Eddie Bravo (106915) -
16 Mar, 2020 Monday - Draco Bravo celebrated his birthday - 20 today! 16 Mar, 2020 Monday - Ursher Baby celebrated his birthday - 27 today! 15 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Metta WorldDestruction celebrated his birthday - 20 today! 01 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Peter Woodcock celebrated his birthday - 25 today! 27 Feb, 2020 Thursday - Ice Cube celebrated his birthday - 20 today! 28 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released a fighter - 28 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released a fighter - 28 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released a fighter - 28 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released a fighter - 28 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released a fighter - 28 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released a fighter - 26 Dec, 2019 Thursday - Randy Harper celebrated his birthday - 23 today! 22 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Draco Bravo celebrated his birthday - 19 today! 22 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Ursher Baby celebrated his birthday - 26 today! 21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Metta WorldDestruction celebrated his birthday - 19 today! 21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Gross Erock celebrated his birthday - 23 today! 15 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Michael Vick moved location to - Las Vegas 09 Dec, 2019 Monday - Sean Shurk celebrated his birthday - 26 today! 08 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Picked up Peter Woodcock from the free agents list 07 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released the fighter - Soulja Boy 04 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Ice Cube celebrated his birthday - 19 today! 04 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Fighter: Michael Vick moved location to - Los Angeles 04 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Fighter: Gross Erock moved location to - Los Angeles 03 Dec, 2019 Tuesday - Fighter: Metta WorldDestruction moved location to - Los Angeles 01 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Ely Scrubs celebrated his birthday - 38 today! 30 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Metta WorldDestruction moved location to - Montreal 06 Nov, 2019 Wednesday - Fighter: Gross Erock moved location to - Las Vegas 03 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Michael Vick moved location to - Las Vegas 28 Oct, 2019 Monday - Fighter: Metta WorldDestruction moved location to - Los Angeles 28 Oct, 2019 Monday - Fighter: Ice Cube moved location to - Los Angeles 26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Metta WorldDestruction moved location to - New York 26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Ice Cube moved location to - London 26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Tim Smith celebrated his birthday - 50 today! 14 Oct, 2019 Monday - Created a new fighter - Michael Vick 14 Oct, 2019 Monday - Released the fighter - Antonio Brown 13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Ice Cube moved location to - Los Angeles 12 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Fighter: Ely Scrubs moved base to - Los Angeles 10 Oct, 2019 Thursday - Fighter: Ice Cube moved location to - London
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