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Jim Lahey (142710) - Manager

Mixed Martial Arts Management - Jim Lahey
user is offline

Historic MMA Record

Record   36-33-0 (0 NCs)
Wins   28 (T)KOs (77.78%)
    5 Subs (13.89%)
    3 Decisions (8.33%)
Losses   21 (T)KOs (63.64%)
    7 Subs (21.21%)
    5 Decisions (15.15%)
Current 73-55-0 (0 NCs)
  Granite Falls
United States United States (P:15)
Month Rank
Best Rank
Opp Rank
  375 of 40617 (0.92%)
303 (-72 drop)
182 average
Div 7. League 125 (P: 22)
Top Fighter   Nils Norling
Fighters   5
Bank   $412,249.93
Jim's quote
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Last login GMT (y/m/d):
2024-05-12 02:52:56
Joined (y/m/d):
2023-01-06 19:58:12
Username: JimmahLahey
Recent Events

09 Jul, 2024 Tuesday - Nils Norling celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
04 Jun, 2024 Tuesday - Jim Lahey celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
31 May, 2024 Friday - Jaxon Franks celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
30 May, 2024 Thursday - Frank Jaxon celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
10 May, 2024 Friday - Fighter: Nils Norling moved location to - London
10 May, 2024 Friday - Fighter: Jim Lahey moved location to - Montreal
09 May, 2024 Thursday - Cayden Abner celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
07 May, 2024 Tuesday - Fighter: Jim Lahey moved location to - St Petersburg
15 Apr, 2024 Monday - Nils Norling celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
09 Apr, 2024 Tuesday - Fighter: Nils Norling moved location to - Montreal

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Last 20 MMA & Kickboxing Fights (View all Fights)
  My Fighter Opponent Method Event Date Rnd Time
   W Nils Norling Bradley Rainey KO (Strikes) GAMMA#1060 Radu v Milo 2024-05-11 2 00:32
   L Jim Lahey Francesco Monroe KO (Punch) RSE 75: 2024-05-08 1 00:50
   L Nils Norling Attila Hun KO (Head Kick) SMASH: Barboza vs Veainu 2024-04-06 1 01:33
   L Jim Lahey Edgars Al Dariush TKO (Strikes) RSE 66: Funeral Fog 2024-04-06 1 00:23
   L Frank Jaxon Jayson Tatum KO (Punches) NYF Fight Night 25 2024-03-22 1 04:38
   W Nils Norling Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau Submission (Strikes) SMASH: Tryastsyn vs Barboza 2024-03-16 1 03:28
   W Jim Lahey Ralph Cifaretto KO (Punches) RSE 57: Thorns Of Desolation 2024-03-06 1 00:38
   L Jaxon Franks Daniel Bjorkman KO (Punches) SUPREME 14 2024-02-24 1 03:20
   L Frank Jaxon Danny Chase TKO (Strikes) NYF 55: Makoba vs Crusher 2024-02-24 2 02:34
   L Nils Norling Terry Silver Decision (Unanimous) SMASH:Tryastsyn v Dankovich 2 2024-02-18 3 05:00
   W Jim Lahey Miles Levesque KO (Punches) RSE 48: Vengeance 2024-02-11 1 00:42
   L Frank Jaxon Tristan Zigaro TKO (Strikes) NYF 52 Carter vs Dujardin II 2024-02-03 3 00:43
   W Jaxon Franks Makoto Toda TKO (Strikes) SUPREME 9 2024-02-03 1 00:28
   W Nils Norling Jaxon Magrath TKO (Strikes) C272: Payer vs Albatross 2024-01-21 3 02:24
   L Frank Jaxon Samson Dandrakulo KO (Punch) NYF Fight Night 19 2024-01-19 1 00:19
   W Jim Lahey Calico Reddick Submission (Strikes) RSE 39: Homicidal Ecstacy 2024-01-13 1 01:23
   L Nils Norling Mikey Marciano KO (Punch) C267: Matsuzaka vs Talvela 2024-01-07 2 00:24
   L Jim Lahey Michael Holmes TKO (Knee) RSE 35: Dawn No More Rises 2023-12-30 1 03:55
   W Frank Jaxon Emiljan Frasheri TKO (Cut) NYF Fight Night 18 2023-12-29 2 04:47
   L Nils Norling Paavo Talvela TKO (Strikes) C261: Matsuzaka vs Perkele II 2023-12-24 1 00:42
Top Fighter - Nils Norling

Global Association of MMA 296
Record 28-21-0 (W-L-D)
Wins 23 (T)KOs (82.14%)
0 Subs (0.00%)
5 Decisions (17.86%)
Losses 8 (T)KOs (38.10%)
4 Subs (19.05%)
9 Decisions (42.86%)
TWGC 0-0
Next Fight None
Last 5 Fights
W Bradley Rainey KO (Strikes)
L Attila Hun KO (Head Kick)
W Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau Submission (Strikes)
L Terry Silver Decision (Unanimous)
W Jaxon Magrath TKO (Strikes)
Fighters (see upcoming fights)
Name Weight Record Last 5 fights W/C P4P
Cayden Abner Higher Hyped as a Kickboxer - (26-19-0) W,W,W,W,L - 138
Nils Norling 170 (28-21-0) W,L,W,L,W 110 821
Frank Jaxon - (6-7-0) L,L,L,L,W 0 5197
Jaxon Franks - (4-4-0) L,W,L,W,W 0 4547
Jim Lahey - (9-4-0) L,L,W,W,W 0 1696
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