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Milo Paris (69848) - Manager

Recent Events

21 Jan, 2022 Friday - Kwasi Kwong celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
28 Oct, 2021 Thursday - Kwasi Kwong celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Paolo Del Geno
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Zachary Klimenko
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Jack Adlehyde
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Rico Paco
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Mickey Cowan
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Oscar Gage
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Ivan Kamenev
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Mahmoud Hussein
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Johan Olsen
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Tud Stoddler
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Petdee Sitsongrit
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Danny Wyadd
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Samak Ruenroeng
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Phuc Dat Bich
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Mike Ziskie
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Cecilia Roughknight
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Maria Cortez
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Wallace Cobb
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Eric Distefano
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Tyler Alvarez
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Vinny Corcoran
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Marco Paris
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Tommy Walcott
19 Oct, 2021 Tuesday - Released a fighter - Earl Lee Grace
18 Oct, 2021 Monday - Tud Stoddler celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
17 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Maria Cortez celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
17 Oct, 2021 Sunday - Cecilia Roughknight celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
30 Sep, 2021 Thursday - Paolo Del Geno celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
26 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Samak Ruenroeng celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
25 Sep, 2021 Saturday - Tommy Walcott celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
20 Sep, 2021 Monday - Danny Wyadd celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
14 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Tyler Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
14 Sep, 2021 Tuesday - Johan Olsen celebrated his birthday - 31 today!
12 Sep, 2021 Sunday - Ivan Kamenev celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
03 Sep, 2021 Friday - Earl Lee Grace celebrated his birthday - 38 today!
30 Aug, 2021 Monday - Jack Adlehyde celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
30 Aug, 2021 Monday - Zachary Klimenko celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
30 Aug, 2021 Monday - Rico Paco celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Mickey Cowan celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Oscar Gage celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Mahmoud Hussein celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
29 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Eric Distefano celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
25 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
25 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Marco Paris celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
25 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Vinny Corcoran celebrated his birthday - 24 today!
20 Aug, 2021 Friday - Mike Ziskie celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
19 Aug, 2021 Thursday - Wallace Cobb celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
16 Aug, 2021 Monday - Petdee Sitsongrit celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
15 Aug, 2021 Sunday - Phuc Dat Bich celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
04 Aug, 2021 Wednesday - Kwasi Kwong celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
25 Jul, 2021 Sunday - Tud Stoddler celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
24 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Maria Cortez celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
24 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Cecilia Roughknight celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
07 Jul, 2021 Wednesday - Paolo Del Geno celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
03 Jul, 2021 Saturday - Samak Ruenroeng celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
02 Jul, 2021 Friday - Tommy Walcott celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
27 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Danny Wyadd celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
21 Jun, 2021 Monday - Tyler Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
21 Jun, 2021 Monday - Johan Olsen celebrated his birthday - 30 today!
19 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Ivan Kamenev celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
10 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Earl Lee Grace celebrated his birthday - 37 today!
06 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Jack Adlehyde celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
06 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Zachary Klimenko celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
06 Jun, 2021 Sunday - Rico Paco celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Oscar Gage celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Mickey Cowan celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Eric Distefano celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
05 Jun, 2021 Saturday - Mahmoud Hussein celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
03 Jun, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Owen Alvarez
02 Jun, 2021 Wednesday - Owen Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Marco Paris celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
01 Jun, 2021 Tuesday - Vinny Corcoran celebrated his birthday - 23 today!
27 May, 2021 Thursday - Mike Ziskie celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
26 May, 2021 Wednesday - Wallace Cobb celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
23 May, 2021 Sunday - Petdee Sitsongrit celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
22 May, 2021 Saturday - Phuc Dat Bich celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
16 May, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Johnny Bronco
11 May, 2021 Tuesday - Kwasi Kwong celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
05 May, 2021 Wednesday - Johnny Bronco celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
01 May, 2021 Saturday - Tud Stoddler celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
30 Apr, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Maria Cortez
30 Apr, 2021 Friday - Created a new fighter - Cecilia Roughknight
30 Apr, 2021 Friday - Picked up Phuc Dat Bich from the free agents list
20 Apr, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Javier Tapia
13 Apr, 2021 Tuesday - Paolo Del Geno celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
09 Apr, 2021 Friday - Samak Ruenroeng celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
08 Apr, 2021 Thursday - Tommy Walcott celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
03 Apr, 2021 Saturday - Danny Wyadd celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
02 Apr, 2021 Friday - Released the fighter - Jack P Olsen
28 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Johan Olsen celebrated his birthday - 29 today!
28 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Tyler Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
26 Mar, 2021 Friday - Ivan Kamenev celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
22 Mar, 2021 Monday - Won $1,170 on Spin and Win!
21 Mar, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Marco Tulio
17 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Javier Tapia celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
17 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Earl Lee Grace celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
16 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Marco Tulio
13 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Jack Adlehyde celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
13 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Zachary Klimenko celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
13 Mar, 2021 Saturday - Rico Paco celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Oscar Gage celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Mickey Cowan celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Eric Distefano celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
12 Mar, 2021 Friday - Mahmoud Hussein celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
09 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Owen Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
08 Mar, 2021 Monday - Marco Paris celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
08 Mar, 2021 Monday - Vinny Corcoran celebrated his birthday - 22 today!
03 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Enzo Williams
03 Mar, 2021 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Mike Ziskie
02 Mar, 2021 Tuesday - Wallace Cobb celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
27 Feb, 2021 Saturday - Petdee Sitsongrit celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
24 Feb, 2021 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Vasili Lobchov
20 Feb, 2021 Saturday - Created a new fighter - Enzo Williams
18 Feb, 2021 Thursday - Released the fighter - Hakim Hakimi
15 Feb, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Hakim Hakimi
15 Feb, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Kwasi Kwong
15 Feb, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jack P Olsen
09 Feb, 2021 Tuesday - Johnny Bronco celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
05 Feb, 2021 Friday - Tud Stoddler celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
02 Feb, 2021 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Jose Del Geno
18 Jan, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Jose Del Geno
18 Jan, 2021 Monday - Created a new fighter - Paolo Del Geno
18 Jan, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Riccardo Fernandes
18 Jan, 2021 Monday - Released the fighter - Magnus Pyke
14 Jan, 2021 Thursday - Samak Ruenroeng celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
13 Jan, 2021 Wednesday - Fighter: Tud Stoddler moved base to - London
13 Jan, 2021 Wednesday - Tommy Walcott celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
13 Jan, 2021 Wednesday - Picked up Tud Stoddler from the free agents list
12 Jan, 2021 Tuesday - Vasili Lobchov celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
10 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Fighter: Vasili Lobchov moved base to - London
10 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Released the fighter - Billy Caravaggio
10 Jan, 2021 Sunday - Picked up Vasili Lobchov from the free agents list
08 Jan, 2021 Friday - Danny Wyadd celebrated his birthday - 33 today!
02 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Riccardo Fernandes celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Tyler Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
02 Jan, 2021 Saturday - Johan Olsen celebrated his birthday - 28 today!
31 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Ivan Kamenev celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
22 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Timmy McVitie
22 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Javier Tapia
22 Dec, 2020 Tuesday - Earl Lee Grace celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - John Rydeland
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Zachary Klimenko
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Jack Adlehyde
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Rico Paco
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Zachary Klimenko
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Jack Adlehyde
18 Dec, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Rico Paco
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Timmy McVitie
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Billy Caravaggio
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Mickey Cowan
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Oscar Gage
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Zachary Klimenko
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Jack Adlehyde
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Rico Paco
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Youssef Bennani
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Eric Distefano celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
17 Dec, 2020 Thursday - Mahmoud Hussein celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
14 Dec, 2020 Monday - Owen Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
13 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Marco Paris celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
13 Dec, 2020 Sunday - Vinny Corcoran celebrated his birthday - 21 today!
09 Dec, 2020 Wednesday - Released the fighter - Chakree Somchai
07 Dec, 2020 Monday - Wallace Cobb celebrated his birthday - 34 today!
04 Dec, 2020 Friday - Petdee Sitsongrit celebrated his birthday - 32 today!
30 Nov, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Tommy Walcott moved base to - London
29 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Tommy Walcott from the free agents list
27 Nov, 2020 Friday - Fighter: Petdee Sitsongrit moved base to - London
27 Nov, 2020 Friday - Picked up Petdee Sitsongrit from the free agents list
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Ronaldo Arantes
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Fighter: Samak Ruenroeng moved base to - London
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Picked up Samak Ruenroeng from the free agents list
24 Nov, 2020 Tuesday - Picked up Ronaldo Arantes from the free agents list
23 Nov, 2020 Monday - Fighter: Wallace Cobb moved base to - London
23 Nov, 2020 Monday - Picked up Earl Lee Grace from the free agents list
23 Nov, 2020 Monday - Picked up Wallace Cobb from the free agents list
23 Nov, 2020 Monday - Picked up Johnny Bronco from the free agents list
20 Nov, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Altair Brain
14 Nov, 2020 Saturday - John Rydeland celebrated his birthday - 39 today!
11 Nov, 2020 Wednesday - Won 5 days free VIP on Spin and Win!
01 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Retired a fighter - Johan Olsen
01 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Magnus Pyke celebrated his birthday - 36 today!
01 Nov, 2020 Sunday - Picked up John Rydeland from the free agents list
29 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Fighter: Danny Wyadd moved base to - London
29 Oct, 2020 Thursday - Picked up Danny Wyadd from the free agents list
23 Oct, 2020 Friday - Altair Brain celebrated his birthday - 42 today!
11 Oct, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - TJ Kool
09 Oct, 2020 Friday - Johan Olsen celebrated his birthday - 27 today!
09 Oct, 2020 Friday - Riccardo Fernandes celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
09 Oct, 2020 Friday - Tyler Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Youssef Bennani celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
07 Oct, 2020 Wednesday - Ivan Kamenev celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Eric Distefano celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
23 Sep, 2020 Wednesday - Mahmoud Hussein celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
20 Sep, 2020 Sunday - Owen Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
19 Sep, 2020 Saturday - TJ Kool celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
19 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Marco Paris celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
19 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Chakree Somchai celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
19 Sep, 2020 Saturday - Vinny Corcoran celebrated his birthday - 20 today!
28 Aug, 2020 Friday - Released the fighter - Pascal Gouveia
17 Aug, 2020 Monday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
08 Aug, 2020 Saturday - Magnus Pyke celebrated his birthday - 35 today!
30 Jul, 2020 Thursday - Released the fighter - Buster Gruff
30 Jul, 2020 Thursday - Altair Brain celebrated his birthday - 41 today!
27 Jul, 2020 Monday - Won 42 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
16 Jul, 2020 Thursday - Tyler Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
16 Jul, 2020 Thursday - Johan Olsen celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
16 Jul, 2020 Thursday - Riccardo Fernandes celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Ivan Kamenev
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Marlon Oliveira
14 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Youssef Bennani
07 Jul, 2020 Tuesday - Buster Gruff celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
05 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Fighter: Pascal Gouveia moved base to - London
05 Jul, 2020 Sunday - Released the fighter - Lenny Hutchens
30 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Pascal Gouveia
30 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Mahmoud Hussein
30 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Created a new fighter - Eric Distefano
27 Jun, 2020 Saturday - Owen Alvarez celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jun, 2020 Friday - TJ Kool celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jun, 2020 Friday - Marco Paris celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jun, 2020 Friday - Chakree Somchai celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jun, 2020 Friday - Vinny Corcoran celebrated his birthday - 19 today!
26 Jun, 2020 Friday - Lenny Hutchens celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
25 Jun, 2020 Thursday - Marlon Oliveira celebrated his birthday - 26 today!
14 Jun, 2020 Sunday - Won 33 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
09 Jun, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Lale Oles
17 May, 2020 Sunday - Fighter: Magnus Pyke moved base to - London
17 May, 2020 Sunday - Picked up Magnus Pyke from the free agents list
10 May, 2020 Sunday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
07 May, 2020 Thursday - Fighter: Marlon Oliveira moved base to - London
06 May, 2020 Wednesday - Altair Brain celebrated his birthday - 40 today!
03 May, 2020 Sunday - Won $288 on Spin and Win!
03 May, 2020 Sunday - Won 13 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
02 May, 2020 Saturday - Fighter: Lale Oles moved base to - London
02 May, 2020 Saturday - Fighter: Buster Gruff moved base to - London
25 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Fighter: Altair Brain moved base to - London
22 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Riccardo Fernandes
22 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Tyler Alvarez
22 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Johan Olsen
21 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Fighter: Altair Brain moved location to - Tokyo
21 Apr, 2020 Tuesday - Released the fighter - Timi Poku
19 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Won 46 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
18 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Fighter: Chakree Somchai moved base to - London
12 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Created a new fighter - Buster Gruff
11 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Started a new Premium Gym - FLAPS: Fight {London} Academy: Paris & Sons
05 Apr, 2020 Sunday - Won $4,050 on Spin and Win!
04 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Released the fighter - Dale Power
04 Apr, 2020 Saturday - Picked up Altair Brain from the free agents list
03 Apr, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Owen Alvarez
03 Apr, 2020 Friday - Created a new fighter - Timi Poku
03 Apr, 2020 Friday - Moved base to London
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Started a new company - Sydney Fight Gear (London Rebirth)
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Vinny Corcoran
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Chakree Somchai
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Marco Paris
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - TJ Kool
02 Apr, 2020 Thursday - Created a new fighter - Lenny Hutchens
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $365 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $7,560 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won 43 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won 90 days free VIP on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $945 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $54 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $16,500 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won a free custom avatar on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $105 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won $945 on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won 72 Lottery Tickets on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Won a fighter IQ test on Spin and Win!
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Dale Power
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Lale Oles
01 Apr, 2020 Wednesday - Created a new fighter - Marlon Oliveira

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