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Marcus Crassus (59229) - VIP Manager

Recent Events

24 Apr, 2024 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Chad Smith
17 Apr, 2024 Wednesday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
15 Apr, 2024 Monday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
12 Apr, 2024 Friday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
09 Apr, 2024 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Isaiah Dos
07 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Fighter: Isaiah Dos moved base to - New York
07 Apr, 2024 Sunday - Picked up Isaiah Dos from the free agents list
02 Apr, 2024 Tuesday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
01 Apr, 2024 Monday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
31 Mar, 2024 Sunday - Anthony Jones celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
29 Mar, 2024 Friday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
28 Mar, 2024 Thursday - Fighter: Dan Fieldman moved base to - New York
27 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Dan Fieldman
22 Mar, 2024 Friday - Frankie Bruno celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
16 Mar, 2024 Saturday - Picked up Alibaba Mehmet AliKhan from the free agents list
06 Mar, 2024 Wednesday - Lee Murray celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
05 Mar, 2024 Tuesday - Romulus Germanicus celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
03 Mar, 2024 Sunday - Tito Ortiz celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Hercules Hoost celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - Teofomo Laurez celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
17 Feb, 2024 Saturday - Lamar Karter celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
17 Feb, 2024 Saturday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
14 Feb, 2024 Wednesday - Mombasa Magabi celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
13 Feb, 2024 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Marcel Clay
10 Feb, 2024 Saturday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
08 Feb, 2024 Thursday - Quentain Martell celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
05 Feb, 2024 Monday - Chad Smith celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
04 Feb, 2024 Sunday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
23 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 Jan, 2024 Sunday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
18 Jan, 2024 Thursday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
17 Jan, 2024 Wednesday - Picked up Marcel Clay from the free agents list
17 Jan, 2024 Wednesday - Picked up Anthony Jones from the free agents list
16 Jan, 2024 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Danny Bond
08 Jan, 2024 Monday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Jan, 2024 Sunday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
04 Jan, 2024 Thursday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
28 Dec, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Frankie Bruno
16 Dec, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - Cavalho Atunes
12 Dec, 2023 Tuesday - Lee Murray celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
11 Dec, 2023 Monday - Romulus Germanicus celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
09 Dec, 2023 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Tito Ortiz
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Danny Bond celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
06 Dec, 2023 Wednesday - Picked up Teofomo Laurez from the free agents list
29 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Hercules Hoost celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
24 Nov, 2023 Friday - Lamar Karter celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
24 Nov, 2023 Friday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 Nov, 2023 Tuesday - Mombasa Magabi celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
17 Nov, 2023 Friday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
15 Nov, 2023 Wednesday - Quentain Martell celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
12 Nov, 2023 Sunday - Chad Smith celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
11 Nov, 2023 Saturday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
30 Oct, 2023 Monday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
28 Oct, 2023 Saturday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
27 Oct, 2023 Friday - Released the fighter - Vincent Lomax
25 Oct, 2023 Wednesday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
15 Oct, 2023 Sunday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
14 Oct, 2023 Saturday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
11 Oct, 2023 Wednesday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 Sep, 2023 Friday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
28 Sep, 2023 Thursday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
18 Sep, 2023 Monday - Lee Murray celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
17 Sep, 2023 Sunday - Romulus Germanicus celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
12 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Danny Bond celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
11 Sep, 2023 Monday - Released a fighter - Edison Atunes
11 Sep, 2023 Monday - Released a fighter - Ife Edwards
05 Sep, 2023 Tuesday - Hercules Hoost celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Sep, 2023 Saturday - Released the fighter - Zulu Ingalu
31 Aug, 2023 Thursday - Lamar Karter celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
31 Aug, 2023 Thursday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
28 Aug, 2023 Monday - Mombasa Magabi celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
24 Aug, 2023 Thursday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
22 Aug, 2023 Tuesday - Quentain Martell celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
19 Aug, 2023 Saturday - Chad Smith celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
18 Aug, 2023 Friday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
06 Aug, 2023 Sunday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
04 Aug, 2023 Friday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
01 Aug, 2023 Tuesday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
22 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 Jul, 2023 Friday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
18 Jul, 2023 Tuesday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
17 Jul, 2023 Monday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
06 Jul, 2023 Thursday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
05 Jul, 2023 Wednesday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
01 Jul, 2023 Saturday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
25 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Lee Murray celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
24 Jun, 2023 Saturday - Romulus Germanicus celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
19 Jun, 2023 Monday - Danny Bond celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
12 Jun, 2023 Monday - Hercules Hoost celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
10 Jun, 2023 Saturday - Zulu Ingalu celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
07 Jun, 2023 Wednesday - Lamar Karter celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
07 Jun, 2023 Wednesday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
04 Jun, 2023 Sunday - Mombasa Magabi celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
31 May, 2023 Wednesday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
29 May, 2023 Monday - Quentain Martell celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
26 May, 2023 Friday - Chad Smith celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
25 May, 2023 Thursday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
13 May, 2023 Saturday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
11 May, 2023 Thursday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
08 May, 2023 Monday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
28 Apr, 2023 Friday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
27 Apr, 2023 Thursday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
24 Apr, 2023 Monday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
23 Apr, 2023 Sunday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
12 Apr, 2023 Wednesday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
11 Apr, 2023 Tuesday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
07 Apr, 2023 Friday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
01 Apr, 2023 Saturday - Lee Murray celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
31 Mar, 2023 Friday - Romulus Germanicus celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Danny Bond celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
19 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Hercules Hoost celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
17 Mar, 2023 Friday - Zulu Ingalu celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
14 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Lamar Karter celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
14 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
11 Mar, 2023 Saturday - Mombasa Magabi celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
09 Mar, 2023 Thursday - Released the fighter - Andriy Yarmalenko
08 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Removed Jesus Christ Karter from the free agent list.
08 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Removed Cavalho Atunes from the free agent list.
08 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Removed Andriy Yarmalenko from the free agent list.
07 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Released a fighter -
07 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Released a fighter -
07 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - Released a fighter -
07 Mar, 2023 Tuesday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
05 Mar, 2023 Sunday - Quentain Martell celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
02 Mar, 2023 Thursday - Chad Smith celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
01 Mar, 2023 Wednesday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
17 Feb, 2023 Friday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
15 Feb, 2023 Wednesday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
12 Feb, 2023 Sunday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
02 Feb, 2023 Thursday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
01 Feb, 2023 Wednesday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
29 Jan, 2023 Sunday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
28 Jan, 2023 Saturday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
17 Jan, 2023 Tuesday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
16 Jan, 2023 Monday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
12 Jan, 2023 Thursday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
11 Jan, 2023 Wednesday - Andriy Yarmalenko celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
09 Jan, 2023 Monday - Released the fighter - Yoniel Hernandez
06 Jan, 2023 Friday - Created a new fighter - Lee Murray
05 Jan, 2023 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Romulus Germanicus
31 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Danny Bond
24 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Hercules Hoost
23 Dec, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Idi Nima
22 Dec, 2022 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Zulu Ingalu
21 Dec, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Yoniel Hernandez moved base to - New York
19 Dec, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Lamar Karter
19 Dec, 2022 Monday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
16 Dec, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Mombasa Magabi
12 Dec, 2022 Monday - Idi Nima celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
12 Dec, 2022 Monday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
10 Dec, 2022 Saturday - Quentain Martell celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
08 Dec, 2022 Thursday - Fighter: Idi Nima moved base to - New York
08 Dec, 2022 Thursday - Picked up Idi Nima from the free agents list
08 Dec, 2022 Thursday - Picked up Yoniel Hernandez from the free agents list
07 Dec, 2022 Wednesday - Chad Smith celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
06 Dec, 2022 Tuesday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
24 Nov, 2022 Thursday - Sumbu Kalambay celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Nov, 2022 Tuesday - Jao Atunes celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
19 Nov, 2022 Saturday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
15 Nov, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Carlotti Camponeilli
09 Nov, 2022 Wednesday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
08 Nov, 2022 Tuesday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
05 Nov, 2022 Saturday - Fighter: Quentain Martell moved base to - New York
05 Nov, 2022 Saturday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
05 Nov, 2022 Saturday - Picked up Quentain Martell from the free agents list
04 Nov, 2022 Friday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
29 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Sugar Ray Karter
29 Oct, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk
28 Oct, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Vaga Duran
28 Oct, 2022 Friday - Picked up Chad Smith from the free agents list
26 Oct, 2022 Wednesday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
24 Oct, 2022 Monday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
23 Oct, 2022 Sunday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
19 Oct, 2022 Wednesday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
18 Oct, 2022 Tuesday - Andriy Yarmalenko celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
14 Oct, 2022 Friday - Sugar Ray Karter celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
25 Sep, 2022 Sunday - Rock Jay celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Sep, 2022 Thursday - Released the fighter - Jesper Elliason
18 Sep, 2022 Sunday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
12 Sep, 2022 Monday - Raja Guru celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
09 Sep, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Carlotti Camponeilli
07 Sep, 2022 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Xavier Fuguusa
31 Aug, 2022 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Sumbu Kalambay
29 Aug, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jao Atunes
26 Aug, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Xavier Fuguusa
26 Aug, 2022 Friday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
23 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Jesper Elliason
16 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Attila Hun celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
15 Aug, 2022 Monday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
12 Aug, 2022 Friday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
11 Aug, 2022 Thursday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
08 Aug, 2022 Monday - Vaga Duran celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Aug, 2022 Tuesday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
01 Aug, 2022 Monday - Fighter: Raja Guru moved base to - New York
01 Aug, 2022 Monday - Picked up Raja Guru from the free agents list
31 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
30 Jul, 2022 Saturday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
26 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Jimbo Thump
26 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Released the fighter - James Jones
26 Jul, 2022 Tuesday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
25 Jul, 2022 Monday - Andriy Yarmalenko celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Jul, 2022 Monday - Picked up Attila Hun from the free agents list
24 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Picked up James Jones from the free agents list
24 Jul, 2022 Sunday - Picked up Jimbo Thump from the free agents list
22 Jul, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Jango Watts
21 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Sugar Ray Karter celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
21 Jul, 2022 Thursday - Picked up Rock Jay from the free agents list
25 Jun, 2022 Saturday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
24 Jun, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Hunter Broderick
06 Jun, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Mengrire Krenakore
06 Jun, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Siegfried Ragnarssom
02 Jun, 2022 Thursday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
01 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Fighter: Mengrire Krenakore moved base to - New York
01 Jun, 2022 Wednesday - Picked up Mengrire Krenakore from the free agents list
23 May, 2022 Monday - Released the fighter - Randy Randalman
22 May, 2022 Sunday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
21 May, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Siegfried Ragnarssom
20 May, 2022 Friday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
19 May, 2022 Thursday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
18 May, 2022 Wednesday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
16 May, 2022 Monday - Jango Watts celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
15 May, 2022 Sunday - Vaga Duran celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
09 May, 2022 Monday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 May, 2022 Saturday - Cavalho Atunes celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
06 May, 2022 Friday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
04 May, 2022 Wednesday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
02 May, 2022 Monday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
01 May, 2022 Sunday - Andriy Yarmalenko celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
30 Apr, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Wolfblood Harvinggsson
27 Apr, 2022 Wednesday - Sugar Ray Karter celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
15 Apr, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Levander Stacey
15 Apr, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Tony Sharkey
15 Apr, 2022 Friday - Released the fighter - Primoz Roglic
12 Apr, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Tony Sharkey
11 Apr, 2022 Monday - Created a new fighter - Wolfblood Harvinggsson
01 Apr, 2022 Friday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
20 Mar, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Primoz Roglic
19 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Levander Stacey
19 Mar, 2022 Saturday - Retired a fighter - Joost Van Buren
09 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
02 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Ephram Urani
02 Mar, 2022 Wednesday - Retired a fighter - Archibald Knox
26 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
24 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
23 Feb, 2022 Wednesday - Khabib Nurmagomedov celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
21 Feb, 2022 Monday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
20 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Jango Watts
20 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Remco Evenpoel
20 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Lou Slugger
19 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Vaga Duran celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
13 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
11 Feb, 2022 Friday - Created a new fighter - Cavalho Atunes
10 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
10 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Lou Slugger celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
08 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
07 Feb, 2022 Monday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
06 Feb, 2022 Sunday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Andriy Yarmalenko
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Carver McClellan
05 Feb, 2022 Saturday - Released the fighter - Xavier Kane
03 Feb, 2022 Thursday - Remco Evenpoel celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
01 Feb, 2022 Tuesday - Sugar Ray Karter celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
19 Jan, 2022 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Carver McClellan
18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Xavier Kane
16 Jan, 2022 Sunday - Released the fighter - Adriano Atunes
06 Jan, 2022 Thursday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
06 Jan, 2022 Thursday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
04 Jan, 2022 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Adriano Atunes
31 Dec, 2021 Friday - Fighter: Khabib Nurmagomedov moved base to - New York
31 Dec, 2021 Friday - Picked up Khabib Nurmagomedov from the free agents list
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Jussi Seppa
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Xavier Vilderan
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Ingemar Tossen
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Hero Armaghadonov
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Conan Mugabi
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Bundi Ankea
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Jordi Barret
28 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Valasiliev Kalashnikov
17 Dec, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Ghilo Shamuba
14 Dec, 2021 Tuesday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
03 Dec, 2021 Friday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
01 Dec, 2021 Wednesday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
29 Nov, 2021 Monday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
28 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
26 Nov, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Valasiliev Kalashnikov
26 Nov, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Vaga Duran
26 Nov, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Rufus Buck
26 Nov, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Kong Roull
20 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
17 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Lou Slugger celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
17 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
15 Nov, 2021 Monday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
14 Nov, 2021 Sunday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Jordi Barret
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Bundi Ankea
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Conan Mugabi
13 Nov, 2021 Saturday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Hero Armaghadonov
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Utred Ragnarsson
11 Nov, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Ghilo Shamuba
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Rufus Buck
10 Nov, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Remco Evenpoel
09 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Kong Roull
09 Nov, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Xavier Vilderan
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jussi Seppa
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Utred Ragnarsson
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Ingemar Tossen
08 Nov, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Sugar Ray Karter
14 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - DeMario Valdez
13 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
13 Oct, 2021 Wednesday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
20 Sep, 2021 Monday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
09 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
07 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
05 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
04 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Elliot Rockwell
04 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
27 Aug, 2021 Friday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
24 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Lou Slugger celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
24 Aug, 2021 Tuesday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
22 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 Aug, 2021 Saturday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
20 Aug, 2021 Friday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
31 Jul, 2021 Saturday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
20 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - James Spencer celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
20 Jul, 2021 Tuesday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
19 Jul, 2021 Monday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
12 Jul, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Ragnar Freidrichsson
09 Jul, 2021 Friday - Ragnar Freidrichsson celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
27 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
24 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Fighter: Lou Slugger moved base to - New York
21 Jun, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Ghengis Khan
20 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Picked up Lou Slugger from the free agents list
16 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
14 Jun, 2021 Monday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
12 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
11 Jun, 2021 Friday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
03 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
02 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Walter Jackson
31 May, 2021 Monday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
31 May, 2021 Monday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
29 May, 2021 Saturday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
28 May, 2021 Friday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
27 May, 2021 Thursday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
14 May, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Giuseppe Turturro
07 May, 2021 Friday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
26 Apr, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - James Spencer
26 Apr, 2021 Monday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
25 Apr, 2021 Sunday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
22 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Settakian Fett
15 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Ragnar Freidrichsson
12 Apr, 2021 Monday - Ghengis Khan celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
04 Apr, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Ibrahim Camara
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Gareth Keenan Jr
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Jay Colina
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Phoenix Juggernaut
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Renato Atunes
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Released the fighter - Jose Rivelino Atunes
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
27 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Gareth Keenan Jr celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
23 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
21 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Mar, 2021 Friday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
18 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
14 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Henry Akinwande
14 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Phoenix Juggernaut celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
10 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
07 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
07 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
05 Mar, 2021 Friday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
05 Mar, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Digi Talis
04 Mar, 2021 Thursday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
03 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
26 Feb, 2021 Friday - Settakian Fett celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
24 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Ibrahim Camara celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
19 Feb, 2021 Friday - Giuseppe Turturro celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
17 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Digi Talis celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
11 Feb, 2021 Thursday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
04 Feb, 2021 Thursday - Jose Rivelino Atunes celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
31 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
30 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
28 Jan, 2021 Thursday - Renato Atunes celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
17 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Ghengis Khan
12 Jan, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Jay Colina
10 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Alex Ferreria
10 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Antonio Atunes
08 Jan, 2021 Friday - Red Jesus Karter celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
01 Jan, 2021 Friday - Gareth Keenan Jr celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
28 Dec, 2020 Monday - Jesus Christ Karter celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
26 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Randy Randalman celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
24 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
23 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
19 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Phoenix Juggernaut
19 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Walter Hartwell White
15 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
12 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
12 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
12 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
10 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
09 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
08 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Ife Edwards celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
05 Dec, 2020 Saturday - Picked up Char Xiu from the free agents list
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Fighter: Settakian Fett moved base to - New York
03 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Settakian Fett celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
01 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Ibrahim Camara celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
26 Nov, 2020 Thursday - Giuseppe Turturro celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Digi Talis celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
22 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Fighter: Randy Randalman moved base to - New York
22 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Randy Randalman from the free agents list
20 Nov, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Colin Kaepernick
18 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
15 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Tim Sanchez
15 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Fighter: Lelldorin Of Wildantor moved base to - New York
15 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Lelldorin Of Wildantor from the free agents list
11 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - Jose Rivelino Atunes celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
11 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - Alex Ferreria celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
08 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Bobo Nielsen
07 Nov, 2020 Saturday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
06 Nov, 2020 Friday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
05 Nov, 2020 Thursday - Colin Kaepernick celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
04 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - Renato Atunes celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
01 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Fighter: Ife Edwards moved base to - New York
01 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Ife Edwards from the free agents list
21 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Antonio Atunes celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
14 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Bobo Nielsen celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
08 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Gareth Keenan Jr celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Tim Sanchez celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Walter Hartwell White celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
30 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
29 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
21 Sep, 2020 Monday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
18 Sep, 2020 Friday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
18 Sep, 2020 Friday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
18 Sep, 2020 Friday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
16 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
15 Sep, 2020 Tuesday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
12 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Leonardo Atunes
09 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Settakian Fett celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
07 Sep, 2020 Monday - Ibrahim Camara celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
02 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Giuseppe Turturro celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
31 Aug, 2020 Monday - Digi Talis celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
25 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
18 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Jose Rivelino Atunes
18 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Rigo Duran
18 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Rigo Duran celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
18 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Alex Ferreria celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
14 Aug, 2020 Friday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
13 Aug, 2020 Thursday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
12 Aug, 2020 Wednesday - Colin Kaepernick celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
11 Aug, 2020 Tuesday - Renato Atunes celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
28 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Antonio Atunes celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
21 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Bobo Nielsen celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
15 Jul, 2020 Wednesday - Gareth Keenan Jr celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Tim Sanchez celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Walter Hartwell White celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
07 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
06 Jul, 2020 Monday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
29 Jun, 2020 Monday - Leonardo Atunes celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
28 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
25 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
25 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
25 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
23 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Hunter Broderick celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
22 Jun, 2020 Monday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
16 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Settakian Fett celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
14 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Ibrahim Camara celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
09 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Giuseppe Turturro celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
07 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Digi Talis celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
01 Jun, 2020 Monday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
25 May, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Rigo Duran
25 May, 2020 Monday - Alex Ferreria celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
22 May, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Reinhard Heydrich
21 May, 2020 Thursday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
20 May, 2020 Wednesday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
19 May, 2020 Tuesday - Colin Kaepernick celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
18 May, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Renato Atunes
18 May, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Remco Evenpoel
09 May, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Remco Evenpoel
09 May, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Casper Hawkins
04 May, 2020 Monday - Antonio Atunes celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
27 Apr, 2020 Monday - Bobo Nielsen celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
21 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Gareth Keenan Jr celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
20 Apr, 2020 Monday - Tim Sanchez celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
20 Apr, 2020 Monday - Walter Hartwell White celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
13 Apr, 2020 Monday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
12 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
05 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Leonardo Atunes celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
04 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Casper Hawkins
04 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Wilhelm Van Hoodonk
04 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Orlando Toney
04 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Michael Sorbet
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Hunter Broderick
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Michael Sorbet
30 Mar, 2020 Monday - Created a new fighter - Orlando Toney
29 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
23 Mar, 2020 Monday - Settakian Fett celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
21 Mar, 2020 Saturday - Sodomy Hussein celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
16 Mar, 2020 Monday - Giuseppe Turturro celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
14 Mar, 2020 Saturday - Digi Talis celebrated his birthday - 25 today!
10 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Reinhard Heydrich celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
08 Mar, 2020 Sunday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
06 Mar, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Geo Versu
06 Mar, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Bostar Tyraanicao
06 Mar, 2020 Friday - Retired a fighter - Hector Camacho
03 Mar, 2020 Tuesday - Bostar Tyraanicao celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
01 Mar, 2020 Sunday - Alex Ferreria celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
26 Feb, 2020 Wednesday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
25 Feb, 2020 Tuesday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
24 Feb, 2020 Monday - Colin Kaepernick celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
17 Feb, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Tim Sanchez moved base to - New York
17 Feb, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Walter Hartwell White moved base to - New York
17 Feb, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Gareth Keenan Jr moved base to - New York
17 Feb, 2020 Monday - Picked up Gareth Keenan Jr from the free agents list
17 Feb, 2020 Monday - Picked up Tim Sanchez from the free agents list
17 Feb, 2020 Monday - Picked up Walter Hartwell White from the free agents list
13 Feb, 2020 Thursday - Picked up Colin Kaepernick from the free agents list
13 Feb, 2020 Thursday - Picked up Giuseppe Turturro from the free agents list
09 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Antonio Atunes celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
02 Feb, 2020 Sunday - Bobo Nielsen celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
01 Feb, 2020 Saturday - Hector Camacho celebrated his birthday - 45 today!
27 Jan, 2020 Monday - Released the fighter - Matsuda Taro
21 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Matsuda Taro celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
19 Jan, 2020 Sunday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
18 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
13 Jan, 2020 Monday - Geo Versu celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
11 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Leonardo Atunes celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
10 Jan, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Vernon Wells
07 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
07 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
07 Jan, 2020 Tuesday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
04 Jan, 2020 Saturday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
29 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Settakian Fett celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
27 Dec, 2019 Friday - Sodomy Hussein celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
20 Dec, 2019 Friday - Digi Talis celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
16 Dec, 2019 Monday - Reinhard Heydrich celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
15 Dec, 2019 Sunday - Released the fighter - Sabre Sloane
14 Dec, 2019 Saturday - DeMario Valdez celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
09 Dec, 2019 Monday - Bostar Tyraanicao celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
07 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Vernon Wells celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
07 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Sabre Sloane celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
07 Dec, 2019 Saturday - Alex Ferreria celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
03 Dec, 2019 Tuesday - Joost Van Buren celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
02 Dec, 2019 Monday - Elliot Rockwell celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
16 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Antonio Atunes celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
14 Nov, 2019 Thursday - Released the fighter - Ajax Aquila Corvus
09 Nov, 2019 Saturday - Bobo Nielsen celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
08 Nov, 2019 Friday - Hector Camacho celebrated his birthday - 44 today!
28 Oct, 2019 Monday - Matsuda Taro celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
26 Oct, 2019 Saturday - Edison Atunes celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
25 Oct, 2019 Friday - Ephram Urani celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
20 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Geo Versu celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
20 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Sodomy Hussein moved base to - New York
20 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Picked up Sodomy Hussein from the free agents list
18 Oct, 2019 Friday - Leonardo Atunes celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
14 Oct, 2019 Monday - Vincent Lomax celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
14 Oct, 2019 Monday - Henry Akinwande celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
14 Oct, 2019 Monday - Walter Jackson celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Matsuda Taro moved location to - New York
13 Oct, 2019 Sunday - Fighter: Matsuda Taro moved location to - London
11 Oct, 2019 Friday - Archibald Knox celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
08 Oct, 2019 Tuesday - Fighter: Leonardo Atunes moved location to - New York

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