96)
Alfred Winterbottom (97)
Blue Soyster Cult (99)
Crazy Horse (100)
Rodrigo Dorito (103)
John Coffey (103)
Prince Mitchell (103)
Mario Quintan (104)
Domagoj Rakitic (104)

Best Comp Rating (Exp)

Bili King (4,920,310)
Borrachinha Caio (3,954,070)
Zika Suvi (3,552,320)
Michel Houle (3,452,600)
Yu Jizz (3,134,610)
Wullie Ferris (3,109,240)
Phil Coulson (3,058,670)
Dashawn Jones (2,651,190)
William Diamond (2,451,320)
Barry Granshall (2,366,980)
Evelio Andres Uray (2,237,370)
Tom Pendle (2,120,940)
Niklas Karlsson (2,112,000)
Mac Owens (2,000,060)
Danice Slepice (1,931,690)
Noah Beyer-Kay (1,861,930)
Marco Lanza (1,733,310)
Mike Hoevelmann (1,730,490)
Dakobi Mattas (1,703,590)
Dana Till (1,671,510)

Worst Comp Rating (Exp)

Action Jackson (-2,345,490)
Pablo Spezziale (-196,518)
Billy Arseworth (-175,264)
Bjorn Morgan (-70,970)
Marcus Crassus (-67,760)
Lafayette Loren (-62,693)
Diego For Lan (-56,368)
Champ Ostrovsky (-54,317)
Dont Blink (-53,032)
Grant Brophy (-52,414)
Micheal Russell (-51,963)
Carolina Tex (-51,298)
Buff Minion (-46,200)
Antonio Hernandez (-45,544)
Dee Sailo (-45,257)
Bobby Bowen (-43,693)
Jorma Oltsu (-41,814)
Brian Ledoux (-41,773)
Laz Staz (-39,073)
E Vo (-38,420)

Best Competition (Int)

Ocult Day (113)
Frank Castle (139)
Jack Morrissey (180)
Macho Man (232)
Boondock The Destroyer (313)
Séan Sylvia (355)
Jacc McCreary (356)
Travis Guenette (364)
Manager Tao (388)
Luc Ronlyle Ta-ala (407)
Dante Maximiliano (408)
Ryan Kempke (410)
Wacka Mole (412)
X Man (419)
Cede Reece (427)
FightForge Management (434)
Roger Leclère (436)
Martin Martinez (436)
Elliot Britton (448)
Maximus Southam (456)

Best Comp Rating (Int)

Ocult Day (6,520,540)
Mike Bise (963,950)
Curtis Ortiz (813,400)
Macho Man (471,363)
Ryan Kempke (312,937)
Earl Koens (209,526)
Antonio Queiros (152,800)
Noel Marcos (141,131)
Danny Hannan (139,385)
Joshimo THE MANG (135,899)
Vice Ganda (129,248)
Christian Conrad (128,418)
Zhuge Ke (117,786)
Alberto Estrada (113,112)
Luciano Robbins (100,428)
Robert Burgess (93,625)
Hosea Brooks (92,136)
Sofiane Touzani (84,700)
Charlie Chapl!n (80,737)
Tod Austin (78,885)

Worst Comp Rating (Int)

Ricky Carlisle (-352,034)
Khamzat Nurmadirk (-201,573)
Bobby Jonker Jr (-89,609)
Danny Lovato (-27,601)
Luc Ronlyle (-22,687)
Steve Steeve (-17,246)
Mohamed Ali (-13,096)
Kingpin Wolverine (-12,397)
Christophe Dieschbourg (-11,389)
Diero Stonefort (-10,166)
Nicholas Landry (-7,735)
Og Obren (-6,429)
Coach Andre (-4,881)
John Pitblado (-4,304)
Blaze Knight (-3,635)
Alex Lamar (-3,607)
Ryan Blorgus (-2,705)
Marcos Vazquez (-892)
Manager Tao (-877)
Black Pinocchio (-641)

Best Competition (Rookie)

Hughston Anders (276)
Roberto Vieira (289)
White Crackers (305)
Dorian Lesnar (339)
Buster Cherry (339)
WillB Toogood (350)
Nicholas Bowers (370)
Zykk Jaxxon (373)
Cayden Keen (382)
The Wanis (389)
Alan Maynard (408)
Guilherme Moreira (414)
Phajjsi Nunez (433)
Linwood McLawhorn (475)
Axel Vander Auwera (505)
Jared Wilson (515)
Bruan Cuh (525)
Calvin Cheaney (536)
Idrizaj Bajrush (545)
Darren Hayden (594)

Best Comp Rating (Rookie)

Alan Maynard (296,790)
Jared Wilson (196,324)
Jordi Abril (141,342)
Wesley Ferreira da Silva (135,507)
Kraig Hendrix (133,237)
Kyle Brookins (128,456)
Svinnomat Yep (122,912)
Darren Hayden (116,444)
Louis Di Nardo (102,990)
Jevgēnij Skorobogatov (100,662)
Lasu Hart (93,351)
Junkie Jesus (74,594)
Apollo Creed (65,189)
Sensei Dicky (56,501)
Ross Faulkner (51,789)
Roberto Vieira (47,747)
Joe Johnson (43,211)
Nicholas Bowers (39,678)
Bruan Cuh (8,074)
Calvin Cheaney (5,737)

Worst Comp Rating (Rookie)

Cesar Carrera (-299,133)
Willy Wood (-119,062)
Selina Kyle (-43,339)
Spc Wickline (-41,812)
Jiggy Joe (-33,721)
Farid Syazwan (-32,134)
Brett Clement (-24,295)
The Frog (-22,308)
Gladious Magnificent (-20,696)
Smoke Makunouchi (-15,510)
Frederick Holmes IV (-13,072)
Alexander Romanov (-12,652)
Evard Griggs (-11,324)
Ivan Hammerov (-9,182)
Zyablikov Soundovski (-8,977)
Marcel Brown (-7,043)
Tural Iskenderov (-6,978)
Bucky Beasley (-6,124)
Jace Robertson (-6,122)
Aaron Tee (-5,287)
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