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Laundryboi Larry (129386) - Manager

Recent Events

30 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Wizard Staff
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Spanky Stewart
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Jihadi Jihadist
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Hilo Hitman
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Hit Run
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Shite Stain
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Fugg Yu Upp
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Beater Bolshevik
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Jorginho Marcelo
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Wizard Staff celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Sniper Jones
15 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 30
30 Oct, 2020 Friday - Picked up Jorginho Marcelo from the free agents list
29 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Keith Farley
24 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Picked up Keith Farley from the free agents list
22 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Googoo Penis
19 Oct, 2020 Monday - Shite Stain celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Oct, 2020 Saturday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 29
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Beater Bolshevik celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Fugg Yu Upp celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Spanky Stewart
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Back Taker
06 Oct, 2020 Tuesday - Sniper Jones celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
02 Oct, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Jihadi Jihadist
27 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Started a new Premium Gym - Shitty Gym
26 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Fighter: Wizard Staff moved base to - Las Vegas
26 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Picked up Wizard Staff from the free agents list
23 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Shitty Boxer
23 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Zhoo Zhitsoo
19 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Hilo Hitman
19 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Hit Run
15 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Fullon Tarkin
09 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Googoo Penis celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
09 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Zhoo Zhitsoo celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
01 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Back Taker celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
22 Aug, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - George N Petty
16 Aug, 2020 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 28
08 Aug, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Shitty Boxer
08 Aug, 2020 Saturday - Fullon Tarkin celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 Aug, 2020 Friday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 27
06 Aug, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Fatso Shorty
05 Aug, 2020 Wednesday - Won 83 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
03 Aug, 2020 Monday - George N Petty celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
26 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Shite Stain
25 Jul, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Lotsa Spankings
23 Jul, 2020 Thursday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 26
19 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Shot Dark
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Shot Dark
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Fugg Yu Upp
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Beater Bolshevik
13 Jul, 2020 Monday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 24
13 Jul, 2020 Monday - Fatso Shorty celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
13 Jul, 2020 Monday - Sniper Jones celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Jul, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - High I Q
05 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 24
22 Jun, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Ima Dick
16 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Zhoo Zhitsoo
16 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Googoo Penis
16 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - High I Q
16 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 23
08 Jun, 2020 Monday - Back Taker celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Gary N Porter
29 May, 2020 Friday - Won $28,800 on Spin and Win!
29 May, 2020 Friday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
29 May, 2020 Friday - Won 31 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
29 May, 2020 Friday - Won 34 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
29 May, 2020 Friday - Won $1,275 on Spin and Win!
20 May, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - George N Pollack
18 May, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Price Gouging
15 May, 2020 Friday - Fullon Tarkin celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 May, 2020 Sunday - George N Petty celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 May, 2020 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 22
04 May, 2020 Monday - Lotsa Spankings celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 May, 2020 Sunday - Ima Dick celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 May, 2020 Sunday - Gary N Porter celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 May, 2020 Sunday - George N Pollack celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
27 Apr, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Arm Breaker
19 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Sniper Jones
19 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Fatso Shorty
17 Apr, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Social Distancing
12 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 21
12 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Trump Supporter
08 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Trump Supporter celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Price Gouging
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Social Distancing
28 Mar, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Muse Man
19 Mar, 2020 Thursday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 20
15 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Back Taker
14 Mar, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Arm Breaker
13 Mar, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Kemen Etxeberria
07 Mar, 2020 Saturday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 19
27 Feb, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Harold Shipman
20 Feb, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Fullon Tarkin
15 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - George N Petty
12 Feb, 2020 Wednesday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 18
09 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Lotsa Spankings
09 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Ryo Takuma
09 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Zell Dincht
09 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Lardo Humpinator
08 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Ima Dick
08 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Gary N Porter
08 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - George N Pollack
08 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Maggot Soup
07 Feb, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Fuq Yall
07 Feb, 2020 Friday - Ryo Takuma celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
05 Feb, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Tournament Clown
02 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Nap Time
26 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Lardo Humpinator celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
26 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Maggot Soup celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
21 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 17
20 Jan, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Tournament Clown
20 Jan, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Brooklyn Brawler
18 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Kemen Etxeberria celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
14 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Trump Supporter
14 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Mikey Tyson
11 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Muse Man
11 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Nasty Boi
11 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Harold Shipman celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
10 Jan, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Nap Time
09 Jan, 2020 Thursday - Picked up Harold Shipman from the free agents list
08 Jan, 2020 Wednesday - Picked up Ryo Takuma from the free agents list
07 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Mikey Tyson
05 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Kemen Etxeberria from the free agents list
04 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Crusadius Infidellus
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 16
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Square Pants
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Sparky Heyyyyyy
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Noob Destroyer
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Noob Killer
25 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Brooklyn Brawler
25 Dec, 2019 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Armandneck Taker
21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Noob Destroyer
21 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Released the fighter - Gumby Thirdleg
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 15
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Created a new fighter - Noob Killer
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Created a new fighter - Armandneck Taker
17 Dec, 2019 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Nasty Boi
16 Dec, 2019 Monday - Released the fighter - Well Rounded
08 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 14
07 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Zell Dincht celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
05 Dec, 2019 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Well Rounded
29 Nov, 2019 Friday - Released the fighter - Gilbert Gottfried
28 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Released the fighter - Old School
27 Nov, 2019 Wednesday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 13
26 Nov, 2019 Tuesday - Picked up Crusadius Infidellus from the free agents list
25 Nov, 2019 Monday - Picked up Zell Dincht from the free agents list
24 Nov, 2019 Sunday - Square Pants celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
21 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Gilbert Gottfried
21 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Released the fighter - Pecker Wrecker
21 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Released the fighter - Pentagon Junior
21 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Released the fighter - Edward Norton
18 Nov, 2019 Monday - Released the fighter - Rump Humper
18 Nov, 2019 Monday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 12
18 Nov, 2019 Monday - Fuq Yall celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
02 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Gumby Thirdleg celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
02 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Sparky Heyyyyyy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
02 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Lardo Humpinator celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
02 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Maggot Soup celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 Oct, 2019 Tuesday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 11
26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Edward Norton
26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Pentagon Junior
26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Rump Humper
26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Pecker Wrecker
26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Old School
23 Oct, 2019 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Gape Myanus
21 Oct, 2019 Monday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 10
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Started a new company - Larry's Laundromat 9

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