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01 Jul, 2024 Monday - Created a new fighter - Albert Einstein
30 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Isaac Newton
28 Jun, 2024 Friday - Released the fighter - Roronoa Zoro
28 Jun, 2024 Friday - Released the fighter - Baki Hanma
23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Baki Hanma
23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Released the fighter - Baki Hanma
23 Jun, 2024 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Baki Hanma
22 Jun, 2024 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Vinsmoke Sanji
22 Jun, 2024 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Roronoa Zoro
19 Jun, 2024 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Luffy San

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