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Thomas Forrester (41218) - VIP Manager

Recent Events

24 Apr, 2024 Wednesday - Daker Soul celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
14 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
11 Apr, 2024 Thursday - Andre Driver celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
09 Apr, 2024 Tuesday - Herve Villechaize celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
04 Apr, 2024 Thursday - Naruto Uzumaki celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
30 Mar, 2024 Saturday - Will Smith celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
30 Mar, 2024 Saturday - Mike Mad Mike celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
27 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Zeducous Zarandous celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
26 Mar, 2024 Tuesday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
25 Mar, 2024 Monday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
20 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
19 Mar, 2024 Tuesday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
15 Mar, 2024 Friday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
14 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
11 Mar, 2024 Monday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
11 Mar, 2024 Monday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
08 Mar, 2024 Friday - Titan Zeus celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
01 Mar, 2024 Friday - Jon Jackson celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
29 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Thomas Forrester Jr celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
29 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Henry Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
29 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Brandon Rose celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
29 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
28 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - John Entwhistle celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
28 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - Theodore Bundy celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
28 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - Chris McCocker celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
25 Feb, 2024 Sunday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
22 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
02 Feb, 2024 Friday - Zanzibar Lee celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
30 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Daker Soul celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
20 Jan, 2024 Saturday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
17 Jan, 2024 Wednesday - Andre Driver celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
15 Jan, 2024 Monday - Herve Villechaize celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
10 Jan, 2024 Wednesday - Naruto Uzumaki celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
05 Jan, 2024 Friday - Will Smith celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
05 Jan, 2024 Friday - Mike Mad Mike celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
02 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Zeducous Zarandous celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
01 Jan, 2024 Monday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
31 Dec, 2023 Sunday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
26 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
25 Dec, 2023 Monday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
21 Dec, 2023 Thursday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
20 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
17 Dec, 2023 Sunday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
17 Dec, 2023 Sunday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
14 Dec, 2023 Thursday - Titan Zeus celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
07 Dec, 2023 Thursday - Jon Jackson celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Thomas Forrester Jr celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Henry Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Brandon Rose celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Theodore Bundy celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - John Entwhistle celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
05 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Chris McCocker celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
02 Dec, 2023 Saturday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
29 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
09 Nov, 2023 Thursday - Zanzibar Lee celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
06 Nov, 2023 Monday - Daker Soul celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
27 Oct, 2023 Friday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
24 Oct, 2023 Tuesday - Andre Driver celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
22 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Herve Villechaize celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
17 Oct, 2023 Tuesday - Naruto Uzumaki celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 Oct, 2023 Thursday - Will Smith celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
12 Oct, 2023 Thursday - Mike Mad Mike celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
09 Oct, 2023 Monday - Zeducous Zarandous celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
07 Oct, 2023 Saturday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
02 Oct, 2023 Monday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
01 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
27 Sep, 2023 Wednesday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
26 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
23 Sep, 2023 Saturday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
23 Sep, 2023 Saturday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
20 Sep, 2023 Wednesday - Titan Zeus celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
17 Sep, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Robert Lee
13 Sep, 2023 Wednesday - Jon Jackson celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
12 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Thomas Forrester Jr celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
12 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Henry Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
12 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Brandon Rose celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
12 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
11 Sep, 2023 Monday - John Entwhistle celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
11 Sep, 2023 Monday - Theodore Bundy celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
11 Sep, 2023 Monday - Chris McCocker celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
08 Sep, 2023 Friday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
05 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
16 Aug, 2023 Wednesday - Zanzibar Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
13 Aug, 2023 Sunday - Daker Soul celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 Aug, 2023 Thursday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
31 Jul, 2023 Monday - Andre Driver celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
29 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Herve Villechaize celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
24 Jul, 2023 Monday - Naruto Uzumaki celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
22 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Released a fighter - Charles Lee
19 Jul, 2023 Wednesday - Will Smith celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
19 Jul, 2023 Wednesday - Mike Mad Mike celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
16 Jul, 2023 Sunday - Zeducous Zarandous celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
15 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
14 Jul, 2023 Friday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
09 Jul, 2023 Sunday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
08 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
07 Jul, 2023 Friday - Released the fighter - Neil Parker
04 Jul, 2023 Tuesday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
03 Jul, 2023 Monday - Fighter: John Entwhistle moved base to - Las Vegas
03 Jul, 2023 Monday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
30 Jun, 2023 Friday - Won 2 super quality supplements on Spin and Win!
30 Jun, 2023 Friday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
30 Jun, 2023 Friday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
30 Jun, 2023 Friday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
30 Jun, 2023 Friday - Won 55 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
30 Jun, 2023 Friday - Won $990 on Spin and Win!
27 Jun, 2023 Tuesday - Titan Zeus celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
20 Jun, 2023 Tuesday - Jon Jackson celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Henry Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Brandon Rose celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Thomas Forrester Jr celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Picked up Herve Villechaize from the free agents list
18 Jun, 2023 Sunday - John Entwhistle celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
18 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Chris McCocker celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
18 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Theodore Bundy celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
15 Jun, 2023 Thursday - Charles Lee celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
15 Jun, 2023 Thursday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
12 Jun, 2023 Monday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
03 Jun, 2023 Saturday - Picked up John Entwhistle from the free agents list
28 May, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Wes Ekwall
23 May, 2023 Tuesday - Zanzibar Lee celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
21 May, 2023 Sunday - Released the fighter - Millard Masters
20 May, 2023 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Daker Soul
20 May, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - William McGuilicuty
13 May, 2023 Saturday - Neil Parker celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
10 May, 2023 Wednesday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
07 May, 2023 Sunday - Andre Driver celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
30 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Naruto Uzumaki celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Apr, 2023 Tuesday - Will Smith celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Apr, 2023 Tuesday - Mike Mad Mike celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
22 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Zeducous Zarandous
22 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - Tobias Berge
21 Apr, 2023 Friday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 Apr, 2023 Friday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
20 Apr, 2023 Thursday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
15 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
14 Apr, 2023 Friday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
10 Apr, 2023 Monday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
09 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
09 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
08 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
06 Apr, 2023 Thursday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
06 Apr, 2023 Thursday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
03 Apr, 2023 Monday - Titan Zeus celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
27 Mar, 2023 Monday - Jon Jackson celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Brandon Rose celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Thomas Forrester Jr celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Henry Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
25 Mar, 2023 Saturday - Theodore Bundy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
25 Mar, 2023 Saturday - William McGuilicuty celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
25 Mar, 2023 Saturday - Chris McCocker celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
22 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Charles Lee celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
22 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
19 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
27 Feb, 2023 Monday - Zanzibar Lee celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
20 Feb, 2023 Monday - Picked up Titan Zeus from the free agents list
17 Feb, 2023 Friday - Neil Parker celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
14 Feb, 2023 Tuesday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
13 Feb, 2023 Monday - Tobias Berge celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
13 Feb, 2023 Monday - Released the fighter - Zedulous Zorrander
11 Feb, 2023 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Andre Driver
10 Feb, 2023 Friday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
10 Feb, 2023 Friday - Won 44 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
09 Feb, 2023 Thursday - Released the fighter - Hirata Hitoshi
04 Feb, 2023 Saturday - Naruto Uzumaki celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
30 Jan, 2023 Monday - Will Smith celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
30 Jan, 2023 Monday - Mike Mad Mike celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jan, 2023 Thursday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
26 Jan, 2023 Thursday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
25 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
20 Jan, 2023 Friday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
19 Jan, 2023 Thursday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
15 Jan, 2023 Sunday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
14 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
14 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
13 Jan, 2023 Friday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
11 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
11 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
01 Jan, 2023 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Jon Jackson
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Henry Shewmaker
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Brandon Rose
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Zedulous Zorrander
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Thomas Forrester Jr
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Chakrit Pratoomwong
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
30 Dec, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Theodore Bundy
30 Dec, 2022 Friday - Started a new company - King of the Island Fight Club
30 Dec, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Chris McCocker
30 Dec, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - William McGuilicuty
27 Dec, 2022 Tuesday - Charles Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
27 Dec, 2022 Tuesday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
24 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
18 Dec, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Oliver Smith
04 Dec, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Zanzibar Lee
25 Nov, 2022 Friday - Chakrit Pratoomwong celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
24 Nov, 2022 Thursday - Neil Parker celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
21 Nov, 2022 Monday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
20 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Tobias Berge celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
20 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Hirata Hitoshi celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
20 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Oliver Smith celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
18 Nov, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Rickson Silva
11 Nov, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Naruto Uzumaki
11 Nov, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - William Harris
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Mike Mad Mike
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - William Harris
06 Nov, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Will Smith
02 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
01 Nov, 2022 Tuesday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
29 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Steven Shewmaker
27 Oct, 2022 Thursday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
26 Oct, 2022 Wednesday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
22 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Steve Sherk celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
21 Oct, 2022 Friday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
21 Oct, 2022 Friday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
20 Oct, 2022 Thursday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
18 Oct, 2022 Tuesday - Won $636 on Spin and Win!
18 Oct, 2022 Tuesday - Gabe Garcia celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
18 Oct, 2022 Tuesday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 Oct, 2022 Friday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
03 Oct, 2022 Monday - Charles Lee celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
03 Oct, 2022 Monday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
30 Sep, 2022 Friday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
16 Sep, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Kimo Polo
04 Sep, 2022 Sunday - Steven Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
01 Sep, 2022 Thursday - Chakrit Pratoomwong celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
31 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Neil Parker celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
28 Aug, 2022 Sunday - Rantang Gustus celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Oliver Smith celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Tobias Berge celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Hirata Hitoshi celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Kimo Polo celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Aug, 2022 Saturday - Rickson Silva celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
18 Aug, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Adam Alkoun
09 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
09 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
08 Aug, 2022 Monday - Johnny Slater celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
03 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
02 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
29 Jul, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Steve Sherk
28 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
28 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
27 Jul, 2022 Wednesday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
25 Jul, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Gabe Garcia
25 Jul, 2022 Monday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
21 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Felix Valero
21 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Josh Brolin
18 Jul, 2022 Monday - Felix Valero celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
17 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Won 56 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
14 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
11 Jul, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Rantang Gustus moved base to - Las Vegas
10 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Charles Lee celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
10 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Lucas Barbosa celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
09 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Adam Alkoun moved base to - Las Vegas
09 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Adam Alkoun from the free agents list
08 Jul, 2022 Friday - Picked up Rantang Gustus from the free agents list
07 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Josh Brolin celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
05 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - David Hanen
29 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - David Hanen celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
28 Jun, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Cory McCoy
26 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Un-retired and released a fighter - Elrick Lee
26 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Colby Brown
22 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Neil Parker moved base to - Las Vegas
22 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Picked up Neil Parker from the free agents list
18 Jun, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Lucas Barbosa moved base to - Las Vegas
18 Jun, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Lucas Barbosa from the free agents list
18 Jun, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Hirata Hitoshi from the free agents list
17 Jun, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Ryder Stephens
16 Jun, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Jorma White
16 Jun, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Jonathan Horn
12 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - Las Vegas
11 Jun, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - London
11 Jun, 2022 Saturday - Steven Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
10 Jun, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
10 Jun, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Colby Brown celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Chakrit Pratoomwong celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
08 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Amsterdam
06 Jun, 2022 Monday - Picked up Johnny Slater from the free agents list
05 Jun, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Michael Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
03 Jun, 2022 Friday - Tobias Berge celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Jun, 2022 Friday - Jorma White celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Jun, 2022 Friday - Kimo Polo celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Jun, 2022 Friday - Rickson Silva celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Jun, 2022 Friday - Oliver Smith celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
03 Jun, 2022 Friday - Ryder Stephens celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
02 Jun, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Ryu Uska
01 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Michael Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
29 May, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
29 May, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
27 May, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
27 May, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
25 May, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - New York
24 May, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - London
24 May, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
24 May, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - St Petersburg
22 May, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
20 May, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
16 May, 2022 Monday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
16 May, 2022 Monday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
13 May, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
12 May, 2022 Thursday - Picked up Tobias Berge from the free agents list
10 May, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
10 May, 2022 Tuesday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
09 May, 2022 Monday - Aljamain Sterling celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 May, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - Las Vegas
04 May, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - London
04 May, 2022 Wednesday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
04 May, 2022 Wednesday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
04 May, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
03 May, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
03 May, 2022 Tuesday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
02 May, 2022 Monday - Picked up Rickson Silva from the free agents list
01 May, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Helsinki
01 May, 2022 Sunday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
30 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
26 Apr, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
25 Apr, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Southall Freeman
25 Apr, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
25 Apr, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Rob Van
24 Apr, 2022 Sunday - Felix Valero celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
24 Apr, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Tokyo
20 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Cory McCoy celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
20 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Elrick Lee celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
20 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
18 Apr, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
17 Apr, 2022 Sunday - Won $380 on Spin and Win!
16 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Charles Lee
16 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - William Cyrus
16 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Tokyo
13 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Josh Brolin celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
13 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Michael Lee celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
11 Apr, 2022 Monday - Picked up Jorma White from the free agents list
09 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Jonathan Horn celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Apr, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
07 Apr, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
07 Apr, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
05 Apr, 2022 Tuesday - David Hanen celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
04 Apr, 2022 Monday - Picked up Kimo Polo from the free agents list
02 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Joe Fletcher
01 Apr, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Tokyo
31 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Tokyo
30 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
29 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - Las Vegas
29 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Trace Stayert
27 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Won $390 on Spin and Win!
27 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Won 83 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
27 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Won $760 on Spin and Win!
26 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Colby Brown from the free agents list
24 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - London
20 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Rob Van celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
19 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
18 Mar, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Willis Smith
18 Mar, 2022 Friday - Steven Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
16 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
16 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Picked up Aljamain Sterling from the free agents list
15 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Sydney
15 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
15 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Chakrit Pratoomwong celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
14 Mar, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - William Cyrus
14 Mar, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Brandon Rose
13 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
13 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Picked up David Hanen from the free agents list
12 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - New York
11 Mar, 2022 Friday - Ryu Uska celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
11 Mar, 2022 Friday - Willis Smith celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Oliver Smith celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Ryder Stephens celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Joe Fletcher celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
08 Mar, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Tom Tuttle
07 Mar, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
06 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Robbie Shewmaker
05 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Sydney
05 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Los Angeles
05 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - Las Vegas
03 Mar, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - London
02 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Elrick Lee
28 Feb, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
25 Feb, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - New York
25 Feb, 2022 Friday - Picked up Rob Van from the free agents list
24 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
23 Feb, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Rio de Janeiro
22 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Southall Freeman
22 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Picked up Felix Valero from the free agents list
20 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
20 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Count Juan Raphael Dante
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Marlin Paschal
15 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Abe Lincoln
14 Feb, 2022 Monday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
08 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
08 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
07 Feb, 2022 Monday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Manus Murphy celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
04 Feb, 2022 Friday - Tom Tuttle celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
31 Jan, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
28 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - Las Vegas
28 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
27 Jan, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Montreal
26 Jan, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - London
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Elrick Lee celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Cory McCoy
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Chase Oliver
25 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Hilo
23 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Marlin Paschal celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
19 Jan, 2022 Wednesday - Started a new Bookmaker company - Easy Money Bookie Company
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Michael Lee
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Ryker Lee
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Josh Brolin
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Aiko Kinjo
16 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Brandon Rose
16 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Kevin Carol
16 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - Las Vegas
16 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
16 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - Las Vegas
14 Jan, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Jonathan Horn
14 Jan, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Scott Rupp
14 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - London
14 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
14 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - New York
13 Jan, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - Las Vegas
11 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Trace Stayert
11 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Ryan Thompson
11 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
11 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - New York
10 Jan, 2022 Monday - Ryker Lee celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
08 Jan, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
07 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
07 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - Las Vegas
07 Jan, 2022 Friday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Montreal
05 Jan, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
05 Jan, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - New York
05 Jan, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - London
02 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
02 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - London
01 Jan, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Count Juan Raphael Dante
01 Jan, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Tony Paulik
01 Jan, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - New York
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - Las Vegas
26 Dec, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
26 Dec, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
24 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - London
24 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - New York
24 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Montreal
23 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
23 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - Las Vegas
23 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Steven Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
22 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved location to - New York
21 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Abe Lincoln
21 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Tracy Smith
20 Dec, 2021 Monday - Chakrit Pratoomwong celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
20 Dec, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Scott Rupp
20 Dec, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Billy Jack
20 Dec, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - Las Vegas
18 Dec, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
18 Dec, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
18 Dec, 2021 Saturday - Robbie Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
17 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Manus Murphy moved location to - London
17 Dec, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Ryan Thompson
17 Dec, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Aiko Kinjo
17 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Montreal
17 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Montreal
16 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Kevin Carol
16 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Ryu Uska
16 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Willis Smith
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Oliver Smith
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Chase Oliver
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Joe Fletcher
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Ryder Stephens
15 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Started a new company - Vandal Fighting Club
13 Dec, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
10 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
10 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - Las Vegas
10 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - London
09 Dec, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - London
05 Dec, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
05 Dec, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
03 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Los Angeles
03 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Montreal
30 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
29 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
29 Nov, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Mack Jackson
27 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Larry Lee celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
27 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
26 Nov, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - Montreal
24 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
21 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Billy Jack moved location to - Las Vegas
21 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
20 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Picked up Manus Murphy from the free agents list
19 Nov, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Billy Jack moved location to - London
16 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Chakrit Pratoomwong moved base to - Las Vegas
16 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Picked up Chakrit Pratoomwong from the free agents list
15 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
15 Nov, 2021 Monday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
15 Nov, 2021 Monday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
14 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Las Vegas
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - London
12 Nov, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Montreal
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Tom Tuttle celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
09 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Mack Jackson celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Larry Lee moved location to - Helsinki
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Billy Jack moved location to - Las Vegas
07 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Tom Tuttle moved location to - Sydney
07 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved base to - Las Vegas
07 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - Las Vegas
06 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
04 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Billy Jack moved location to - London
04 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
04 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - Montreal
03 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
02 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved base to - Las Vegas
01 Nov, 2021 Monday - Tony Paulik celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
01 Nov, 2021 Monday - Elrick Lee celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
01 Nov, 2021 Monday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
31 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
31 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
31 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
30 Oct, 2021 Saturday - Marlin Paschal celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
27 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Montreal
27 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Montreal
27 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Montreal
25 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - Las Vegas
25 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
22 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
22 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - London
22 Oct, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Adam James
18 Oct, 2021 Monday - Won 49 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
18 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
17 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Ryker Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
15 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
14 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Tracy Smith celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
13 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Adam James
13 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Billy Jack
10 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
10 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - London
09 Oct, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
09 Oct, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - Montreal
08 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Montreal
07 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
07 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
06 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Willy Lee
05 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Frank Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
04 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Rio de Janeiro
04 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Las Vegas
04 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - Las Vegas
04 Oct, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - Las Vegas
03 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Frank Shewmaker moved location to - New York
01 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Millard Masters moved location to - London
01 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Robert Lee moved location to - Montreal
01 Oct, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Montreal
30 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - Helsinki
30 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
29 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Steven Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
28 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Los Angeles
28 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
27 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
25 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
25 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved location to - St Petersburg
25 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - St Petersburg
24 Sep, 2021 Friday - Robbie Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
23 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Mikie Lee moved location to - Montreal
22 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - Las Vegas
20 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - London
20 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Marlin Paschal moved location to - London
20 Sep, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Danny Berkel
19 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Danny Berkel moved location to - London
16 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - Montreal
13 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
13 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
13 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
13 Sep, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
11 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
11 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved location to - St Petersburg
09 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved location to - Montreal
09 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Sep, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved location to - London
05 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved location to - Los Angeles
03 Sep, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Larry Lee
03 Sep, 2021 Friday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
02 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Las Vegas
02 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - Las Vegas
30 Aug, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - London
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved base to - Las Vegas
28 Aug, 2021 Saturday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 18 today!
27 Aug, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Montreal
25 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Mike Lee
25 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
22 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
22 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
21 Aug, 2021 Saturday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
18 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Tom Tuttle celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
16 Aug, 2021 Monday - Mack Jackson celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Mark Doncaster
09 Aug, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - Las Vegas
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Tony Paulik celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Elrick Lee celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Mark Doncaster celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
07 Aug, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Las Vegas
06 Aug, 2021 Friday - Willy Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
06 Aug, 2021 Friday - Mike Lee celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
06 Aug, 2021 Friday - Marlin Paschal celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
05 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved location to - Sydney
05 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - London
01 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - Las Vegas
28 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Wes Ekwall moved location to - Helsinki
24 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Ryker Lee celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
21 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Tracy Smith celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
16 Jul, 2021 Friday - Danny Berkel celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
06 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Steven Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
02 Jul, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - London
01 Jul, 2021 Thursday - Robbie Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
30 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - Las Vegas
26 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Mack Jackson moved location to - Montreal
26 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Danny Berkel moved location to - Amsterdam
26 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - Montreal
10 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Robert Lee celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
04 Jun, 2021 Friday - Mikie Lee celebrated his birthday - 17 today!
29 May, 2021 Saturday - Wes Ekwall celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 May, 2021 Saturday - Alexander Lee celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
28 May, 2021 Friday - Millard Masters celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
25 May, 2021 Tuesday - Tom Tuttle celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
23 May, 2021 Sunday - Mack Jackson celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Willy Lee moved base to - St Petersburg
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Frank Shewmaker celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Tony Paulik celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Elrick Lee celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Mark Doncaster celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
15 May, 2021 Saturday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Las Vegas
14 May, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Alexander Lee moved location to - Los Angeles
13 May, 2021 Thursday - Mike Lee celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
13 May, 2021 Thursday - Marlin Paschal celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
12 May, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Frank Shewmaker moved base to - Las Vegas
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Steven Shewmaker moved base to - Las Vegas
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Robbie Shewmaker moved base to - Las Vegas
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Ryker Lee moved base to - Las Vegas
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - Las Vegas
06 May, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Tracy Smith moved base to - Las Vegas
06 May, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Danny Berkel moved base to - Las Vegas
06 May, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Elrick Lee moved base to - Las Vegas
06 May, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Tony Paulik moved location to - London
06 May, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved base to - Las Vegas
03 May, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - Montreal
02 May, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Willy Lee
30 Apr, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - Hilo
30 Apr, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Ryker Lee
30 Apr, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Mark Doncaster moved location to - Las Vegas
26 Apr, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Tracy Smith
21 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Picked up Mark Doncaster from the free agents list
16 Apr, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Danny Berkel
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won $14,400 on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won 22 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won $360 on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won 58 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won $414 on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won 62 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won 38 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
14 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Won $3,040 on Spin and Win!
12 Apr, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Steven Shewmaker
07 Apr, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Robbie Shewmaker
11 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Mikie Lee
11 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Robert Lee
04 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Millard Masters
04 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Alexander Lee
01 Mar, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Tom Tuttle
01 Mar, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Wes Ekwall
22 Feb, 2021 Monday - Fighter: Frank Shewmaker moved base to - Montreal
19 Feb, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Mack Jackson
17 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Elrick Lee
17 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Frank Shewmaker
17 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Tony Paulik
17 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Marlin Paschal
17 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Mike Lee

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