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Jay Gracie (145182) - Manager

Recent Events

23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Baba Timone
23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Vlad Lukashenko
23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Vlad Romanov
23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Joseph Reinhart
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Created a new fighter - Igor Drago
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Released the fighter - Dustin Ford
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Created a new fighter - Dustin Ford
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Created a new fighter - Vlad Romanov
10 Jun, 2024 Monday - Created a new fighter - Joseph Reinhart
07 Jun, 2024 Friday - Created a new fighter - Khumbo Khumbo III

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